Presenter: Mike Jensen

Commission Agenda Item No. 4
FY 2010 Operating and Capital Budget
TPWD Budget and Investment Policy Resolutions
August 27, 2009

I. Executive Summary: The Commission is considering the approval of the FY 2010 operating and capital budget, as well as the Budget and Investment Policy Resolutions.

II. Discussion: Request for Approval of the Proposed FY 2010 Operating and Capital Budget and the Budget and Investment Policy Resolutions:

The proposed combined budget for fiscal year 2010 is based on legislative appropriations and other authority provided in special provisions and the supplemental appropriations bill.

Through the budget policy, the Commission authorizes the Executive Director to approve and execute, or have executed on his behalf, necessary expenditures, budget adjustments and transfers. Budget adjustments, excluding federal grants and bonds, which exceed $250,000 require prior approval of the Chairman of the Commission and the Chairman of the Finance Committee. The Investment Policy must be reviewed annually by the Commission as required by statute. All Texas Parks and Wildlife Department funds, with a few exceptions, are required to be deposited in the State Treasury. The policy also includes requirements for bank accounts, training and other reporting requirements.

III. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

"The Executive Director is authorized to expend funds to operate the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in accordance with the Proposed FY 2010 Operating and Capital Budget (Exhibits A and B). The Commission also approves the Budget Policy (Exhibit C), and the Investment Policy (Exhibit D)."

Attachments - 4

  1. Exhibit A - FY 2010 Agency Budget by Strategy
  2. Exhibit B - FY 2010 Operating and Capital Budget by Division/Object of Expense
  3. Exhibit C - Budget Policy
  4. Exhibit D - Investment Policy

Commission Agenda Item No. 4
Exhibit A

FY 2010 Agency Budget by Strategy

Division Salaries & Other Operating Grants Debt Service Benefits Capital Budget Grand Total FTE
Administrative Resources 6,133,164 1,423,692 1,668,963 30,286 9,256,105 138.0
Coastal Fisheries 9,714,864 6,557,000 2,802,442 139,668 19,213,974 201.0
Communications 4,237,827 3,991,836 237,800 1,053,175 37,000 9,557,638 85.0
Departmentwide 13,153,081 7,497,102 4,745,197 25,395,380 0.0
Executive 2,011,690 443,261 469,396 2,924,347 32.0
Human Resources 1,437,410 284,102 356,610 2,078,122 27.5
Information Technology 5,584,446 1,080,261 1,338,235 6,653,580 14,656,522 93.0
Infrastructure 5,038,295 1,211,563 1,296,038 241,145 7,787,041 137.0
Inland Fisheries 11,498,043 4,650,430 2,857,196 141,168 19,146,837 225.0
Law Enforcement 36,324,507 11,259,748 9,798,825 2,981,000 60,364,080 657.5
Legal 777,665 65,210 164,536 1,007,411 11.5
Local Parks 907,335 562,668 26,852,283 273,315 28,595,601 17.0
State Parks 46,822,513 23,362,356 14,083,453 7,861,289 92,129,611 1,352.0
Wildlife 15,845,681 8,286,106 3,000 4,349,111 420,000 28,903,898 319.5
Capital Construction 123,819,415 123,819,415
Capital Land Acquisition 11,416,191 11,416,191
GLO Transfer 12,596,804 12,596,804
Grand Total 146,333,440 76,331,314 39,689,887 7,497,102 40,511,295 158,485,939 468,848,977 3,296.0

Commission Agenda Item No. 4
Exhibit B

FY 2010 Operating and Capital Budget by Division/Object of Expense

Strategy FY10 Amount
A.1.1. Wildlife Conservation 21,548,534
A.1.2. Technical Guidance 2,210,892
A.1.3. Hunting and Wildlife Recreation 2,480,525
A.2.1. Inland Fisheries Management 13,199,536
A.2.2. Inland Hatcheries Operations 4,740,850
A.2.3. Coastal Fisheries Management 14,380,495
A.2.4. Coastal Hatcheries Operations 2,732,402
B.1.1. State Park Operations 70,387,057
B.1.2. Parks Minor Repair Program 4,582,171
B.1.3. Parks Support 4,082,828
B.2.1. Local Park Grants 21,069,027
B.2.2. Boating Access and Other Grants 7,306,341
C.1.1. Enforcement Programs 47,201,472
C.1.2. Warden Training Academy 2,086,077
C.1.3. Law Enforcement Support 2,207,921
C.2.1. Hunter and Boater Education 1,568,948
C.2.2. TP&W Magazine 2,452,735
C.2.3. Communication Products and Services 3,296,576
C.2.4. Outreach and Education 1,452,924
C.3.1. License Issuance 7,395,918
C.3.2. Boat Registration and Titling 1,439,723
D.1.1. Improvements and Major Repairs 140,853,889
D.1.2. Land Acquisition 11,749,346
D.1.3. Infrastructure Administration 4,309,399
D.1.4. Debt Service 7,497,102
E.1.1. Central Administration 10,224,357
E.1.2. Information Resources 12,086,223
E.1.3. Other Support Services 3,794,410
Other Activity-Payroll Related 40,511,299
Grand Total 468,848,977
Method of Finance FY10 Amount
01 General Revenue 136,293,812
02 GR Ded-Game, Fish, and Water Safety 129,896,129
03 GR Ded -State Parks 41,738,326
04 GR Ded — Other 5,759,764
05 Federal Funds 53,931,221
06 Other Funds 4,900,373
GO Bonds 96,329,352
Grand Total 468,848,977

