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100% of your hunting and fishing license fees go to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for on-the-ground conservation efforts that help make Texas one of the best places in the country to hunt and fish.

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Paying it Forward: What Your Support Means in Texas

There are many reasons to be hopeful about hunting and fishing in Texas. One big reason is you. We cannot say THANK YOU enough to hunters, anglers and boaters for their many decades of support. We’re seeing a strong return on that investment, even with today’s conservation challenges.

For example, eastern wild turkeys have come back from a low of just 100 birds statewide in the 1940s to a healthy population that supports turkey hunting in 13 counties. We’re continuing with a “super stocking” approach to restore turkey in many more counties—efforts funded by licensed hunters.

On the coast, once abundant southern flounder are down by half since the 1980s. State fish hatcheries are now stocking more than 378,000 juvenile flounder in our bays every year, and two new facilities are being built to produce flounder year around.

In the Hill Country, biologists have worked for decades to save the Guadalupe bass from near extinction and, in the process, created a new river watershed approach to habitat management.

These breakthroughs are among many made possible with dollars from licensed anglers and registered boaters. Once again, thank you again for caring about our wild things and wild places. They need your support now more than ever!