- Office of Internal Affairs
- Complaint Investigation and Resolution
- How to File a General Complaint
- Site Policies
- ADA Accessibility Complaint (PWD-1164)(DOCX, 24.5 KB)
- TPWD Complaint (PWD-185) (PDF 150.5 KB)
How to File a General Complaint
Due to Covid-19 and the strain on TPWD resources, Internal Affairs will only be handling complaints regarding alleged employee misconduct at this time. Any complaints regarding State Park facilities or business may be directed to TPWDCustomer.Service@tpwd.texas.gov.
(It is recommended that you print these instructions and have them on hand while reviewing the TPWD general Complaint Form (PWD-185).
- If you have not already read Complaint Investigation and Resolution, it is recommended you do so now.
- General complaints should be submitted in writing on the TPWD Complaint Form (PWD-185).
- Fill in each blank with the requested information. Blank pages may be inserted between the first page and the signature page if additional space is needed.
- In the body of the complaint, in a narrative form, give a concise statement of the nature of the complaint, including all relevant facts. The more information you can provide, the better it is for the investigator. If known, provide the name the TPWD employee you are complaining against or give sufficient information to allow the Department to identify the employee. Please include your address and telephone number so the investigator can contact you.
- After you have completed the narrative portion of the complaint form, sign it as required.
- The completed and signed complaint form may be filed by mail, email, or in person to the Executive Office, Office of Internal Affairs.
It is the goal of Internal Affairs to resolve cases within 90 days when possible. Please review the FAQs above before starting the formal complaint process.
Contact Information
Texas Parks and Wildlife
Executive Office/Office of Internal Affairs
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
Phone: (512) 389-4748, and select one of the following options:
- Option 1-complaints related to Law Enforcement
- Option 2-complaints related to State Parks
- Option 3-complaints related to employees
- Option 4-complaints related to safety
E-mail: Complaints@tpwd.texas.gov
Internal Affairs Complaint Resources
Complaint Investigation and Resolution Process
How to File a General Complaint
PWD-185 TPWD Complaint Form
ADA Accessibility Complaint Resources
Internal Affairs does not process ADA Accessibility complaints. ADA complaints should follow the procedures set forth by the TPWD ADA Coordinator.
E-mail: Accessibility@tpwd.texas.gov
PWD-1164 ADA Accessibility Complaint Form