Texas R3 Cross-Program Goals

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  1. Measure the success of R3 programs using evaluation techniques and outcome tracking
  2. Communicate the value of outdoor recreation
  3. Create and improve partnerships among agencies, organizations and industry
  4. Develop support for agency-wide R3 coordination

Some overlap exists among the four program “pillars” in this plan; that is, objectives, strategies or actions that occur in one pillar may be similar or even identical in another. To reduce redundancy in the plan and encourage making R3 an integral part of the agency culture, goals that are truly ubiquitous (occur in all four pillars) are listed in this section.

People hunting, fishing, boating and shooting

Outline of Cross-Program Goals

  1. Goal 1: Measure the success of R3 programs using evaluation techniques and outcome tracking
    1. Objective: Implement a system to allow for tracking of customers and associated revenue across all agency programs and activities
      Metric: Implementation of objective
      Target Audience: TPWD and partners
      Timeframe: Short-term, Ongoing
      1. Assign one unique customer ID so customers and participants can be tracked throughout various agency programs (current customer ID only applies to hunting and fishing licenses)
      2. Formalize a process for regularly sharing results generated by the License Utilization & Revenue Enhancement System (LURES) with TPWD program managers and partners
    2. Objective: Develop and implement evaluation tools and specific metrics for all current R3 programs and activities
      Metric: Implementation of objective
      Target Audience: TPWD and partners
      Timeframe: Ongoing
      1. Standardize the type of data being collected and the methods used to collect data across all programs to ensure consistency and usability
      2. Continue utilizing the License Utilization & Revenue Enhancement System (LURES)
      3. Require the collection of participation and license data at TPWD sites and events
      4. Use program participation data and license sales data to determine conversion
      5. Build in participant tracking strategies at the start of all new programs
      6. Identify R3 programs, events and initiatives that have greatest impact to inform programmatic funding allocation decisions
    3. Objective: Identify gaps in the ORAM and work with partners to fill them
      Metric: Program availability across ORAM
      Target Audience: Existing and new partners (conservation, retail, manufacturer, etc.)
      Timeframe: Short-term, Ongoing
      1. Map programs against the ORAM to ensure a logical flow from agency programs to partner programs and vice versa and to fill any gaps in moving participants across the ORAM
      2. Work with partners to identify gaps in the ORAM and develop specific actions to fill them
      3. Provide partners with the training and tools needed to evaluate their current and future
  2. Goal 2: Communicate the value of outdoor recreation
    1. Objective: Improve strategic communications to the media about Hunting, Fishing, Boating and Shooting Sports (H/F/B/SS)
      Metric: Coverage (impressions, viewership, websites, social media engagement)
      Target Audience: Media professionals in social media, mainstream media, outdoor media
      Timeframe: Short-term, Ongoing
      1. Develop list of “new media†targets annually, create awareness programs for them and improve “mainstream media’s†knowledge base about the benefits of H/F/B/SS for Texans, wildlife, conservation efforts and land management
      2. Identify key decision and social influencers, editors and reporters from media and invite them to participate in one or more of the four pillar activities with TPWD staff or agency partner
        1. Promote participation by media and outdoor writers in the form of regional
          one-day workshops at TPWD properties and include classroom instruction in conjunction with activities on hunting, fishing, shooting, conservation and ethics – along with a future planned hunt or fishing trip with TPWD biologists
        2. Develop programs to combine video conferencing and online educational/ lecture components with hands-on activities (e.g., shooting) and/or mentored hunts/fishing trips
      3. Improve societal acceptance of hunting and shooting by generating favorable publicity on how hunting and shooting serve citizens, wildlife, habitats and overall conservation
      4. Bolster public involvement in promoting safe target sports opportunities as Texas traditions and quality of life
        1. Draft a flyer, set of talking points, position statement and other materials to ensure consistency of messaging across the Texas target range and shooting sports community, communicating TPWD support
    2. Objective: Create and share communications messaging to prospective/existing/lapsed license buyers that can be used across the Hunting, Fishing, Boating and Shooting Sports segments, that tells the story of why outdoor recreation and conservation are important, valuable and fun for Texans
      Metric: Surveys, focus groups
      Target Audience: Potential, existing and lapsed license buyers, registered boaters and sports shooters
      Timeframe: Short-term, Ongoing
      1. Compile data on customers to create profiles that include age, license type, frequency of purchase, geographic area, etc., in order to create tailored marketing strategies
      2. Utilize profiles of existing customers to identify similar types of people not largely engaged with the department (Hispanics, women, millennials, people with disabilities)
