Presenter: Tim Hogsett
Commission Agenda Item No. 2
Boat Ramp Funding
January 1998
I. Discussion: The State Boat Ramp Program was authorized in 1975 by the Sixty-fourth Legislature. The program provides funds for the purchase, construction and maintenance of boat ramps, access roads and related improvements. Program funds may also be used for capital improvements to existing state boat ramp sites. The program receives funding from two sources: (1) The Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act, also known as the Wallop-Breaux Program, and (2) The State Game, Fish and Water Safety Fund.
Twelve and one-half percent of the State's annual apportionment from the federal Wallop-Breaux Program must be used to provide public access for motor boating facilities. Construction for new ramps is supported on a 75 percent (state) - 25 percent (local) basis. Capital improvements and repairs to existing state ramps are currently financed by the State.
The Department received five applications for new ramp construction requesting $606,945 in matching fund assistance by the July 31, 1997 deadline. Federal Wallop-Breaux funds available at this time for boating access projects include $606,945 in remaining FY 1997 funds and FY 1998 funds.
The current ceiling for match request is $200,000. This ceiling has been in place since 1990, and was adopted during a period when adequate federal funds were not available to fund projects. Since 1991, adequate federal funds have been available to support all boat ramp requests. This is in part due to an increase in federal allocation to boating access. The $200,000 ceiling has required some sponsors constructing large multi-lane ramps to support their projects at a rate greater than 25%. Construction costs have also risen since 1990. The staff is proposing an increase in the grant request ceiling from $200,000 to $500,000.
II. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"Funding for new construction projects as listed in Exhibit A in the amount of $606,945 is approved, as described for individual projects in Exhibit B."
Attachments - 3
1. Exhibit
A - Priority
2. Exhibit B - Discussion
of Individual Project Proposals
3. Exhibit C - Fiscal Note
Exhibits B and C are available upon request.
Agenda Item No. 2
Local Requests for State
Boat Ramp Funds
El Paso County Ascarate Park Lake Boat Ramp | $52,500.00 | $52,500.00 | $52,500.00 |
Gilmer Lake Gilmer Boat Ramp | $116,775.00 | $116,775.00 | $169,275.00 |
Liberty Trinity River Boat Ramp | $141,517.00 | $141,517.00 | $310,792.00 |
San Angelo Twin Buttes Reservoir South Pool Boat Ramp |
$199,403.00 | $199,403.00 | $510,195.00 |
Zapata County Falcon Reservoir Boat Ramp | $96,750.00 | $96,750.00 | $606,945.00 |
TOTAL | $606,945.00 | $606,945.00 | $606,945.00 |
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