Perry R. Bass Marine Fisheries Research Center

Palacios, Texas

The research staff at the Perry R. Bass Marine Fisheries Research Station investigate all facets of the biology of marine organisms to inform future management decisions. Broadly, the research staff investigates age and growth, maturity, migration, population structure, spatial distribution, mortality, parasitology, and ontogeny of marine species that are of commercial or recreational interest. The research staff includes a research director and three research biologists, three fish and wildlife technicians and a laboratory technician, and an administrative technician. The focus of this group is addressing emerging issues related to fisheries management, stock enhancement, and changing fishery regulations. Additionally, this team works closely with the on-site hatchery team to address research questions with a direct aquaculture/mariculture component. Finally, the research staff at Perry R. Bass coordinates multiple collaborative research efforts with other government entities, NGOS, and University partners, and particiaptes in the TPWD Coastal Fisheries division fishery-independent monitoring program with responsibility for sampling in the Cedar Lakes area near Freeport, TX.

Sport Fishing Restoration

Information collection, reporting and research are produced with support from the federal Sport Fish Restoration program.