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Restoration program.
Selected Staff Publications
|2023 | 2022 |2021 | 2020 |2019 |2018 |2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2005-2009 | 2000-2004
- Acre, M.R., T.B. Grabowski, D.J. Leavitt, N.G. Smith, A.A. Pease, P.T. Bean, and P.D. Geeslin. 2023. Mismatch between temperature and discharge disrupts spawning cues in a fluvial specialist, blue sucker Cycleptus elongatus. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 32:305-321.
- Ellard, J. K., H. C. Roberts, D. J. Daugherty, B. P. Fleming, M. R. Acre, and J. S. Perkin. 2023. Scale-dependent tradeoffs between habitat and time in explaining Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) movement. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
- Lutz-Carrillo, D. J., W. Schlechte, J. Norman, and D. L. Bennett. 2023. Lineage and hybridization effects on size potential in the Largemouth Bass complex. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 152:145-168.
- Meitzen, K. M., C. R. Robertson, J. L. Jensen, D. J. Daugherty, T. B. Hardy, and K. B. Mayes. 2023. Applying floodplain inundation modeling to estimates suitable spawning habitat and recruitment success for Alligator Gar in the Guadalupe River, Texas. Hydrology 2023(10):123.
- Roberts, H. C., M. R. Acre, M. P. A. Claus, F. J. Kappen, K. O. Winemiller, D. J. Daugherty, and J. S. Perkin. 2023. Tributary streams provide migratory fish with access to floodplain habitats in a regulated river: evidence from alligator gar, Atractosteus spatula. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80:393-407.
- Smith, N. G., D. L. Buckmeier, B. P. Fleming, A. R. Grubh, M. D. Homer, and S. M. Robertson. 2023. Spatial variability in the fish assemblage of a large Texas river-reservoir ecosystem with implications for managing fish in regulated rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:313-326.
- Swedberg, D., R. Mollenhauer, and S.K. Brewer. 2023. The context dependency of fish-habitat associations in separated karst ecoregions. Ecology and Evolution.
- McDonald, D. L., J. W. Schlechte, D. A. Patterson, G. R. Binion and A. Boyles. 2022. Ghost-fishing by abandoned trotlines in a simulated and actual reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:839-848.
- Mollenhauer, R., M. M. Lamont, and A. Foley. 2022. Long-term apparent survival of a cold-stunned subpopulation of juvenile green turtles. Ecosphere 13:e4221.
- Mollenhauer, R., J. B Mouser, V. L. Roland, and S.K. Brewer. 2022. Increased landscape disturbance and streamflow variability threaten biodiversity in the Red River catchment, USA. Diversity and Distributions 28:1934-1950.
- Mouser, J. B., S. B. Brewer, R. Mollenhauer, M. L. Niemiller, and R. A. Van Den Bussche. 2022. Lithology and disturbance drive cavefish and cave crayfish occurrence in the Ozark Highlands ecoregion. Scientific Reports 12:19559.
- Pease, A. A., J. E. Pease, P. T. Bean, and T. B. Grabowski. 2022. Endemic Guadalupe Bass Micropterus treculii are supported by isotopically distinct resources in tributary versus mainstem river food webs. River Research and Applications 38:1654-1659.
- Pegg, M. A., D. L. Buckmeier, M. J. Hamel, and J. D. Koch. 2022. Creating a digital repository of calcified structures from known-age fishes, a century in the making. Fisheries 47:357-360.
- Snow, R. S., D. R. Stewart, N. G. Smith, and M. J. Porta. 2022. Modeling the population response of Alligator Gar in Texoma Reservoir to harvest and discard mortality. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:1635-1652. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10857
- Acre, M. R., T. B. Grabowski, D. J. Leavitt, N. G. Smith, A. A. Pease, and J. E. Pease. 2021. Blue sucker habitat use in a regulated Texas river: implications for conservation and restoration. Environmental Biology of Fishes 104:501-516.
- Bodine, K. A., R. A. Ott, D. L. Bennett, J. D. Norman, and J. W. Schlechte. 2021. Round 2: A four-year follow-up evaluation of a Flathead Catfish population exposed to hand fishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:S255-S258.
- Fleming, B. P., and D. J. Daugherty. 2021. Effects of experience and training on side-scan sonar image interpretation as a fish survey tool: a case study of Alligator Gar. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12:520-523.
