Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Presenter: Pamela Wheeler
Matthew Kennedy

Survey of Employee Engagement
January 24, 2019

I.      Executive Summary: The State of Texas conducts a biennial Survey of Employee Engagement (SEE) for various state agencies. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Human Resources staff will present an agency overview of the 2018 SEE.

II.     Discussion: The Survey of Employee Engagement is an employee engagement tool that is used to optimize organizational human resources. The SEE provides information about issues experienced by the employees within an organization that ultimately impact the quality of services delivered to internal and external customers. The data collected in the SEE provides information about employees’ perceptions of the effectiveness of their state agency and about employee satisfaction within the agency.  Understanding the issues that are important to TPWD employees such as pay, employee benefits, and development opportunities is critical to attracting and retaining top-tier talent.