Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Contract Number | Vendor Name | Type of Contract | Reason for Change | Original Term Date | Revised Term Date (if applicable) | Original Contract Amount | Revised Contract Amount (if applicable) | Percentage Change | Purchaser | Date Entered |
483994 | Oliver Pest Control | Purchase Order | Termite infestation treatment required for Headquarters building @ $1101.00 | 8/31/2017 | n/a | $640.00 | $1,741.00 | 172.03% | Judy Ahrens | 4/17/2017 |
494737 | Coastal Machine and Mechanical LLC | Purchase Order | Fybroc pump was taken in for diagnosis since repairs were unknown until pump was torn apart and therefore, a diagnosis fee was charged. Once it was torn up, vendor was able to pinpoint exact problem and quote cost to repair. | 4/5/2017 | 4/10/2017 | $1,040 | $5,160.00 | 396.15% | Patty Cardoza | 4/17/2017 |
493624 | Cosselmon Mechanical LLC | Purchase Order | EMERGENCY REPAIR (Original amount went from $2500 to $21900 and that changes is reported below). For POCN3, after work had begun, other discoveries were made that increased the scope of work, including an additional 35' of tunneling (from 25 to 60) for repairs to Hackberry Restroom facility. | 3/30/2017 | 4/28/2017 | $21,900 | $30,650.00 | 39.95% | Judy Alsobrook | 4/17/2017 |
492280 | Brandon & Clark, Inc | Purchase Order | INTERNAL REPAIR: After equipment was disassembled and evaluated, vendor was able to provide an in-depth estimate of necessary repairs. | 3/7/2017 | 5/9/2017 | $1,000.00 | $4,121.45 | 312.15% | Judy Alsobrook | 4/17/2017 |
493059 | Marvin Chaney dba A1 Quality Plumbing | Purchase Order | INTERNAL REPAIR: After equipment was disassembled and evaluated, vendor was able to provide an in-depth estimate of necessary repairs. | 3/31/2017 | n/a | $4,000.00 | $11,526.00 | 188.15% | Judy Alsobrook | 4/17/2017 |
491871 | Skinner's Well Service | Purchase Order | Internal repair. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. | 2/28/2017 | 3/31/2017 | $500.00 | $2,468.50 | 393.70% | Gwen Sullivan | 4/17/2017 |
493326 | James Bros Implement Co Inc | Purchase Order | INTERNAL REPAIR: After equipment was disassembled and evaluated, vendor was able to provide an in-depth estimate of necessary repairs. | 3/30/2017 | n/a | $2,900.00 | $3,638.69 | 25.47% | Judy Alsobrook | 4/17/2017 |
491994 | Cosselmon Mechanical LLC | Purchase Order | New issues were discovered, that kept the original scope of work from being completed. | 2/28/2017 | 3/31/2017 | $3,750.00 | $4,995.00 | 33.20% | Judy Alsobrook | 4/17/2017 |
493624 | Cosselmon Mechanical LLC | Purchase Order | INTERNAL REPAIR-After evaluation was made by vendor regarding necessary repairs, we increased amount to re-pipe the Hackberry Restroom facility. | 3/30/2017 | n/a | $2,500.00 | $21,900.00 | 776.00% | Judy Alsobrook | 4/17/2017 |
490109 | Republic Services dba Allied Waste Services | Purchase Order | Refuse removal from flood clean up is requiring more dumps (tonnage) and trips that anticipated | 4/11/2017 | 5/19/2017 | $1,675.90 | $3,958.25 | 136.19% | Judy Alsobrook | 4/17/2017 |
493450 | National Cotton/Pier 77 Marine | Purchase Order | After the RV Sabine was out of the water, additional work was found to be needed to protect the gelcoat. An additional amount of $1,060.00 was added on March 7, 2017 to complete the cleaning, polishing and waxing of the hull sides. | 3/6/2017 | 3/7/2017 | $3,210.00 | $4,270.00 | 33.02% | Shari Comer | 4/17/2017 |
493579 | Bird Kultgen Ford | Purchase Order | Internal repair. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate | 5/2/2017 | n/a | $700.00 | $2,312.56 | 230.37% | Judy Alsobrook | 4/19/2017 |
In official recognition of the adoption of this resolution in a lawfully called public meeting of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, we hereby affix our signatures this 25th day of May, 2017.
T. Dan Friedkin, Chairman
Ralph H. Duggins, Vice-Chairman
Anna B. Galo, Member
Bill Jones, Member
Jeanne W. Latimer, Member
James H. Lee, Member
S. Reed Morian, Member
Dick Scott, Member
Kelcy L. Warren, Member