Management Data Series
Inland Fisheries
Documents listed below contain complex graphs, charts, or tables. If you use assistive technology and the format interferes with your ability to access the information, please contact the Inland Fisheries Division for assistance.
- MDS 52 - Walleye Hooking Mortality at Lake Meredith
(PDF 237.8 KB)
- MDS 69 - Striped Bass Spawning in Lower Trinity River
(PDF 605.8 KB)
- MDS 78 - List of Non-Native Fishes, Mollusks, Crustaceans and Aquatic Plants
(PDF 1.2 MB)
- MDS 93 - Survival of Catfish Juveniles Stocked in Ponds
(PDF 469.1 KB)
- MDS 100 - Preliminary Study of Freshwater Mussel Harvest
(PDF 1.6 MB)
- MDS 105 - Preliminary Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves
(PDF 937.2 KB)
- MDS 119 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 1993
(PDF 2.6 MB)
- MDS 120 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 1994
(PDF 2.8 MB)
- MDS 122 - Addition of Corn Meal to Channel Catfish Ponds
(PDF 644.8 KB)
- MDS 123 - Shorter Pond Filling Interval to Control Fairy Shrimp and Clam Shrimp
(PDF 837.2 KB)
- MDS 125 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 1995
(PDF 2.3 MB)
- MDS 144 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 1996
(PDF 2.7 MB)
- MDS 147 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 1997
(PDF 1.3 MB)
- MDS 161 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 1998
(PDF 1.4 MB)
- MDS 170 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 1999
(PDF 2.7 MB)
- MDS 187 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 2000
(PDF 2 MB)
- MDS 188 - Introduced Fishes and Shellfishes Updated List
(PDF 2.2 MB)
- MDS 197 - Freshwater Mussels of the Pimpleback Complex
(PDF 2.5 MB)
- MDS 199 - Mortality Associated with Catch and Release Angling
(PDF 3.2 MB)
- MDS 200 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 2001
(PDF 1.1 MB)
- MDS 210 - Comparison of Fast and Slow Growing Sibling Bass
(PDF 2.8 MB)
- MDS 214 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 2002
(PDF 1.7 MB)
- MDS 215 - Summary of 1987-2001 Data from Canyon Tailrace
(PDF 2.1 MB)
- MDS 216 - Treatments to Control Fungus on Florida Largemouth Bass Eggs
(PDF 744.3 KB)
- MDS 218 - Prohibited Exotics Found in Harris County
(PDF 793.2 KB)
- MDS 220 - Comparison of Three Cottonseed Meal Regimens for Palmetto Bass
(PDF 800.8 KB)
- MDS 221 - Effects of Rice Bran, Cottonseed Meal and Alfalfa meal on Zooplankton
(PDF 812.5 KB)
- MDS 222 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 2004
(PDF 2.1 MB)
- MDS 223 - Fluctuating Asymmetry in Striped Bass
(PDF 928.1 KB)
- MDS 226 - Non-Native Aquatic Vegetation Control in 2001
(PDF 1.3 MB)
- MDS 230 - Non-Native Aquatic Vegetation Control in 2002
(PDF 1.2 MB)
- MDS 231 - Nuisance Aquatic Vegetation Control in 2003
(PDF 1.5 MB)
- MDS 233 - Distributional Surveys of Freshwater Bivalves 2004
(PDF 1 MB)
- MDS 235 - Stocking Sub-Adult Channel Catfish in West Texas Reservoirs
(PDF 598.2 KB)
- MDS 236A - Management of Prymnesium Parvum at Texas Hatcheries Part 1
(PDF 3.2 MB)
- MDS 236B - Management of Prymnesium parvum at Texas Hatcheries Part 2
(PDF 2.4 MB)
- MDS 237 - Inoculation and Supplemental Feeding of Zooplankton on Florida Largemouth Bass
(PDF 562.9 KB)
- MDS 238 - Comparison of Day vs Night Feeding on Channel Catfish
(PDF 601.5 KB)
- MDS 239 - Nuisance Aquatic Vegetation Control in 2004
(PDF 1.7 MB)
- MDS 243 - Guidelines for Culture of Striped and Palmetto Bass
(PDF 2 MB)
