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- TWDB Regional Water Planning
Water Planning Data for Region F
Clear Creek
The impounded headwater springs are located in Menard County.
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - only known location of Clear Creek gambusia (Fed.E/St.E) (Hubbs et al., 1991)
Colorado River
From the Brown/San Saba/Mills County line upstream to Robert Lee Dam in Coke County, excluding O.H. Ivie Reservoir (TNRCC classified stream segment 1426 and part of 1410).
- Biological function - Texas Natural Rivers System nominee for outstandingly remarkable fish and wildlife values (NPS, 1995)
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - exceptional
aesthetic value (NPS, 1995)
Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Concho water snake (Fed.T/St.T) (Campbell, 1995; USFWS, 1995)
Concho River
From a point 1.2 miles above the confluence of Fuzzy Creek in Concho County upstream to San Angelo Dam on the North Concho River in Tom Green County and to Nasworthy Dam on the South Concho River in Tom Green County (TNRCC classified stream segment 1421).
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - exceptional aesthetic value (NPS, 1995)
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Concho water snake (Fed.T/St.T) (Campbell, 1995; USFWS, 1995); one of only four known remaining populations of endemic Texas pimpleback freshwater mussel (Howells, 1997; Howells et al., 1997; Howells, 1999)
Devils River
From the Sutton/Val Verde County line upstream to the confluence with the Dry Devils River in Sutton County (within TNRCC classified stream segment 2309).
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - ecoregion stream (Bayer et al., 1992); high water quality and exceptional aquatic life use (TNRCC, 1996)
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Conchos pupfish (SOC/St.T),
proserpine shiner (SOC/St.T), Rio Grande darter (SOC/St.T) (Hubbs et al., 1991;
Bayer et al., 1992)
Diamond Y Springs
From the confluence with Leon Creek in Pecos County to its headwaters in Pecos County.
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Pecos gambusia (Fed.E/St.E) (Hubbs et al., 1991); Leon Springs pupfish (Fed.E/St.E) (Campbell, 1995; TOES, 1988); Puzzle sunflower (Fed.T/St.T), only known location of Pecos Assiminea snail (SOC), Diamond Y Spring snail (SOC), and Gonzales Spring snail (SOC) (D. Sullivan, 1998, pers. comm.)
East Sandia Springs - (Reeves County)
Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Pecos gambusia (Hubbs et al., 1991); puzzle sunflower (Fed.T/SOC) (D. Sullivan, 1998, pers. comm.)Elm Creek
From Elm Creek Park Lake in Ballinger (Runnels County) upstream to the FM 2647 bridge in central Runnels County.
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - ecoregion stream; high water quality, diverse benthic macroinvertebrate community (Bayer et al., 1992)
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - one of only four known remaining populations of endemic Texas fatmucket freshwater mussel; one of only four known remaining populations of endemic Texas pimpleback freshwater mussel (Howells, 1997; Howells et al., 1997; Howells, 1999)
Giffen Springs - (Reeves County)
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Comanche Springs pupfish
(Fed.E/St.E), Pecos gambusia (Fed.E/St.E) (Hubbs et al., 1991)
James River
From the confluence with the Llano River in the central part of Mason County to its headwaters south of Noxville in the southeastern part of Kimble County.
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - ecoregion stream; Overall use (Twidwell and Davis, 1989)
Diamond Y Draw (Leon Creek)
From the confluence with the Pecos River in Pecos County upstream to its headwaters in Pecos County.
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Leon Springs pupfish (Fed.E/St.E), Pecos gambusia (SOC/St.T) (Hubbs et al., 1991); puzzle sunflower (Fed.T/SOC) (D. Sullivan, 1998, pers. comm.)
Live Oak Creek
From the confluence with the Pecos River about seven miles southeast of Sheffield in Crockett County to its headwaters about six miles north of Old Fort Lancaster in Crockett County.
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - ecoregion stream; high water quality, diverse benthic macroinvertebrate community (Bayer et al., 1992)
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - proserpine shiner (SOC/St.T)
(Bayer et al., 1992)
Pecos River
From the Val Verde/Crockett County line upstream to the FM 11 bridge on the Pecos/Crane County line (within TNRCC classified stream segment 2311).
- Biological function - Texas Natural Rivers System nominee for outstandingly remarkable fish and wildlife values (NPS, 1995)
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - exceptional aesthetic value (NPS, 1995)
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - proserpine shiner (SOC/St.T)
(Linam and Kleinsasser, 1996)
Pedernales River
From the Kimble/Gillespie County line upstream to FM 385 in Kimble County (within TNRCC classified stream segment 1414).
- Biological function - National Wild and Scenic Rivers System nominee for significant natural areas and wildlife values (NPS, 1995)
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - exceptional
aesthetic value (NPS, 1995)
Salt Creek
From the confluence with the Pecos River in Reeves County upstream to the Reeves/Culberson County line.
