History of Golden Alga in Texas

In the past three decades, golden alga blooms have killed an estimated 34 million fish in five river basins (Brazos, Canadian, Colorado, Red and Rio Grande). Although golden alga appears worldwide, it's a comparatively recent problem in North America. Scientists still aren't sure whether it's an introduced species or a native that has been here all along. Some research suggests that changes in weather, water chemistry, or other environmental conditions have contributed to an increasing incidence of toxic blooms.



2000 and beyond

Articles and News Releases about golden alga, 1991 – present

Take Action
  • Report Kills - If you see a fish kill or suspect golden alga, contact TPWD's 24-hour communications centers at 512-389-4848 (Austin).
  • Get the Facts - TPWD has collaborated with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and other entities to produce a golden alga information card. Download a PDF from the TCEQ website or request a free hard copy from TPWD at hab@tpwd.texas.gov.