- Hungerford, T., K. A. Bodine, J. Tibbs, R. Myers, D. Prangnell, D. J. Daugherty, and J. W. Schlechte. 2021. Relative catchability of Channel Catfish and Blue Catfish x Channel Catfish hybrids by anglers in put-and-take urban fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:S293-S297.
- Schlechte, J. W., D. J. Daugherty, N. G. Smith, and D. L. Buckmeier. 2021. Angler practices and preferences for managing Alligator Gar in Texas. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 8:23-31.
- Schlechte, J. W., J. B. Taylor, D. L. Buckmeier, C. Hutt, and K. Hunt. 2021. Identifying potential anglers and customer segments of Texas catfish anglers to guide management actions. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:S345-S363.
- Shoup, D. E., and K. A. Bodine. 2021. Effect of sample duration on catch rate and size structure data for Blue Catfish collected by low-frequency electrofishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:S400-S405.
- Buckmeier, D. L., and N. G. Smith. 2020. Validation of annuli and identification of discontinuities in sagittal otoliths of juvenile Alligator Gar. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:607-612.
- Daugherty, D. J., A. H. Andrews, and N. G. Smith. 2020. Otolith-based age estimates of Alligator Gar assessed using bomb radiocarbon dating to greater than 60 years. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:613-621.
- Driscoll, T., W. Schlechte, D. Daugherty, and S. Haas. 2020. Evaluating material type and configuration on fish attractor effectiveness in a Texas reservoir. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 7:144-152.
- Harried B. L., D. J. Daugherty, D. J. Hoeinghaus, A. P. Roberts, B. J. Venables, T. M. Sutton, and B. K. Soulen. 2020. Population contributions of large females may be eroded by contaminant body burden and maternal transfer: a case study of Alligator Gar. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:566-579.
- Kreiser, B. R., D. J. Daugherty, D. L. Buckmeier, N. G. Smith, and E. B. Newsome. 2020. Sibship analysis to characterize Alligator Gar reproductive contributions in two Texas systems. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:555-565.
- Smith, N. G., D. L. Buckmeier, D. J. Daugherty, D. L. Bennett, P. C. Sakaris, and C. R. Robertson. 2020. Hydrologic correlates of reproductive success in the Alligator Gar. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:595-606.
- Smith, N. G., D. J. Daugherty, E. L. Brinkman, M. G. Wegener, B. R. Kreiser, A. M. Ferrara, K. D. Kimmel, and S. R. David. 2020. Advances in the conservation and management of the Alligator Gar: A Synthesis of current knowledge and introduction to a special section. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:527-543.
- Birdsong, T. W., G. P. Garrett, B. J. Labay, M. G. Bean, P. T. Bean, M. J. Casarez, A. E. Cohen, T. G. Heger, A. Kalmbach, D. A. Hendrickson, S. J. Magnelia, K. B. Mayes, M. E. McGarrity, R. McGillicuddy, M. M. Parker, and S. Robertson. 2019. Texas Native Fish Conservation Areas Network: strategic investments in restoration and preservation of freshwater fish diversity. Pages 183–229 in T. W. Birdsong, D. C. Dauwalter, and G. P. Garrett, editors. Multispecies and watershed approaches to freshwater fish conservation: science, planning, and implementation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 91, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Daugherty, D. J., D. L. Buckmeier, and N. G. Smith. 2019. Sex-specific dynamic rates in the Alligator Gar: implications for stock assessment and management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:535-542.
- Daugherty, D. J., K. L. Pangle, D. L. Buckmeier, and N. G. Smith. 2019. A tale of two timescales: using otolith microchemistry to improve our understanding of alligator gar movement in the lower Trinity River, Texas. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 6:51-57.
- Fleming, B. P., and N. G. Smith. 2019. Spatial distribution and hybridization levels in Guadalupe Bass five years after remedial stocking. Pages 231-244 in M. Siepker and J. Quinn, editors. Managing centrarchid fisheries in rivers and streams. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 87, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Sakaris, P. C., D. L. Buckmeier, N. G. Smith, and D. J. Daugherty. 2019. Daily age estimation reveals rapid growth of age-0 Alligator Gar in the wild. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 35:1218-1224.
- Bodine, K. A., J. W. Schlechte, and D. E. Shoup. 2018. An indirect method for estimating size-specific exploitation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:1085-1090.
