Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Finance Committee Meeting
Nov. 7, 2001
Commission Hearing RoomTexas Parks & Wildlife Department Headquarters Complex
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
1 7 BE IT REMEMBERED that heretofore on the 8 7TH day of NOVEMBER 2001, there came on to be 9 heard matters under the regulatory authority of 10 the Parks and Wildlife Commission of Texas, in 11 the commission hearing room of the Texas Parks and 12 Wildlife Headquarters complex, Austin, Travis 13 County, Texas, beginning at 11:58 a.m., to wit: 14 15 16 APPEARANCES: 17 THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION: FINANCE COMMITTEE: 18 Chair: Ernest Angelo, Jr., Midland, Texas Katharine Armstrong Idsal, San Antonio, Texas 19 John Avila, Jr., Fort Worth, Texas Carol E. Dinkins, Houston, Texas (absent) 20 Alvin L. Henry, Houston, Texas Mark E. Watson, Jr., San Antonio, Texas 21 Philip Montgomery, III, Dallas, Texas Donato D. Ramos, Laredo, Texas 22 Joseph B.C. Fitzsimons, San Antonio, Texas 23 THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT: 24 Andrew H. Sansom, Executive Director, and other personnel of the Parks and Wildlife 25 Department. . 2 1 NOVEMBER 7, 2001 2 *-*-*-*-* 3 FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING 4 *-*-*-*-* 5 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: I'm calling this 6 meeting back to order. And with that, I'll hand 7 it over to Ernie Angelo, the chairman of the 8 finance committee. 9 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: All right. Our 10 first item is to approve the committee minutes of 11 the previous meeting. Are there any changes or 12 corrections? There being none, they will stand 13 approved as written. 14 Item number 1 on the agenda is the 15 chairman's charges. Andy? 16 AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: BRIEFING - CHAIRMAN'S 17 CHARGES. 18 MR. SANSOM: Mr. Chairman, three of 19 the specific issues today on your agenda will be 20 presented by Gene McCarty and have to do with 21 follow-up on Sunset. They involve developing 22 guidelines for employee fund-raising, developing 23 best practices and accountability measures for 24 nonprofit partners and guidelines limiting the 25 expenditure of state monies by non-profit . 3 1 partners. 2 And I also would say that at this 3 time, I would like Lydia Saldana to present to you 4 the -- give you a glimpse of the two new license 5 plates for the department. 6 MS. SALDANA: First, if I could, I'm 7 Lydia Saldana, communications division director. 8 And just real quickly, if I could go over some of 9 the information on the other license plates. Of 10 course, the horned toad lizard plate was launched 11 back in October of 1999, once the 76th legislature 12 approved it. 13 Right now, we're at 20,374 in total 14 sales, which makes it the third most popular 15 specialty plate in Texas. That's about $407,000, 16 a little over $407,000 in gross revenue. This has 17 been a real money maker for the department, a very 18 successful effort and Texans just love it. You 19 can see them all over the road. 20 As directed by the Commission 21 earlier this year, we directed our efforts for our 22 second plate to benefit state parks and to go to 23 state parks. We began our efforts back in early 24 spring. We really had hoped to tune into the 25 spring wildflower season. And we ran into some . 4 1 production problems. And so the actual production 2 of the plate was not completed until July. So 3 we're very much on the early end of the -- you 4 know, this process. 5 To date we have sold 1,354 of the 6 bluebonnet plates benefiting state parks. We did 7 a pretty extensive marketing effort in August that 8 we're just now going to begin to see results. 9 And, of course, we'll be working on a spring 10 campaign, as well to coincide with state park 11 visitation in the spring, bluebonnet and 12 wildflower season. 13 Now, I get to do my Vanna White 14 impression. Here's what we've got on the board 15 for coming up in 2002. And when we first did the 16 research on the initial horny toad plate, what 17 came up very popular was both a white-tailed deer 18 and a bass plate. We believe there's a huge 19 market potential here. And what we're looking at 20 doing is launching these together. 21 Our marketing budget this year for 22 four plates is going to be a little bit more than 23 what we had the last year for two plates. So 24 we're going to be looking at every possible way 25 that we can market these efficiently. We believe . 5 1 that launching two at once is one way that we can 2 do that. I have one brochure instead of two 3 separate brochures and market to some of our key 4 market lists. Now, I will point out that these 5 are still works in progress. We're pretty happy 6 with the bass plate, but Bob Cook told us Monday 7 that this looks like a Yankee deer. So we're 8 going to be doing some cosmetic surgery. 9 These two plates and all of the 10 artwork are done by our incredible talented 11 artists that we have on staff. The horny toad 12 plate and the bluebonnet were done by Rob 13 Plumming. This artwork is being done by 14 Clemente Guzman. I think we've got some real 15 winners here. So we'll be launching these early 16 in the year. We want to take advantage of the 17 spring, you know, boating shows and that sort of 18 thing to work on marketing this plate. 