Perry R. Bass Marine Fisheries
Research Center
Contact Information:
Perry R. Bass Marine Fisheries Research Station
3864 FM RD 3280
Palacios, Texas 77465
Telephone: (361) 972-5483
Selected Staff Publications
2023|2022|2021|2020|2019|2018 |2017 |2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2008-2010 |
- Swinford, J. and J. Anderson. In Press. Multi-year environmental trends of Black Gill (Hyalophysa lynni) prevalence in Texas Gulf Coast shrimp populations. Gulf and Caribbean Research 00:000-000.
- Bohn, S. E., B. R. Kreiser, D. Williford, J. Anderson and W. Karel. In Press. To all the gar I loved before: range-wide population genetic structure in Alligator Gar. Conservation Genetics 00:000-000.
- Swinford, J., and J. Anderson. In Press. Survival and growth in multiple size classes of hatchery red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) over three simulated seasons. North American J. Aquaculture 0:000-000.
- Seyoum, S., J. Anderson et al. 2022. A novel allopatric lineage within the fat snook species-complex of the genus Centropomus (Perciformes: Centropomidae). Bulletin of Marine Science 98:471-492.
- Anderson, J., Z. Olsen, R. Weixelman, N. Beeken and M. Fisher. 2022. Regional variation in growth and mortality of spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) in the western Gulf of Mexico. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:1381-1397.
- Williford, D., N. S. Beeken, J. Anderson, P. Hajovsky, and R. Weixelman. 2022. Phylogenetic origins and age-based proportions of Malacho (Elops smithi) relative to Ladyfish (Elops saurus), species on the move in the western Gulf of Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 33:46-59.
- Anderson, J. D., D. L. McDonald et al. 2022. Distribution, maturity, age, and growth of Gray Snapper (Lutjanus griseus) in the western Gulf of Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 33:14-26.
- Olsen, Z., D. Topping, T. Wagner, J. Anderson, C. Gelpi, G. Sutton and N. Carillo. 2022. Differential effects of three crab trap escape ring sizes on retention of male and female blue crabs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:270-276.
- Swinford, J. et al. 2021. Diagnostic molecular investigation of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) finds no infection in wild white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus) and brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) along the Texas Gulf coast. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 33:69-76.
- Hajovsky, P., J. Beseres Pollack, and J. Anderson. (2021). Morphological assessment of the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) from the Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Coastal Fisheries.
- Swinford J., and J. Anderson. (2021). Prevalence of black gill (Hyalophysa lynni) in white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus) and brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) along the Texas gulf coast. Marine and Coastal Fisheries.
- Williford, D., J. Anderson and Z. Olsen. (2021). Phylogeography, population structure, and historical demography of Black Drum Pogonias cromis. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
- Anderson, J., D. Williford and Z. Olsen. (2021). Estuarine level genomic variation confirms demographic and life history differences among Black Drum Pogonias cromis populations in Texas. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
- Pozzobon, A. P. B, P. R. Goncalves, J. D. Anderson, L. A. Rocha, J. M. Diaz de Astarloa, and F. Di Daria. 2021. Phylogenetic relationships and genetic diversity of menhadens, genus Brevoortia (Clupeiformes, Clupeidae), in the North and South Atlantic. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.
- Anderson, J. D., D. Williford, A. Gonzalez-Barnes, C. Chapa, F. Martinez-Andrade, and R.D. Overath. 2020. Demographic, taxonomic and genetic characterization of the snook species complex (Centropomus sp.) along the leading edge of its range in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
- Anderson, J. D., S. J. O’Leary, and P. T. Cooper. 2019. Population structure of Atlantic Croakers (Micropogonias undulatus) from the Gulf of Mexico: evaluating a single stock hypothesis using a genomic approach. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 11:3-16.
- Anderson, J. D., D. L. McDonald, B. W. Bumguardner, Z. Olsen and J. W. Ferguson. 2018. Patterns of maturity, seasonal migration, and spawning of Atlantic Croaker in the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Science 34:19-31.