- Buckmeier, D. L., R. Snow, N. G. Smith, and C. Porter. 2018. Are age estimates for Longnose Gar and Spotted Gar Accurate? An evaluation of sagittal otoliths, pectoral fin rays, and branchiostegal rays. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:639-648.
- Daugherty, D. J., J. W.Schlechte, and D. L. McDonald. 2018. Alligator Gars in Texas Coastal Bays: Long-Term Trends and Environmental Influences. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:653-664.
- Fleming, B. P., D. J. Daugherty, N. G. Smith, and R. K. Betsill. 2018. Efficacy of low-cost, side-scan sonar for surveying Alligator Gar. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:696-703.
- Lutz-Carrillo, D. J., M. Husemann, P. T. Bean, J. C. Williamson, M. J. De Jesus, and J. W. Ray. 2018. Hybridization and genetic structure in Texas’ phenotypic Spotted Bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:891-905.
- McDonald, D. L., D. J. Daugherty, and J. W. Schlechte. 2018. Comparison of two biometric methods for nonlethal sex determination of Alligator Gars. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:711-715.
- Pease, J. E., T. B. Grabowski, A. A. Pease, and P. T. Bean. 2018. Changing environmental gradients over forty years alter ecomorphological variation in Guadalupe Bass Micropterus treculii throughout a river basin. Ecology and Evolution 8:8508-8522.
- Robertson, C. R., K. Aziz, D. L. Buckmeier, N. G. Smith, and N. Raphelt. 2018. Development of a flow-specific floodplain inundation model to assess Alligator Gar recruitment success. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:674-686.
- Smith, N. G., D. J. Daugherty, J. W. Schlechte, and D. L. Buckmeier. 2018. Modeling the responses of Alligator Gar populations to harvest under various length-based regulations: Implications for conservation and management. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:665-673.
- Stein, J. A., S. M. King, D. L. Buckmeier, and N. G. Smith. 2018. Comment: The challenge of age estimation in gars (Lepisosteus spp.). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:649-652.
- Bennett, D. L., K. A. Bodine, J. W. Schlechte, R. A. Ott, and J. D. Norman. 2017. Fishing practices and motivations of hand fishers in Texas. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 4:1-7.
- Bohn, S., B. R. Kreiser, D. J. Daugherty, and K. A Bodine. 2017. Natural hybridization of Lepisosteids: Implications for managing the Alligator Gar. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:405-413.
- Buckmeier, D. L., P. C. Sakaris, and D. J. Schill. 2017. Validation of annual and daily increments in calcified structures and verification of age estimates. Pages 33-79 in M. C. Quist and D. A. Iserman, editors. Age and growth of fishes: principles and techniques. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Buckmeier, D. L., N. G. Smith, D. J. Daugherty, and D. L. Bennett. 2017. Reproductive ecology of Alligator Gar: Identification of environmental drivers of recruitment success. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 4:8-17.
- Daugherty, D. J., K. L. Pangle, W. Karel, F. Baker, C. R. Robertson, D. L. Buckmeier, N. G. Smith, and N. Boyd. 2017. Population structure of Alligator Gar in a Gulf Coast River: Insights from otolith microchemistry and genetic analyses. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:337-348.
- Ashe, D. E., M. T. Driscoll, and J. W. Schlechte. 2016. Stocking contribution of fingerling Largemouth Bass in three aquatic vegetation types in Toledo Bend Reservoir, Texas-Louisiana. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3:46-49.
- Baird, M. S., D. J. Lutz-Carrillo, J. W. Schlechte, J. G. Martinez, M. A. Farooqi, T. J. Hungerford, T. J. Bister. 2016. Comparison of growth of selectively bred and resident Largemouth Bass in Texas small impoundments. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3:57-63.
- Bodine, K. A., J. W. Schlechte, R. A. Ott, D. L. Bennett, and J. D. Norman. 2016. Estimating exploitation and modeling the effects of hand fishing on a Flathead Catfish population in east Texas. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1416-1424.
- Buckmeier, D. L., N. G. Smith, J. W. Schlechte, A. M. Ferrara, and K. Kirkland. 2016. Characteristics and conservation of a trophy Alligator Gar population in the middle Trinity River, Texas. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3:33-38.
- Schlechte, J. W., K. A. Bodine, D. J. Daugherty, and G. R. Binion. 2016. Size selectivity of multifilament gill nets for sampling Alligator Gar: modeling the effects on population metrics. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:630-638.
