All-Tackle Records for Amon G. Carter

Updated September 26, 2024

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All-Ages Records
Species Weight Length Date Angler Method
Bass, Largemouth 14.44 26.50 Mar 15, 1996 Steven Barron Rod and Reel
Carp, Common 17.00 31.50 Aug 5, 2018 Darrel Hordern Bow and Arrow
Catfish, Blue 47.58 42.00 Jul 15, 2023 Lisa Parks Rod and Reel
Catfish, Channel 16.10 33.00 May 19, 2020 Joe Barnhill Rod and Reel
Catfish, Flathead 50.80 47.00 Apr 1, 2005 Cory Talley Rod and Reel
Crappie, White 2.99 17.00 May 3, 2017 Mike Harpole Rod and Reel
Drum, Freshwater 17.92 Mar 23, 2022 Donna Walker Rod and Reel
Junior Angler Records
Species Weight Length Date Angler Method
Bass, Largemouth 6.80 22.50 Sep 16, 2023 Carson Caudle Rod and Reel
Catfish, Channel 3.90 21.50 Jul 6, 2023 Wilder Terry Rod and Reel