Intra-Neotropical Migrants
(most movements within tropical zones, but occasionally disperes northward into the southern US)
* = endangered species/subspecies(species)=species in parentheses are considered either very rare and local in Texas or as a vagrant in Texas.
Land Birds
- (Ruddy Ground-Dove)
- (Tamaulipas Crow)
- (Clay-colored Robin)
- (Rufous-backed Robin)
- (Rufous-capped Warbler)
- (Flame-colored Tanager)
Water Birds
- (Blue-footed Booby)
- Magnificent Frigatebird
- ("Great White" Heron)
- Fulvous Whistling-Duck
- Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
- (Masked Duck)
- (Northern Jacana)
Contact Information:
For more information, please contact:
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Wildlife Diversity
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, Texas 78744