TPWD District Fisheries Office

PO Box 1446
Pottsboro, Texas 75076
(903) 786-2389
Dan Bennett, Biologist

About the Area

Local Information

Nearby State Parks


Lake Lavon

Public Access Facilities

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Some parks and boat ramps are closed due to high water or flood damage. Check the Army Corps of Engineers closure report for status updates.

A1: Twin Groves
A2: Caddo Park
A3: Elm Creek

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B1: Lakeland Park
B2: Tickey Creek
B3: Pebble Beach
B4: Little Ridge
B5: Mallard Park
B6: Lavonia Park
B7: Clear Lake Park

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C1: Bratonia Park
C2: Highland Park
C3: Brockdale Park
C4: Collin Park
C5: East Fork Park
C6: Avalon Park

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