Water Planning Data for Region N (Coastal Bend)

Aransas River

From the confluence with Copano Bay in Aransas/Refugio County to a point 3.3 miles upstream of Chiltipin Creek in Refugio/San Patricio County (TNRCC classified stream segment 2003).

Nueces River

From the Calallan saltwater barrier upstream about 35 miles to Seale Dam at Lake Corpus Christi (TNRCC classified stream segment 2102).

Nueces River

From the confluence with Nueces Bay in Nueces County upstream to Calallen Dam 1870 yards upstream of US 77/IH 37 in Nueces/San Patricio County (TNRCC classified stream segment 2101).

Nueces River

From the headwaters of Lake Corpus Christi in Live Oak County upstream to US 59 in Live Oak County (within TNRCC classified stream segment 2103).
