Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission

January 22, 2015
(Tex. Gov’t Code §2155.088)

Contract Number Vendor Name Type of Contract Reason for Change Original Term Date Revised Term Date (if applicable) Original Contract Amount Revised Contract Amount (if applicable) Percentage Change Purchaser Date Entered
450196 Central Texas Wholesale Bait Standard-Goods Extend contract term one month to allow time for a new contract solicitation. Increase quantities to allow park store to maintain adequate stock to meet customer needs. 7/31/2014 8/31/2014 $2,776.80 $4,966.50 78.86% Judy Ahrens 7/31/2014
438787 FedEX Term-Services To pay for additional shipping charges and invoicing received for FY 14. Original increase was presented at the last commission meeting with a price increase from $750 to $950 (26.67%); this secondary increase is an additional 21.05% 8/31/2014 9/19/2014 $950.00 $1,150.00 21.05% Frankie Mann 8/8/2014
452779 National Cotton Inc. dba Pier 77 Marine Service Internal Repair Repairs that we thought were going to be covered under warranty - Fuel issues were the cause not faulty parts. Now full cost of repairs is our responsibility. 8/31/2014 N/A $3,000.00 $4,478.73 49.29% Virginia Pape 8/8/2014
453455 Coastal Machine & Mechanical Internal Repair Repairs were unknown until vendor disassembled and inspected fybroc pump. 8/31/2014 N/A $2,500.00 $7,680.00 207.20% Patty Cardoza 8/20/2014
456077 AL CLAWSON DISPOSAL INC Service Increasing amount because the extent of the charges were unknown until the work was completed. Rental of roll off waste containers to clean up Granger WMA. 10/31/2014 N/A $850.98 $1,249.36 46.81% Frankie Mann 9/24/2014
451516 Hill Country Pest Control of Fredericksburg Service Vendor misunderstood the Request for Quotation form. The amount vendor entered in the Extension field was for one quarterly treatment rather than a sum of 4 quarterly treatments. Park agreed to accept the change. 8/31/2015 N/A $420.00 $1,380.00 228.57% Judy Ahrens 9/29/2014
430003 Jennifer Bristol Service Revise work hours for Communications (Outreach & Education) contract worker from approximate 20 hours per week, to approximate 20 - 40 hours per week effective 10/1/2014. Also renewed contract for 1 year period beginning 1/1/2015. 12/31/2014 12/31/2015 $59,000.00 $105,250.00 178.39% Mary Hardin 11/14/2014