Agenda Item No. 5
Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth



Consideration by Council of a schedule for solicitation and consideration of project applications for the remainder of the 2016/2017 biennium.

March 2, 2016

The appropriation of state funds associated with HB 1925 made $2million available to the Texas Farm and Ranch Lands Conservation Program (TFRLCP) for the fiscal year 2016-2017 biennium. Of that amount, $1,887,665 was made available for FY16, ending August 31 of this year, and $112,335 will be made available for FY17 beginning September 1.

A small amount of the total $2million appropriation will be reserved to cover TFRLCP expenses. Otherwise, the balance of funds remaining after the awards granted by the Council in the previous motion could be combined with the FY17 appropriation to fund another grant cycle in 2016. For example, if the five projects recommended by staff in Council Item #4 are fully and successfully funded, approximately $580,000 could be made available for a new round of grant funding.

Ideally, these awards would be made prior to or immediately following the availability of FY17 funds, so that contracts could be negotiated and successful applicants would have as much time as practical to close their respective projects prior to the end of FY17.


“The Texas Farm and Ranch Lands Conservation Council authorizes the Council Chairman to work with staff on a schedule for soliciting and ranking applications for a second round of Texas Farm and Ranch Lands Conservation Program grants in 2016.”