      3. Complete churn analysis to determine the profiles of customers who churned, and identify customers for targeted retention and reactivation efforts
      4. Review secondary research and brand messaging of TPWD, TPWF, current and potential partners, and other NGOs to confirm TPWD is on target or if messaging should be revised
      5. Conduct research on existing customers to identify barriers to and interests in participation in existing and new programs, events and classes. Research should include determining how likely an individual is to use existing and new resources like mentorship programs or regional meet-ups at partner locations, state parks and WMAs
      6. Create tailored messaging to high-value target markets that helps move customers along the ORAM model on a pathway to becoming lifelong participants
        1. Create and promote “social networks†around H/F/B/SS that connect participants with others who are engaged in the same outdoor recreational activities
      7. Work with TPWD divisions to produce a collective evaluation of existing H/F/B/SS
        programs, events, classes and resources to determine which should be promoted to prospects and customers; evaluation includes target audience, relevant and measurable outcomes, and identification of gaps that may be filled by partners
      8. Write marketing communications plans that compile research, data, messaging strategies, program descriptions, target audiences, timelines, tactics for each pillar, all in one document
      9. Define a process for review and implementation of the plan with TPWD divisions and partners
  3. Goal 3: Create and improve partnerships among agencies, organizations and industry
    1. Objective: Coordinate with key agencies, NGOs, and outdoor industry partners
      Metric: Number of relevant partners and level of partner engagement
      Target Audience: Partners
      Timeframe: Short-term, Ongoing
      1. Identify key partners (establish criteria for how to select partners)
      2. Meet with key partners to discuss TPWD’s implementation of the R3 plan
        and continue to evaluate how partners can help fill gaps were in the ORAM
        where needed
      3. Enhance relationships with cooperative agencies to facilitate access to public
        lands and waters
    2. Objective: Help partners develop and deliver R3 programs
      Metric: Implementation
      Target Audience: Partners
      Timeframe: Short-term, Ongoing
      1. Work with R3 partners to expand adult programs to complement current youth- focused programs
      2. Develop programs that include formal training/best practices, recruiting techniques, tracking and evaluation, continuing education and incentives along with printed and online resources
  4. Goal 4: Develop support for agency-wide R3 coordination
    1. Objective: Identify needed resources for agency R3 efforts
      Metric: Staff and budget allocations
      Target Audience: TPWD leadership
      Timeframe: Short-term, Long-term, Ongoing
      1. Commit to allocation of sufficient agency resources (staff and funding) to ensure that initiatives to recruit, retain and reactivate H/F/B/SS can be successful
      2. Leverage partner relationships to help provide and fund R3 efforts
    2. Objective: Manage internal and external coordination between TPWD staff and partners for R3 efforts, and assist with R3 program development and evaluation
      Metric: Implementation
      Target Audience: TPWD leadership
      Timeframe: Short-term, Ongoing
      1. Hire an R3 coordinator for hunting and shooting sports and an R3 coordinator for fishing and boating to manage the department-wide implementation of the R3 plan
    3. Objective: Establish and maintain external funding opportunities for R3
      Metric: Funding available for R3
      Target Audience: Existing and potential partners, NGOs, government agencies
      Timeframe: Short-term, Long-term
      1. Utilize existing grant opportunities to increase R3 activities, programs and initiatives
        1. Develop a collaborative grant identification and application process, especially
          where partner organizations can leverage staffing, expertise and resources
        2. Incorporate R3 elements into scoring matrix for CO-OP grants, local park grants,
          boating access grants, trail grants, target range grants, etc.
      2. Integrate resources to leverage additional R3 funding
        1. Increase partnerships with other state and federal agencies and NGOs to help fund R3 initiatives
        2. Create and implement R3 funding through license sales/program income (e.g., Commercial Fishing License Buyback Program)
        3. Leverage partner monies and volunteer hours to provide match
        4. Develop partnerships with other recreation industries that cross over into fishing to
          help fund R3 initiatives (e.g., boating, kayaking, stand-up paddleboard (SUP) industries)
    4. Objective: Develop action plan to implement the Texas R3 Strategic Plan
      Development and implementation of objective
      Target Audience: TPWD
      Timeframe: Short-term (3 months after Commission approval), Ongoing
      1. Prioritize recommended actions in the R3 plan, then identify budget and resources
      2. Establish implementation teams for each pillar to create project plan, timelines, designate
        resources, and set up tracking and evaluation methods
      3. Hold quarterly or bi-annual meetings with implementation teams to provide updates on
        development/implementation of programs or efforts and report results, share successes,
        identify issues or barriers to progress
      4. Manage action plan and quarterly/bi-annual meetings with implementation teams (R3 Coordinator)