Presenter: Andy Goldbloom

Commission Agenda Item No. 12
Land Lease – Jack County
January 1998

I. Discussion: In September 1994, the Department in partnership with Jack County and the City of Jacksboro was awarded a Texas Department of Transportation Enhancement grant to acquire property and develop a bicycle/pedestrian trail along Lost Creek to directly link Fort Richardson State Historical Park with the City of Jacksboro's Lost Creek Reservoir. One of the Department's commitments to this city-county-state partnership was to earmark a portion of the TxDOT road and parking lot annual funding to construct a parking lot and trail-head on Lost Creek Reservoir. A 50 acre tract of land was acquired as part of this project on which to locate this parking lot and trail-head. The City has taken the lead in acquiring property for this project and the deed for this 50 acre tract is held by the City of Jacksboro. To enable the funding of this parking lot with TxDOT funds, the property must be owned by the Department or legally controlled through a long term lease. Staff recommends that the Department enter into a 20 year lease for 1.5 acres out of the 50 acre tract from the City of Jacksboro for this parking lot site. The nearly completed trailway will be managed and operated by the Department in partnership with the City and County. The Department will not incur any additional operating expenses by entering into this lease agreement.

II. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

"The Executive Director is authorized to take all necessary steps to consummate the lease of the property indicated in Exhibit A from the City of Jacksboro."

Attachments - 2

1. Exhibit A - Location Map
2. Exhibit B - Fiscal Note

(Exhibits A and B are available upon request.)