Commission Agenda Item No. 4
Exhibit C

Budget Policy

It is the policy of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to authorize the Executive Director to approve and execute or have executed on his behalf, expenditures, budget adjustments and transfers as follows:

  1. Adjust the budget to bring unexpended balances forward from prior year approved budgets.
  2. Adjust the budget for transfers between budgetary units, major expense categories, or line items.
  3. Adjust the budget to increase funds to allow payment of appraisal fees, witness fees, and investigation expenses on land acquisition and construction projects.
  4. Approve and/or execute contracts and interagency agreements necessary in the daily operation of the Department. Revenues derived from interagency agreements may be budgeted and expended.
  5. Adjust the budget for appropriated revenues, such as sale of equipment, donations, concessions, escrow, refunds, insurance proceeds, and publications revenue, so long as the expenditures are in agreement with the stated program goals and there will be sufficient cash during the fiscal year.
  6. Approve and/or execute construction, repair, or renovation budgets, contracts, interagency agreements, and change orders if necessary to complete a project as approved by the Commission. Adjust the budget from one Department facility major repair or development project to another or from available revenue to cover increased project costs or changes in scope.
  7. Allocate super combo license revenue to the related stamp funds according to the documented methodology and authorize the related transfers of revenue to appropriate accounts.
  8. Adjust the budget to cover the costs of lawsuits or settlements if deemed to be in the best interest of Texas Parks and Wildlife.
  9. Adjust the budget to place a Department facility into reasonable operation when its condition poses a health or safety hazard or seriously hampers its ability to function.
  10. Authorize classification changes anytime during a budgetary year, providing that such changes have been thoroughly justified and funds are available.
  11. Increase the number of positions when new facilities are placed into operation and/or new programs are implemented, staying within the authorized FTE limit.
  12. Adjust the budget to make capital expenditures for construction projects funded in part with proceeds of bonds issued by the Texas Public Finance Authority.
  13. Approve and/or execute the reimbursement of construction project costs with the proceeds of tax-exempt bonds issued by the Texas Public Finance Authority, pursuant to federal Internal Revenue Code guidelines.

The Chairman of the Commission and Chairman of the Finance Committee are authorized to increase, decrease or otherwise adjust the budget during the fiscal year based on revenue and expenditure information and document those actions as noted below. Any budget adjustments that exceed a threshold of $250,000, excluding federal and bond funds, require the prior approval of the Chairman of the Commission and Chairman of the Finance Committee through such means as a conference call or memo. Donations or gifts exceeding $500 shall be accepted by the Chairman of the Commission or Chairman of the Finance Committee on a monthly basis, with Commission acknowledgement of the acceptance of the donations at each scheduled Commission meeting.

Subject to notification of the TPW Commission of any changes to previously discussed purposes or uses of funds, the Department is authorized to use dedicated accounts and sub-accounts for purposes consistent with those outlined in relevant statutory provisions or administrative rules as set forth in the Texas Administrative Code.

This policy shall rescind any existing policy on budget adjustments and transfers.

APPROVED this the 27th day of August 2009.

In official recognition of the adoption of this resolution in a lawfully called public meeting of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, we hereby affix our signatures this 27th day of August 2009.


Peter M. Holt, Chairman


T. Dan Friedkin, Vice Chairman


Mark E. Bivins, Member


Ralph H. Duggins, Member


Antonio Falcon, M.D., Member


Karen J. Hixon, Member


Dan Allen Hughes, Jr., Member


Margaret Martin, Member


S. Reed Morian, Member

Commission Agenda Item No. 4
Exhibit D

Investment Policy

All funds administered by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) are required by law to be deposited in the treasury and invested by the Comptroller with the exception of the Operation Game Thief Fund, the Texas Park Development Fund, and the Lifetime License Endowment Account. Although not required, these funds, with the exception of the Operation Game Thief Fund, are also deposited in the treasury and invested by the Comptroller. TPWD will review the benefit of this arrangement and determine the feasibility of other investment opportunities.

APPROVED this the 27th day of August 2009.

In official recognition of the adoption of this resolution in a lawfully called public meeting of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, we hereby affix our signatures this 27th day of August 2009.


Peter M. Holt, Chairman


T. Dan Friedkin, Vice Chairman


Mark E. Bivins, Member


Ralph H. Duggins, Member


Antonio Falcon, M.D., Member


Karen J. Hixon, Member


Dan Allen Hughes, Jr., Member


Margaret Martin, Member


S. Reed Morian, Member