- Anderson, J., Z. Olsen, T. Wagner, G. Sutton, C. Gelpi, and D. Topping. 2017. Environmental drivers of the spatial and temporal distribution of spawning Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in the western Gulf of Mexico. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:920-934.
- Anderson, J.D., and P.D. Cason. 2017. Investigation of asymmetric growth rates in Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) stock enhancement fingerlings. Texas Journal of Science 67:87-101.
- McDonald, D.L., P.D. Cason, B.W. Bumguardner and J. Tomasso. 2016. Survival of Hatchery Raised Red Drum Exposed to Abrupt Salinity Increases—Simulating Bay Stockings. North American Journal of Aquaculture 78(2):145-147.
- McDonald, D.L., H. Glenewinkel, P. Cason, C. Kittel. 2016. Cold Front Simulations on Hatchery Raised Larval Guadalupe Bass. Management Data Series, 289 Texas Parks and Wildlife
- McDonald, D.L., T.H. Bonner, P.D. Cason, S. Bonnot and B.W. Bumguardner. 2016. Cold Weather Simulation on Hatchery Propagated Premetamorphic Larvae and Postmetamorphic Juvenile Southern Flounder. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 28(1):26-34
- Anderson, J.D. and P. D. Cason. 2015. Density-dependent effects on growth rate and condition factor in Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) stock enhancement rearing ponds. North American Journal of Aquaculture 77:491-496.
- Cason, P.D. and J.D. Anderson. 2015. A multivariate assessment of factors influencing survival of Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) in earthen outdoor rearing ponds. North American Journal of Aquaculture 77:141-148.
- McDonald, D.L. and Tomasso, J.R. 2015. Final Report. Survival of stocked juvenile Red Drum (2-4 cm) based on manipulated salinity acclimation at hypersaline stocking sites and physiological effects of hypersalinity on larger juvenile red drum (10 cm). State Wildlife Grant Final Report, No. T-94-1.
- McDonald, D.L., B. W. Bumguardner, and P.D. Cason. 2015. Effect of Salinity on the Upper Lethal Temperature Tolerance of Early-Juvenile Red Drum. Journal of Thermal Biology Vol 53. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2015.08.004.
- Anderson, J.D., W.J. Karel, C.E. Mace, B.L. Bartram, and M.P. Hare. 2014. Spatial Genetic Features of Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin) in the Gulf of Mexico: Northward Movement of a Secondary Contact Zone. Ecology and Evolution ece3.1064.
- Anderson, J.D. and Karel, W.J. 2014. Limited genetic structure of Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus), as revealed by microsatellite markers developed for the genus Brevoortia (Clupeidae). Fishery Bulletin 112:71-81.
- Carson, E.W., B. W. Bumguardner, M. Fisher, E. Saillant, and J.R. Gold. 2013. Spatial and temporal variation in recovery of hatchery-released Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) in stock-enhancement of Texas bays and estuaries. Fisheries Research 151:191-198.
- Karel, W.J. 2012. DNA analyses of the population structure of alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) from three river basins along the Texas coast. Final Report as req’d by: Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Grant No. F-180-R-2012.
- Anderson, J.D., Shaver, D.J. and Karel, W.J. 2013. Genetic Diversity and Natal Origins of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Herpetology 47: 251-257.
- McDonald, D.L., P.D. Cason, B.W. Bumguardner and S. Bonnot. 2013. Critical Thermal Maximum of Juvenile Spotted Seatrout Reared for Summer Stocking in Texas. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 25(4):308-319.
- McDonald, D.L., J.D. Anderson, C. Hurley, B.W. Bumguardner and C.R. Robertson. 2013. Sexual Dimorphism in Alligator Gar. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:811-816.
- Anderson, J.D. and W.J. Karel. 2012. Population Genetics of Southern Flounder with Implications for Management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:656-662.
