Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Presenter: Stan David
Exchange of Land – Anderson County
Approximately 100 Acres at the Big Lake Bottom Wildlife Management Area
August 26, 2021
I. Executive Summary: The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) staff has been negotiating an approximately 100-acre land exchange with an adjacent private landowner at the Big Lake Bottom Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Anderson County.
II. Discussion: The WMA lies adjacent to the Trinity River and is located about 10 miles southwest of Palestine. The WMA was purchased beginning in 1990 to preserve a tract of quality bottomland hardwood habitat which is rapidly disappearing in the Post Oak Savannah Ecoregion of Texas. The public use of the WMA has outgrown the current parking area and facilities. The proposal involves exchange of a single approximately 100-acre TPWD tract for two tracts totaling approximately 100 acres. The exchange would result in more acreage at the entrance of the WMA to provide the necessary space for TPWD to construct a larger parking area and visitor facilities.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to exchange approximately 100 acres in Anderson County for addition to the Big Lake Bottom Wildlife Management Area.”
Attachments – 3
Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Exhibit A
Location Map for Big Lake Bottom Wildlife Management Area in Anderson County

Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Exhibit B
Vicinity Map for Big Lake Bottom Wildlife Management Area (WMA)
10 Miles Southwest of Palestine

Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Exhibit C
Site Map Showing Location of Subject Tracts at Big Lake Bottom Wildlife Management Area (WMA)