- MDS 244 - Guidelines for the Culture of Blue and Channel Catfish
(PDF 1013.9 KB)
- MDS 245 - Comparison of Stocking Densities for Channel Catfish in Earthen Ponds
(PDF 138.2 KB)
- MDS 246 - Nuisance Aquatic Vegetation Control in 2005
(PDF 858.7 KB)
- MDS 247 - Survival of Rainbow Trout Fingerlings Stocked into the Special Regulation Zone of the Canyon Reservoir Tailrace
(PDF 670.7 KB)
- MDS 252 - Guidelines for the Culture of Bluegill Sunfish
(PDF 217.6 KB)
- MDS 254 - Effect of a Floating Feed Ring on Advanced Channel Catfish Fingerling Production
(PDF 255.7 KB)
- MDS 255 - Comparison of Three Stocking Densities for Rearing Florida Largemouth Bass in Ponds
(PDF 448.4 KB)
- MDS 256 - Economic Value of Tournament and Non-tournament Angling at Sam Rayburn Reservoir
(PDF 6.3 MB)
- MDS 260 - Nutrient Manipulation to Control the Toxic Alga Prymnesium parvum
(PDF 326.4 KB)
- MDS 261 - Solar Powered Water Circulation for Controlling Prymnesium parvum in Hatchery Ponds
(PDF 246.9 KB)
- MDS 265 - Comparison of Liberal and Conservative Water Exchange Effects on Channel Catfish Fingerling Production
(PDF 297.3 KB)
- MDS 266 - Ammonium Sulfate Application Strategies to Control Prymnesium parvum in Striped Bass Fingerling Production Ponds
(PDF 206.5 KB)
- MDS 267 - Guidelines for the Culture of Black Bass
(PDF 933.8 KB)
- MDS 268 - Enumeration of Florida Largemouth Bass Fry: Verification of an Index for Estimating Numbers
(PDF 147.4 KB)
- MDS 269 - Refining Ammonia Treatments for Prymnesium parvum Control in Striped Bass Production Ponds
(PDF 298.4 KB)
- MDS 270 - Survival and Harvest of Channel Catfish in Two Community Fishing Lakes
(PDF 131.2 KB)
- MDS 272 - Impacts of Exempting a Largemouth Bass Fishing Tournament from Slot Length Limits at Lake Fork
(PDF 642.3 KB)
- MDS 273 - Propagation and Establishment of Native Aquatic Plants in Reservoirs
(PDF 2.4 MB)
- MDS 274 - Use of Aluminum Sulfate in Striped Bass Production Ponds Fertilized with Nitrogen and Phosphorus to Control Prymnesium parvum
(PDF 238.8 KB)
- MDS 276 - A Biosecurity Manual for Inland Fisheries Division Hatcheries
(PDF 481.2 KB)
- MDS 279 - Community-Level Physiological Profiling for Monitoring Microbial Community Function in Fish Hatchery Ponds
(PDF 625.1 KB)
- MDS 280 - Effects of Two Pond Filling Strategies on Production of Channel Catfish in Plastic-Lined Ponds
(PDF 360.8 KB)
- MDS 283 - Effects of Zooplankton Additions on Zooplankton Populations and Fingerling Florida Largemouth Bass Production in Plastic-Lined Ponds
(PDF 267.1 KB)
- MDS 284 - Assessment of Short-term Preserved Milt for Mass Production of Striped Bass Fry
(PDF 228.1 KB)
- MDS 285 - A Catch-Card Survey of Anglers at Lake Mineral Wells
(PDF 302.6 KB)
- MDS 287 - Smallmouth Bass Spawning Performance in Indoor Concrete Raceways
(PDF 255.5 KB)
- MDS 288 - Angler Catch, Harvest and Characteristics at Neighborhood Fishin' Program Lakes
(PDF 367.1 KB)
- MDS 289 - Cold Weather Event Simulations on the Survival of Larval Guadalupe Bass
(PDF 491.9 KB)
- MDS 291 - Angler Use and Abundance of Stocked Channel Catfish in Twenty Small Texas Impoundments
(PDF 553 KB)
- MDS 294 - Proposed Standard Length Categories for Guadalupe Bass
(PDF 275 KB)
- MDS 296 - Evaluation of Stocking Density and Other Factors Improving Florida Largemouth Bass Fingerling Production at TFFC
(PDF 337.7 KB)
- MDS 297 - A Review of Hooking Mortality, Associated Influential Factors, and Angling Gear Restrictions, with Implications for Management of the Alligator Gar.