Water Body Records for Weatherford

Updated September 19, 2024

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Weight Records

This page ranks weight records caught by rod & reel, fly rod and bow fishing. All-Tackle rankings are displayed on a separate page.


Rod & Reel
Species Weight Length Date Angler Bait or Lure
Bass, Largemouth 12.37 25.00 May 31, 1999 Lloyd Hull  
Bass, White 3.00 17.50 Apr 27, 1993 Bill Hercules  
Bullhead, Black 0.79 11.50 Jul 10, 2016 Barry Osborn earthworm 
Carp, Common 12.03 29.00 Apr 11, 2019 Brian K. Walker  
Catfish, Channel 5.85 25.00 Jul 10, 2021 Anthony Reese Chicken 
Crappie, Black 1.25 13.00 Mar 31, 2015 Mark A. Brady silver splash 
Crappie, White 2.65 15.75 Apr 11, 2017 Rod (Red) Huberty chubbie 

Junior Angler

Rod & Reel
Species Weight Length Date Angler Bait or Lure
Bass, Largemouth 7.45 22.50 Jun 1, 2022 Nevan Osburn Crank Bait 
Crappie, White 2.20 14.25 Dec 30, 2015 Doyl Brown minnow 
Sunfish, Bluegill 0.43 8.00 Apr 15, 1998 Scott Slubowski worm 
Sunfish, Other Hybrid 0.47 8.50 Jun 12, 2000 Lauren Hoop  

Catch and Release Records (by length)

All Ages

Rod & Reel
Species Length Date Angler Bait or Lure
Bass, Largemouth 24.75 Jun 21, 2020 Tyler Burns Brushhog 
Bass, White 18.00 Jul 7, 2017 Tyler Burns lipless crankbait 
Crappie, White 15.00 Mar 20, 2017 Tyler Burns Crankbait 

Junior Angler

Rod & Reel
Species Length Date Angler Bait or Lure
Bass, Largemouth 24.75 Jun 21, 2020 Tyler Burns Brushhog 
Bass, White 18.00 Jul 7, 2017 Tyler Burns lipless crankbait 
Crappie, White 15.00 Mar 20, 2017 Tyler Burns Crankbait