- Smith, N. G., and D. L. Buckmeier. 2016. Living on the edge: persistence of a fringe Striped Bass population. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3:50-56.
- Binion, G. R., D. J. Daugherty, and K. A. Bodine. 2015. Population Dynamics of Alligator Gar in Choke Canyon Reservoir, Texas: Implications for Management. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:57-63.
- Bodine, K. A., D. J. Daugherty, J. W. Schlechte, and G. R. Binion. 2015. A strategy for increasing gill-net catch rates and minimizing sampling mortality of Alligator Gars. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:611-615.
- Daugherty, D. J., D. L. Bennett, B. VanZee, T. Morgan, and J. Tibbs. 2015. Reservoir Water Levels, Littoral Habitat, and Recreational Access: A Partnership to Maintain Quality Fisheries in Brazos River Reservoirs. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:1-7.
- Fleming, B. P., G. P. Garrett, and N. G. Smith. 2015. Reducing hybridization and introgression in wild populations of Guadalupe Bass through supplemental stocking. Pages 527-547 in M. D. Tringali, J. M. Long, T. W. Birdsong, and M. S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Schlechte, J. W., and B. P. Fleming. 2015. Response of Devils River minnow and other fish in Pinto Creek, Kinney County, Texas during a severe drought. The Southwestern Naturalist 60:45-55.
- Kurten, G.L., and Aaron Barkoh. 2015. Evaluation of community-level physiological profiling for monitoring microbial community function in aquaculture ponds. North American Journal of Aquaculture 78:34-44.
- Schlechte, J. W., and B. P. Fleming. 2015. Response of Devils River Minnow and other fish in Pinto Creek, Kinney County, Texas during a severe drought. The Southwestern Naturalist 60(1):45-55.
- Bodine, K. A. and P. Fleming. 2014. Retention of PIT and T-Bar anchor tags in Blue Catfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:-68-71.
- Buckmeier, D. L., K. A. Bodine, B. P. Fleming, and J. A. Smith. 2014. Colorado River-Reservoir Connectivity Project: Identification and Characterization of Mainstem and Tributary Habitats Used by White Bass and Blue Catfish in an Upland Reservoir. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration, Grant F-231-R, Project 4.1, Final Report, Austin, Texas.
- Daugherty, D. J., M. T. Driscoll, and J. W. Schlechte. 2014. Effects of structural and spatiotemporal factors on fish use of artificial habitat in a Texas reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34: 453-462.
- Sakaris, P, C., D. L. Buckmeier, and N. G. Smith. 2014. Validation of daily ring deposition in the otoliths of age-0 Alligator Gar. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:1140-1144.
- Bodine and B. P. Fleming. 2013. Evaluation of an alternative technique for attaching external transmitters to Blue Catfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:950-955.
- Bodine, K. A., D. E. Shoup, J. Olive, Z. L. Ford, R. Krogman, and T. J. Stubbs. 2013. Catfish sampling techniques: where we are now and where should we go. Fisheries 8:529-546.
- Buckmeier, D. L., N. G. Smith, and D. J. Daugherty. 2013. Alligator gar movement and macrohabitat use in the lower Trinity River, Texas. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1025-1035.
- Buckmeier, D. L., N. G. Smith, B. P. Fleming, and K. A. Bodine. 2013. Intra-annual variation in river-reservoir interface fish assemblages: implications for fish conservation and management in regulated rivers. River Research and Applications 30:780-790.
- Hutt, C. P., K. M. Hunt. J. W. Schlechte, and D. L. Buckmeier. 2013. Effects of catfish angler catch-related attitudes on fishing trip preferences. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:965-976.
- Schlechte, J. W., N. G. Smith, and J. B. Taylor. 2013. Options for estimating striped bass catch and harvest: effectiveness of creel surveys. Pages 291-312 in J. S. Bulak, C. C. Coutant, and J. A. Rice, editors. Biology and Management of Inland Striped Bass and Hybrid Striped Bass, American Fisheries Society Symposium 80, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Wyatt, T. A., A. Barkoh; J. W. Schlechte. 2013. Refining ammonia treatments for control of Prymnesium parvum in Striped Bass fingerling production ponds. North American Journal of Aquaculture 75:170 – 177.
- Buckmeier, D. L., and K. S. Reeves. 2012. Retention of passive integrated transponder, T-bar anchor, and coded-wire tags in Lepisosteids. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:573-576.
