Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
January 22, 2015
(Tex. Gov’t Code §2155.088)
Contract Number | Vendor Name | Type of Contract | Reason for Change | Original Term Date | Revised Term Date (if applicable) | Original Contract Amount | Revised Contract Amount (if applicable) | Percentage Change | Purchaser | Date Entered |
450196 | Central Texas Wholesale Bait | Standard-Goods | Extend contract term one month to allow time for a new contract solicitation. Increase quantities to allow park store to maintain adequate stock to meet customer needs. | 7/31/2014 | 8/31/2014 | $2,776.80 | $4,966.50 | 78.86% | Judy Ahrens | 7/31/2014 |
438787 | FedEX | Term-Services | To pay for additional shipping charges and invoicing received for FY 14. Original increase was presented at the last commission meeting with a price increase from $750 to $950 (26.67%); this secondary increase is an additional 21.05% | 8/31/2014 | 9/19/2014 | $950.00 | $1,150.00 | 21.05% | Frankie Mann | 8/8/2014 |
452779 | National Cotton Inc. dba Pier 77 Marine Service | Internal Repair | Repairs that we thought were going to be covered under warranty - Fuel issues were the cause not faulty parts. Now full cost of repairs is our responsibility. | 8/31/2014 | N/A | $3,000.00 | $4,478.73 | 49.29% | Virginia Pape | 8/8/2014 |
453455 | Coastal Machine & Mechanical | Internal Repair | Repairs were unknown until vendor disassembled and inspected fybroc pump. | 8/31/2014 | N/A | $2,500.00 | $7,680.00 | 207.20% | Patty Cardoza | 8/20/2014 |
456077 | AL CLAWSON DISPOSAL INC | Service | Increasing amount because the extent of the charges were unknown until the work was completed. Rental of roll off waste containers to clean up Granger WMA. | 10/31/2014 | N/A | $850.98 | $1,249.36 | 46.81% | Frankie Mann | 9/24/2014 |
451516 | Hill Country Pest Control of Fredericksburg | Service | Vendor misunderstood the Request for Quotation form. The amount vendor entered in the Extension field was for one quarterly treatment rather than a sum of 4 quarterly treatments. Park agreed to accept the change. | 8/31/2015 | N/A | $420.00 | $1,380.00 | 228.57% | Judy Ahrens | 9/29/2014 |
430003 | Jennifer Bristol | Service | Revise work hours for Communications (Outreach & Education) contract worker from approximate 20 hours per week, to approximate 20 - 40 hours per week effective 10/1/2014. Also renewed contract for 1 year period beginning 1/1/2015. | 12/31/2014 | 12/31/2015 | $59,000.00 | $105,250.00 | 178.39% | Mary Hardin | 11/14/2014 |