- Anderson, J.D. and Karel, W.J. 2012. Population structure and evolutionary history of Southern Flounder Paralichthys lethostigma in the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic Ocean. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:46-55.
- Karel, W.J. 2012. DNA analysis of the genetic population structure among alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) along the Texas coast. Final Report as req’d by: Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Grant No. F-180-R.
- McDonald, D.L., P.D. Cason, and B.W. Bumguardner. 2011. The Critical Thermal Maximum of Juvenile Red Drum Reared for Out-of-Season Stocking in Texas. North American Journal of Aquaculture 73:462-467.
- Anderson, J.D. and Karel, W.J. 2010. Population genetics and dynamics of Spotted Seatrout in the estuarine waters of Texas. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal 1:1-19.
- Anderson, J.D. 2010. Mitochondrial DNA dosage effects in triploid Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) induced by hydrostatic pressure. North American Journal of Aquaculture 72:177-183.
- McDonald, D.L. and B.W. Bumguardner. 2010. Lower Lethal Temperature for Juvenile Cobia. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 22: 25-29.
- McDonald, D.L., B.W. Bumguardner and M. Fisher. 2010. Effect of Winter Severity (Freeze Simulation) on Three Size Classes of Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus). Management Data Series, 259 Texas Parks and Wildlife.
- Anderson, J.D. and Karel, W.J. 2009. A Genetic Assessment of Current Management Strategies for Spotted Seatrout in Texas. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 1:121-132.
- Anderson, J.D., D.L. McDonald, G.R. Sutton and W.J. Karel. 2009. Evolutionary Associations Between White Trout (Cynoscion spp.) Inferred from Morphology, Microsatellites and Mitochondrial DNA Markers. Fishery Bulletin 107(1):14-24.
- McDonald, D.L., J.D. Anderson, J. Harper, B.W. Bumguardner, F. Martinez-Andrade. 2009. Spatial and Seasonal Abundance of Sand Seatrout (Cynoscion arenarius) and Silver Seatrout (C. nothus) Within the Immediate Gulf of Mexico off the Texas Coastline, Analyzed with Twenty Years of Data (1987 – 2006). Fishery Bulletin 107(1):24-35.
- Anderson J.D. and D.L. McDonald. 2008. Notes of Food Attraction and the Demographics of Blue Crab Trapping in Tres Palacios Bay, Texas. Texas Journal of Science Vol. 60(4):271-280.
- Anderson, J.D., W.J. Karel, K.A. Anderson, and P. A. Roper-Foo. 2008. Genetic Assessment of Stock Structure of Sheepshead in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Morphological Divergence in the Face of Gene Flow. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:592-606.
- Bumguardner, B.W. and J.D. Anderson. 2008. Age and growth, reproduction and genetics of Billfish in Gulf of Mexico waters off Texas. Proceedings from the Atlantic Billfish Research Program Symposium pps. 52-66.
- Karlsson, S., E. Saillant, B.W. Bumguardner, R.R. Vega, and J.R. Gold. 2008. Genetic Identification of Hatchery-Released Red Drum in Texas Bays and Estuaries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1294-1304.
- McDonald, D.L. 2008. Age, Growth, Reproduction and Population Characteristics of Cynoscion arenarius in Texas Bays Final Report as req’d by: Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Grant No. F-158-R.
- Anderson, J.D. and D.L. McDonald. 2007. Morphological and Genetic Investigations of Two Western Gulf of Mexico Menhadens (Brevoortia spp.). Journal of Fish Biology 70 (Supp. A): 139-147.
- Anderson, J.D. and Karel, W.J. 2007. Genetic evidence for asymmetric hybridization between Menhadens (Brevoortia spp.) from peninsular Florida. Journal of Fish Biology 71:235-249.
- Anderson, J.D. 2007. Systematics of the North American menhadens: molecular evolutionary reconstructions in the genus Brevoortia (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae). Fishery Bulletin 205:368-378.