- Buckmeier, D. L., N. G. Smith, and K. S. Reeves. 2012. Utility of alligator gar age estimates from otoliths, pectoral fin rays, and scales. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1510-1519.
- Daugherty, D. J., and N. G. Smith. 2012. Frequency of strong year classes: implications on fishery dynamics for three life-history strategies of fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1191-1200.
- Hunt, K. M., C. P. Hutt, J. W. Schlechte, and D. L. Buckmeier. 2012. Demographics, attitudes, preferences and satisfaction of Texas freshwater catfish anglers. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 66:94-101.
- Schlechte, J. W., T. O. Smith, and A. Barkoh. 2012. Biological, social, and economic impacts of exempting a Largemouth Bass fishing tournament from slot length limits at Lake Fork Reservoir, Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife Management Data Series 272.
- Smith, N. G. 2012. Seasonal condition of adult striped bass relative to thermal habitat and forage availability. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 66:69-74.
- Schlechte, J. W., B. P. Fleming, and K. S. Reeves. 2012. Predation on Largemouth Bass fingerlings in artificial habitat of varying hydrilla stem density and architecture. Texas Journal of Science 64:173-193.
- Barkoh, A., D. C. Begley, D. G. Smith, G. Kurten, L. T. Fries, and J. W. Schlechte. 2011. Can solar powered circulation control Prymnesium parvum blooms and toxicity in fish hatchery ponds? Harmful Algae 10: 173-180.
- Binion, G. R., D. J. Daugherty, J. W. Schlechte, R. A. Ott, and T. J. Bister. 2011. Efficacy of a light attractant for increasing trap net catches of White Crappies. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:455 – 460.
- Bodine, K. A., D. L. Buckmeier, J. W. Schlechte, and D. E. Shoup. 2011. Effect of electrofishing sampling design on bias of size-related metrics for blue catfish in reservoirs. Pages 607-620 in P. H. Michaletz and V. H. Travnichek, editors. Conservation, ecology, and management of catfish: the second international symposium. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 77, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Daugherty, D. J., D. L. Buckmeier, and P. K. Kokkanti. 2011. Sensitivity of recreational access to reservoir water-level variation: an approach to identify future access needs in reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:63-69.
- Daugherty, D. J., J. W. Schlechte, R. Wienecke. 2011. Selection of interstice size by juvenile flathead catfish. Pages 485-493 in P.H. Michaletz and V.H. Travnichek, editors. Conservation, ecology, and management of catfish: the second international symposium American Fisheries Society, Symposium 77, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Sakaris, P. C., D. J. Daugherty, and D. L. Buckmeier. 2011. Validation of daily ring deposition in the otoliths of age-0 blue catfish and flathead catfish. Pages 689-697 in P. H. Michaletz and V. H. Travnichek, editors. Conservation, ecology, and management of catfish: the second international symposium. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 77, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Ashe, D., J. W. Schlechte, and T. Driscoll. 2010. Predator density and size structure in different habitats of Toledo Bend Reservoir, with implications for increasing stocked Largemouth Bass survival. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 62:109-114.
- Barkoh, A., J. M. Paret, D. D. Lyon, and J. W. Schlechte. 2010. Can the Liquid Live Micro-Organisms System, a commercial probiotic, affect sediment, water quality, and Koi Carp production in fish hatchery ponds? North American Journal of Aquaculture 72:50-56.
- Bodine, K. A., and D. E. Shoup. 2010. Capture efficiency of Blue Catfish electrofishing and the effects of temperature, habitat, and reservoir location on electrofishing-derived length structure indices and relative abundance. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:613-321.
- Bonds, C. C., M. Howell, A. Jubar, R. A. Ott, J. W. Schlechte, and M. K. Scott. 2010. Comparison of single-cod and dual-cod trap nets for sampling crappie in Texas reservoirs. Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 62:125–130.
- Magnelia, S. J., M, J. De Jesus, J. W, Schlechte, G, C. Cummings, and J, L. Duty. 2010. Comparison of plastic pipe and Juniper tree fish attractors in a Central Texas Reservoir. Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 62:183-188.
- Buckmeier, D. L., and J. W. Schlechte. 2009. Capture efficiency and size selectivity of channel and blue catfish sampling gears. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:404-416.
- Daugherty, D. J., and D. L. Buckmeier. 2009. Retention of passive integrated transponder tags in Flathead Catfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:343-345.
