- Possession and Transport of Exotic Aquatic Species
- Licenses & Regulations
- ShareLunkers
- Fish Identification
- Fish Consumption
- Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center
Water Resources
- Texas Reservoir Levels
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- Texas Water Issues
- Golden Alga
- Aquatic Vegetation
505 Staples Road
San Marcos, Texas 78666
(512) 353-0072
Patrick Ireland, Biologist
Local Information
Nearby State Parks
Inks Lake
Public Access Facilities
Return to Inks Lake fishing page
ALGAE: Please use caution around algae blooms. See detailed information from the LCRA.
BOATER ADVISORY: Zebra mussels have invaded this reservoir! CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY your boat, trailer, livewells/bait buckets, and other gear before traveling to another water body. Draining water is required by law and possession and transport of zebra mussels is illegal.
Public access to Inks Lake is available through Inks Lake State Park which borders approximately one-third of the eastern shoreline. A two-lane boat ramp is available at the park along with a lighted fishing pier and plenty of shoreline access. Camping is available at the park, along with many other recreational opportunities. Because of the park's popularity it is a good idea to make reservations well in advance if you would like to camp there.
A: Inks Lake State Park |
Inks Lake State Park
- Located 9 miles west of Burnet on Park Road 4. From Burnet, take Texas 29 to Park Road 4, go south 3 miles to the park headquarters.
- Two-lane concrete ramp
- Park entrance fee required
- Open all year
- Operated by Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (512) 793-2223