Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth

Action Land Acquisition – Harrison County
Approximately 3.4 Acres at Caddo Lake State Park
January 22, 2015

I. Executive Summary: A 3.4-acre tract adjacent to Caddo Lake State Park is available for purchase and addition to the state park.

II. Discussion: The original acquisitions for Caddo Lake State Park occurred in the 1930’s, with initial park development at the hands of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The state park now consists of 484 acres, including CCC-built cabins, forested uplands, dense riparian vegetation, and frontage on Caddo Lake.

The entrance to the park traverses a relatively narrow strip of state park land. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has identified acquisition of tracts adjacent to this strip as a priority for managing impacts to the park visitor experience resulting from adjacent land uses. A sand and gravel operation adjacent to the park on the west side of this strip already compromises aesthetics and certain park uses in this area.

A 3.4-acre tract of land sandwiched between the sand and gravel operation and one of the park’s boundaries recently became available. One of TPWD’s east Texas conservation partners purchased the tract before it could be bought by another private owner and is holding the tract on behalf of TPWD.

III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to acquire approximately 3.4 acres in Harrison County for addition to Caddo Lake State Park.”

Attachments – 3

  1. Exhibit A – Location Map
  2. Exhibit B – Vicinity Map
  3. Exhibit C – Site Map

Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Exhibit A

Location Map for Caddo Lake State Park in Harrison County

Location Map for Caddo Lake State Park in Harrison County

Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Exhibit B

Vicinity Map for Caddo Lake State Park – 10 Miles Northeast of Marshall

Vicinity Map for Caddo Lake State Park - 10 Miles Northeast of Marshall

Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Exhibit C

Site Map of the Subject 3.4-Acre Tract at Caddo Lake State Park
Subject Tract Shown in Red

Site Map of the Subject 3.4-Acre Tract at Caddo Lake State Park - Subject Tract Shown in Red