Contact Information:

5103 Junction Hwy
Mountain Home, Texas 78058
Telephone: (830) 866-3356
Fax: (830) 866-3549

Funding Information:

Sport Fish Restoration Logo
Information collection, reporting and research are produced with support from the federal Sport Fish Restoration program.


Current Research Projects

Factors affecting persistence of fish attracting structures in reservoirs.
Preston Bean, Tim Bister, Dan Daugherty, Todd Driscoll, Michael Homer, Caleb Huber

Angling-induced dynamics of fish use of artificial structures.
Dan Daugherty, Michael Homer, Preston Bean, Caleb Huber, Mark Mitchell (WL), Ryan Reitz (WL)

Motivations, preferences, and behaviors of new anglers recruited during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to retained anglers.
Jen Granneman, Hanna Bauer, John Taylor, Zack Thomas, Nick Guild, Dan Daugherty

Spatial patterns of Guadalupe Bass x Spotted Bass hybridization in Texas Rivers.
Preston Bean, Dijar Lutz-Carrillo, Nate Smith

Trajectory of habitat and fish assemblages in the Llano River Watershed following a large-scale flood
Preston Bean

Use of fine-scale population abundance and genetic data to inform Guadalupe Bass restoration stocking.
Nate Smith, Dijar Lutz-Carrillo

Abundance and movement of juvenile and adult Micropterus spp. In headwater streams on the Edwards Plateau.
Nate Smith

Inland and coastal Alligator Gar: Do differences warrant local-scale management.
Dan Daugherty, Michael Baird, Clint Robertson

Use of laser ablation accelerator mass spectrometry to assess age of fishes (Alligator Gar).
Dan Daugherty, Nate Smith, Allen Andrews, Caroline Welte, Melina Wertnik

Comparing parentage analyses of raceway-spawned vs. pond-spawned Guadalupe Bass fingerlings.
Nate Smith, Mike Matthews, David Prangnell, Dijar Lutz-Carrillo

Addressing key uncertainties in the use of fish eye lenses as isotopic recorders using a controlled diet study with Guadalupe Bass
Jen Granneman, Nate Smith

Investigation riverine fish assemblage basal resource use across stream orders and season through the lens of stable isotope analysis and age-synchronized eye lens profiles.
Jen Granneman, Preston Bean, Nate Smith

Utility of guide-based mark-recapture efforts to manage Alligator Gar in the Trinity River.
Dan Daugherty, Dan Ashe

Fine-scale movement and autumn/overwinter survival, habitat use, and mark retention of Red Swamp Crayfish.
Bob Mollenhauer

Reconstructing population demography using environmental DNA.
KN Moody, MR Garvin, Dan Daugherty, Dijar Lutz-Carrillo

Evaluating resilience and vulnerability of fish assemblage structure to intermittent flows.
Jane Rogosch, Cienna Hanson, Nate Smith, Clint Robertson

Distribution, abundance, and current status of Llano River Carpsucker.
Josh Perkin, Gary Voelker, Kevin Conway, Hayden Roberts, Preston Bean

Multiscale thermal vulnerability of fishes in urbanizing, spring-influenced streams of central Texas.
Matt Troia, Nick Loveland, Marty Kelly, David Young, Nate Smith

Assessing abundance, sex ratio, and space use by suckermouth armored catfish to enhance control efforts.
Josh Perkin, Tom Heard, Monica McGarrity, Dan Daugherty

Assessing acute and chronic thermal sensitivity and exposure of spring-associated fishes.
Matt Troia, Garrett Tucker, Nate Smith, Sara Robertson

Dimensions of diversity in urban fisheries: Examining habitat, fish, and anglers to inform the management of Texas Community Fishing Lakes.
Scott Collins, Travis Ausec, Preston Bean

Alligator Gar population connectivity and habitat use in the Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge.
David Hoeinghaus, Wesley Holman, Nate Smith, Dan Ashe, Clint Robertson

Quantification of physiological performance and other functional traits of plains fishes in support of mechanistic management and conservation.
David Hoeinghaus, Ed Mager, Nate Smith, Megan Bean

American Eel: Utilizing modern techniques to assess the conservation status in Texas.
Dean Hendrickson, Melissa Casarez, Adam Cohen, Stephen Curtis, Kevin Mayes, Nate Smith

Identifying environmental flow thresholds for fish species and communities in Texas.
Ryan McManamay, Ryan King, Ryan Smith, Keving Mayes, David Young, Preston Bean

Species distribution modeling and native fish conservation area prioritization to guide landscape-level conservation.
Jane Rogosch, Diane Le Bouille, Megan Bean, Nate Smith, Tim Birdsong, James Broska, Daniel Bunting, Adam Cohen, Dean Hendrickson

Flow-recruitment relationships of Smallmouth Buffalo in the Colorado, Brazos, and Guadalupe rivers.
David Hoeinghaus, Cole Reeves, Dan Daugherty, Nate Smith

Assessing fish swimming performance to inform stream crossing design and barrier prioritization.
Ed Mager, Cameron Emadi, Preston Bean, Stephen Curtis, Ryan McGillicuddy