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Pecos pupfish (SOC/St.T) (Echelle and Connor, 1989)
San Saba River
From FM 864 in Menard County upstream to Fort McKavett in Menard County.
- Riparian conservation area - Fort McKavett State Historical Site
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - one of only four known
remaining populations of endemic Texas
fatmuckets freshwater mussel; one of only four known remaining populations of endemic Texas
pimpleback freshwater mussel (Howells, 1997; Howells et al., 1997; Howells, 1999)
San Solomon Springs - (Reeves County)
- Riparian conservation area - Balmorhea State Park
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Comanche Springs pupfish (Fed.E/St.E), Pecos gambusia (Fed.E/St.E) (Hubbs et al., 1991)
South Llano River
From the confluence with the North Llano River at Junction near the center of Kimble County upstream to the Kimble/Edwards County line (within TNRCC stream segment 1415).
- Riparian conservation area - South Llano River State Park and Wildlife Management Area
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - ecoregion stream; high water quality, diverse benthic macroinvertebrate and fish communities (Bayer et al., 1992; Linam et al., 1999)
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - only major watershed containing a genetically pure population of Guadalupe bass (SOC) (G. Garrett, 2000, pers. comm.)
Spring Creek
From the FM 2335 crossing in Tom Green County to its headwaters located four miles south of the corner common to Schleicher, Irion, and Crockett counties.
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - ecoregion stream; high water quality, diverse benthic macroinvertebrate community (Bayer et al., 1992)
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - one of only four known remaining populations of endemic Texas fatmucket freshwater mussel (Howells, 1997; Howells et al., 1997; Howells 1999)
Toyah Creek
From the confluence with the Pecos River in Reeves County upstream to FM 1450 in Reeves County
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Comanche Springs pupfish (Fed.E/St.E) (Hubbs et al.. 1991)
West Rocky Creek
From the confluence with the Middle Concho River in northeast Irion County upstream to its headwaters in south Sterling County.
- High water quality/exceptional aquatic life/high aesthetic value - ecoregion stream; diverse benthic macroinvertebrate community (Bayer et al.. 1992)
- Threatened or endangered species/unique communities - Occurrence of species or habitat insufficient to merit designation.
- Bayer, C.W., J.R. Davis, S.R. Twidwell, R. Kleinsasser, G. Linam, K. Mayes, and E. Hornig. 1992. Texas aquatic ecoregion project: an assessment of least disturbed streams (draft). Texas Water Commission, Austin, Texas.
- Campbell, L. 1995. Endangered and Threatened Animals of Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Endangered Resources Branch, Austin, Texas.
- Echelle, A.A. and P.J. Connor. 1989. Rapid, geographically extensive genetic introgression after secondary contact between two pupfish species (Cyprinodon, cyprinodontidae). Evolution 43: 717-727.
- Garrett, G. 2000. Personal communication. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Ingram, Texas.
- Howells, B. 1999. Personal communication. Texas parks and Wildlife Department, Ingram, Texas.
- Howells, R.G. 1997. Distributional surveys of freshwater bivalves in Texas: progress report for 1996. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Management Data Series 144, Austin, Texas.
- Howells, R.G. 1999. Distributional surveys of freshwater bivalves in Texas: progress report for 1998. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Management Data Series 161, Austin, Texas.
- Howells, R.G., C.M. Mather, and J.A.M. Bergmann. 1997. Conservation status of selected freshwater mussels in Texas. Pages 117-127 in K.S. Cummings et al., editors. Conservation and management of freshwater mussels II: initiatives for the future. UMRCC Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Hubbs, C., R.J. Edwards, and G.P. Garrett. 1991. An annotated checklist of the freshwater fishes of Texas, with keys to identification of species. Texas Journal of Science 43: 1-56.
- Linam, G.W. and L.J. Kleinsasser. 1996. Relationship between fishes and dissolved oxygen in the Pecos River, Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, River Studies Report No. 9, Austin, Texas.
- Linam, G.W., L.J. Kleinsasser, and K. Mayes. 1999. Regionalization of the index of biotic integrity for Texas streams (draft - in review). Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, River Studies Report No. 16, Austin, Texas.
- National Park Service. 1995. The nationwide rivers inventory. United States
Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.
Sullivan, D. 1998. Personal communication. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, Texas. - Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC). 1996. Texas surface water quality standards. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Austin, Texas.
- Texas Organization for Endangered Species. 1988. Endangered, threatened, and watch list of vertebrates of Texas. Texas Organization for Endangered Species, Austin, Texas.
- Twidwell, S.R. and J.R. Davis. 1989. An assessment of six least disturbed unclassified Texas streams. Texas Water Commission, Austin, Texas.
- Twidwell, S.R. and J.R. Davis. 1989. An assessment of six least disturbed unclassified Texas streams. Texas Water Commission, Austin, Texas.
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995. Endangered and threatened species of Texas. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico.