Commission Agenda Item 5
November 7, 2024

Acquisition of Land – Bexar County and Medina County – Approximately 823 Acres at Government Canyon State Natural Area

I. Executive Summary:

Staff requests authorization to pursue the acquisition of an 823-acre tract of land adjacent to Government Canyon State Natural Area (SNA). This tract is available from a willing seller and would add excellent habitat and operational utility to the park.

II. Discussion:

Government Canyon SNA consists of approximately 12,000 acres situated along the edge of the Balcones Escarpment on the northwest side of San Antonio. The SNA is a karst preserve protecting the quality and supply of fresh water to the Edwards Aquifer, where topography and stratigraphy recharge the aquifer through a series of subterranean cracks and caves. The SNA protects thousands of acres of the aquifer’s recharge zone, as well as portions of the contributing and artesian zones. In addition, these crevices, fissures, and springs are home to several endangered invertebrates found nowhere else in the world.

Staff prioritizes acquiring state park inholdings and adjacent properties from willing sellers to minimize operational and management conflicts and ensure the conservation of TPWD public lands. Staff has identified this tract adjacent to Government Canyon SNA totaling approximately 823 acres. Acquisition of this tract will allow for future expansion of facilities to serve the north half of the SNA and expand trail opportunities while protecting critical Edwards Aquifer recharge zone.

III. Recommendation:

Staff recommends that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to acquire approximately 823 acres in Bexar and Medina Counties adjacent to Government Canyon State Natural Area from a willing seller.”

Attachments – 3

  1. Exhibit A – Location Map
  2. Exhibit B – Vicinity Map
  3. Exhibit C – Area Map of Proposed Acquisition

Exhibit A – Commission Agenda Item No. 5

Location Map for Government Canyon State Natural Area
Bexar County and Medina County

Exhibit B – Commission Agenda Item No. 5

Vicinity Map for Government Canyon State Natural Area
San Antonio, TX

Exhibit C – Commission Agenda Item No. 5

Area Map of Proposed Acquisition
Subject Tract in Yellow
Government Canyon State Natural Area in Red