
  1. Hunting, Fishing and Boating
    Texas hunting, fishing & boating regulations, education, license
  2. Water Safety Digest
    A Summary of Boating Laws
  3. Commercial Fishing
    Guide, harvest reporting, landings
  4. State Parks and Historic Sites
    Rules & regulations
  1. Endangered and Threatened Species
    Regulations, definitions & guidelines
  2. Prohibited Exotic Aquatic Species
    Rules against transportation & prevention of spreading exotic species
  3. Floating Cabins
    Permit info, permit/& application requirements
  4. Permits
    Fishing & boating, hunting & wildlife, land & water

Documents referenced on this page summarize laws and regulations enforced by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

Links to actual laws and regulations:


Public Comment

When new or updated regulations are proposed, TPWD solicits citizen input via the web and public hearings. See Opportunities for Comment on Proposed New Regulations.