- Reeves, K. R., and D. L. Buckmeier. 2009. Mortality, predation, and tag visibility of fish marked with visible implant elastomer tags. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:323-329.
- Barkoh, A., J. M. Paret, D. D. Lyon, D. C. Begley, D. G. Smith, and J. W. Schlechte. 2008. Evaluation of barley straw and a commercial probiotic for controlling Prymnesium parvum in Fish Production Ponds. North American Journal of Aquaculture 70:80-91.
- Bonds, C. C., and J. W. Schlechte. 2008. Can biotelemetry information improve trap-net catch rates of adult white crappie? Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 60:157–164.
- Buckmeier, D. L. 2008. Life history and status of alligator gar with recommendations for management. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department,Inland Fisheries Division, Austin, Texas.
- Dennis, J. A., T. Bradle, F. Janssen, R. A. Myers, J. W. Schlechte, T. O. Smith, and J. B. Taylor. 2008. Annual expenditures of Black Bass tournament and non-tournament anglers at O. H. Ivie Reservoir, Texas. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 60:188-193.
- Smith, N. G., C. C. Krueger, and J. M. Casselman. 2008. Chronologies of white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, and lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush: a comparison among lakes and between trophic levels. Environmental Biology of Fishes 81:375-386.
- Smith, N. G., Jones, C. M., Van Montfrans, J. 2008. Spatial and temporal variability of juvenile spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus growth in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Fish Biology 73:597-607.
- Maceina, M. J., J. Boxrucker, D. L. Buckmeier, R. S. Gangl, D. O. Lucchesi, D. A. Isermann, J. R. Jackson, and P. J. Martinez. 2007. Current status and review of freshwater fish aging procedures used by state and provincial fisheries agencies with recommendations for future directions. Fisheries 32:329-340.
- Moczygemba, J. H., B. T. Hysmith, and J. W. Schlechte. 2007. Comparison of guided and unguided fishing trips on two Texas reservoirs. Pages 17-30 in C. C. Bonds, editor. Annual Proceedings of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 27:17-30.
- Prentice, J., J. W. Schlechte and R. K. Betsill. 2006. Longevity of oxytetracycline and calcein in double-marked batches of fry and fingerling Largemouth Bass. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 60:174-179.
- Prentice, J., and J. W. Schlechte. 2006. Comparing survival, growth and catchability between Florida Largemouth Bass from the Homosassa River and broodfish at Texas Parks and Wildlife hatcheries. Annual Proceedings of the Texas Chapter 26:20-30.
- Schlechte, J. W., and D. L. Buckmeier. 2006. A pond evaluation of habituation as a means to reduce initial mortality associated with poststocking predation of hatchery-reared largemouth bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:119-123.
- Smith, N. G., and C. M. Jones. 2006. Substituting otoliths for chemical analyses: does sagittal = lapillus? Marine Ecology Progress Series 313:241-247.
- Smith, N. G., P. J. Sullivan, and L. G. Rudstam. 2006. Using otolith microstructure to determine natal origin of Lake Ontario Chinook salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:908-914.
- Barkoh, A., S. Hamby, G. Kurten, and J. W. Schlechte. 2005. Effects of rice bran, cottonseed meal, and alfalfa meal on pH and zooplankton. North American Journal of Aquaculture 67: 237-243.
- Buckmeier, D. L., R. K. Betsill, and J. W. Schlechte. 2005. Initial predation of stocked fingerling largemouth bass in a Texas reservoir and implications for improving stocking efficiency. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:652-659.
- Schlechte, J. W., R. K. Betsill, and D. L. Buckmeier. 2005. A laboratory evaluation of poststocking predatory losses for cultured largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:141-148.
- Barkoh, A., D. Smith, J. W. Schlechte, and J. M. Paret. 2004. Ammonia tolerance by Sunshine Bass fry: implication for use of ammonium sulfate to control Prymnesium parvum. North American Journal of Aquaculture 66:305-311.
- Dumont, S. and J. W. Schlechte. 2004. Use of resampling to evaluate a simple random sampling design for general monitoring of fishes in Texas reservoirs North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24: 408-416.
- Barkoh, A., D. Smith, and J. W. Schlechte. 2003. An effective minimum concentration of un-ionized ammonia for killing Prymnesium parvum. North American Journal of Aquaculture 65:220-225.
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