Nongame and Rare Species Program: Federal Candidate and Petitioned Species Resources
Lesser Prairie-Chicken Tympanuchus pallidicinctus
Lesser Prairie-Chickens were once found throughout short- and mid-grass prairies in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico. In 1998, the species received candidate status under the Endangered Species Act. On March 27, 2014, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced their intention to list the species as threatened. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and other state fish and wildlife agencies included in the Lesser Prairie-Chicken Interstate Working Group developed a range-wide management plan to further conservation of the species. On May 26, 2021, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed to list two distinct population segments as endangered. This page will be updated with the latest news and developing information on the Lesser Prairie-Chicken, the listing process and timeline, and the multi-state conservation effort.
May 26, 2021 — Service Seeks Comment on Proposal to List the Lesser Prairie-Chicken under the Endangered Species Act
July 1, 2015 — Aerial survey shows lesser prairie-chicken population increased 25 percent from 2014 to 2015 PDF
April 2, 2014 — Lesser Prairie-Chicken Threatened Listing: What Does It Mean For Landowners and Industry? PDF
March 27, 2014 — U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lists Lesser Prairie-Chicken as Threatened Species and Finalizes Special Rule Endorsing Landmark State Conservation Plan
December 11, 2013 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposed Rule — Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing the Lesser Prairie-Chicken as a Threatened Species with a Special Rule
May 7, 2013 New Lesser Prairie-Chicken Conservation Plan Presentations —
- download Powerpoint (20MB)
- download Powerpoint (17MB)
April 4, 2013 — Range-wide Conservation Plan for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken (Draft) PDF
December 11, 2012 — The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposed listing the Lesser Prairie Chicken (LEPC) as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. State fish and wildlife agencies, private landowners, oil and gas industry, conservation organizations, and federal agencies across the five states within the range of the LEPC are working together to create a range-wide conservation plan, Southern Great Plains Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool, and voluntary landowner and industry conservation opportunities. The success of these meaningful measures will be considered by USFWS in the coming year prior to the final listing determination and will continue to contribute to the conservation of the LEPC, regardless of the listing outcome. One of the four Public Hearings will be held in Lubbock, Texas, on February 11th (Monday) from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The USFWS is accepting public comment until March 11, 2013. More information on the listing proposal, public comment methods, and the public hearing in Texas can be found in the Federal Register.
October 12, 2012 — Multi-State Group reports range-wide population estimate for Lesser Prairie Chicken PDF
October 3, 2012 — First ever statistically valid range-wide population estimate for Lesser Prairie-Chicken PDF
August 14, 2012 — Lesser Prairie-Chicken stakeholders meeting audio, August 10, 2012 (Click to listen)
July 27, 2012 — USFWS technical white paper: Conservation needs of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken PDF
June 25, 2012 — First range-wide Lesser Prairie Chicken aerial survey concluded
Conservation and Management
- Lesser Prairie-Chicken Advisory Committee recommendations PDF
- Range-wide Lesser Prairie-Chicken management plan (TPWD) PDF
- TPWD and USFWS Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA) for Lesser Prairie-Chickens PDF