Agenda Item No. 3
Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth



Consideration by Council of staff recommendations to award grants for conservation easement projects.

April 25, 2016

On March 2, 2016, the TFRLCC authorized staff to re-open the application period for submittal of conservation easement proposals for consideration of TFRLCP funding. The period was opened effective immediately and remained open through April 8, 2016. Several of the project proposals which had been previously submitted were updated, and three new proposals were submitted. On April 11, a six-member Project Ranking Team evaluated ten applications, one of which was subsequently withdrawn by the applicant. The nine remaining projects, representing $3,096,049 in requested funding, will be presented to the Council in the order in which they were ranked by the ranking team. Staff is pleased to report that there was a very high degree of consistency between all six team members, and is confident that the resultant ranking is consistent with direction provided by the selection criteria and the Council.