Presenter: Wendy Gordon

Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Designation of Representative to the Biological Advisory Team and the Citizen's Advisory Committee of the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan
November 5, 2009

I. Executive Summary: This item would designate Richard Heilbrun as the TPWD representative to the Biological Advisory Team and Deidre Hisler as the TPWD representative to the Citizen's Advisory Committee of the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan (SEPHCP).

II. Discussion: Bexar County is developing the SEPHCP consistent with the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code Chapter 83, Subchapter B, Habitat Protection by Political Subdivisions. Compliance with Chapter 83 requires formation of a Biological Advisory Team (BAT), and requires the TPW Commission to appoint a TPWD representative to the BAT who serves as its presiding officer. TPWD staff recommends Richard Heilbrun of the Wildlife Division to be the TPWD representative and presiding officer on the BAT. Likewise, Chapter 83 requires formation of a Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC), and requires the TPW Commission to appoint a TPWD representative to the CAC. TPWD staff recommends Deidre Hisler of the State Parks Division to be the TPWD representative on the CAC.

III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts by resolution (Exhibit A) the appointment of Richard Heilbrun of the Wildlife Division to be TPWD's representative on the SEPHCP Biological Advisory Team and the appointment of Deidre Hisler of the State Parks Division to be TPWD's representative on the SEPHCP Citizen's Advisory Committee."

Attachments - 1

  1. Exhibit A - Resolution

Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Exhibit A

Designation of Representative to the Biological Advisory Team and the Citizen's Advisory Committee of the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan

Whereas, Bexar County is developing the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan (SEPHCP) consistent with the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code Chapter 83, Subchapter B, Habitat Protection by Political Subdivisions;

Whereas, pursuant to Chapter 83 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code a Biological Advisory Team (BAT) and a Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC) will be formed in connection with the development of the SEPHCP;

Whereas, Chapter 83, Texas Parks and Wildlife Code requires the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to appoint at least one representative to the BAT, and choose the presiding officer of the BAT;

Whereas, Chapter, 83, Texas Parks and Wildlife Code also requires the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to appoint a representative to the CAC;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission that Richard Heilbrun of TPWD's Wildlife Division is appointed to be the TPWD representative and presiding officer on the Biological Advisory Team of the SEPHCP; and Deidre Hisler of TPWD's State Parks Division is appointed to be the TPWD representative on the SEPHCP Citizens Advisory Committee.

In official recognition of the adoption of this resolution in a lawfully called public meeting of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, we hereby affix our signatures this 5th day of November 2009.

Peter M. Holt, Chairman

T. Dan Friedkin, Vice-Chairman

Mark E. Bivins, Member

Ralph H. Duggins, Member

Antonio Falcon M.D., Member

Karen J. Hixon, Member

Dan Allen Hughes, Jr., Member

Margaret Martin, Member

S. Reed Morian, Member