All-Tackle Records for Fort Parker State Park

Updated September 26, 2024

All Ages | Junior Angler | Return to record search | Submit your record!

All-Ages Records
Species Weight Length Date Angler Method
Bass, Largemouth 8.25 22.50 Oct 25, 1994 Chris Wimberly Rod and Reel
Bullhead, Yellow 1.67 13.50 Oct 29, 1995 Rick Rivard Rod and Reel
Catfish, Blue 45.25 39.00 Oct 23, 2014 Shaun J. Cassidy Rod and Reel
Catfish, Channel 5.82 25.00 Mar 3, 2013 Chris Goolsby Rod and Reel
Junior Angler Records
Species Weight Length Date Angler Method
Catfish, Blue 6.22 25.00 Jan 5, 2013 Caitlin Goolsby Rod and Reel