19 We're in the process right now of 20 seeking a sponsor for a spring issue of Hook and 21 Bullet, which goes out to every super combo 22 license holder, which is one of our key customer 23 groups. And we want to have these marketing 24 materials in the event that does get funded ready 25 to go so we can market to that group. . 6 1 So there we are. Any questions? 2 MR. SANSOM: That concludes the 3 charges, Mr. Chairman. 4 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Thank you, Andy. 5 Thank you, Lydia. 6 If there's no objection from the 7 Commission, I'd like to make a change in the order 8 of the agenda. Since we're already in the lunch 9 hour, we'd like to take up item number 3, and then 10 follow that with item number 5, and then take a 11 recess of the committee for lunch. Are there any 12 objections to that? 13 There being none, we recognize Jayna 14 Burgdorf to talk to us about the license system, 15 and also to introduce our new -- 16 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: BRIEFING - LICENSE SYSTEM 17 UPDATE. 18 MS. BURGDORF: Thank you, 19 Commissioners. Andra, is it okay if I go ahead 20 and get started. 21 MS. CLARK: Yes. 22 MS. BURGDORF: Okay. Thanks. This 23 is Terry Lewis. She's our new license system 24 manager. She's assisting with the implementation 25 and she will also be managing the contract on an . 7 1 ongoing basis. 2 Today, we're going to report on the 3 PC system status and the hypercom point of sales 4 terminal status. 5 The PC sales system is primarily 6 used by our law enforcement offices and by a low 7 volume license agents. And these are folks who 8 sell less than a hundred licenses a year. 9 Some of you have even purchased your 10 license from the system at the front counter. 11 It's been on sale since the end of August. We 12 have expanded that sales capability with this PC 13 system to six of our law enforcement offices. And 14 actually on a daily basis now, we are bringing 15 more law enforcement offices up online. And they 16 should be complete by the end of November. 17 We're also, by the end of November, 18 going to roll out to about 150 or so low-volume 19 retailers and have those folks up. 20 New agents, what we have found out 21 with this PC system is that it is more user 22 friendly, it has greater functionality. And so as 23 folks apply to become licensed agents that haven't 24 up to this point, we are directing them towards 25 the PC. So the new folks who start selling . 8 1 licenses will be hopefully using their own PC to 2 do that, as well. 3 The hypercom sales system is the one 4 that is very similar to what we have right now, 5 the veriphone equipment used by Transactive. It 6 is primarily used by our higher-volume retailers 7 in the state parks. We have the little machine 8 right over there. And actually at the break, 9 we're going to sell some licenses. So if you want 10 to see the machine actually work, live sales, 11 we'll have it here. 12 The pilot is ongoing right now at 13 our front counter. Again, that's the best place 14 for us to pilot these things. We have a lot of 15 control there. They are in the middle of 16 deploying devices, WorldCom is. They're at 714 17 devices deployed, shipped out as of the end of 18 business yesterday. That is about a quarter of 19 all the devices that we need to be shipped. 20 What happens is they're shipped in 21 training mode, and then they work with the agents, 22 the license agents, to set that machine up over 23 the phone. And then when we get -- hopefully, 24 next week, we should have the version of software 25 that will allow us to be comfortable selling -- . 9 1 letting licensed agents out in the field sell 2 licenses live on the system. And so there will be 3 an activation that takes place. So right now when 4 they get their equipment, they're just in training 5 mode. 6 As you know, Transactive has 7 continued to sell licenses through the fall. And 8 we're pleased with that. As folks start selling 9 licenses on the new system and they're successful, 10 then Transactive will go pick up the old terminal, 11 settle it, and they will basically close out 12 within about two months. 13 Although we do not anticipate 14 needing to continue with Transactive past 15 December, they have agreed, if necessary, to 16 continue through April. And WorldCom has also 17 agreed to reimburse Parks & Wildlife for those 18 contingency costs. 19 There are some other aspects of the 20 system that are important, and those are rapidly 21 coming into place, as well. Right now, we're just 22 focusing on recreational license sales. But the 23 commercial license sales capability should be here 24 by late December. The ability to purchase a 25 license over the phone through our call center, . 10 1 and the ability for someone at their own home 2 computer to purchase a license over the Internet, 3 again, both of those, the call center on the 4 Internet has to be fulfilled so that you get your 5 actual license with the tags on it. But those -- 6 both of those capabilities should take place in 7 December and January. So that's the schedule. 8 And in spite of the delays, you 9 know, we want to tell you that we are excited 10 about the new system. We've got what we think is 11 a really neat looking license with the tags around 12 the body of the license. We believe we're going 13 to have much more accurate data in the database. 14 When you go to swipe your driver's license, there 15 will be many instances of finding you as a 16 customer and populating that name and address 17 field so that there's no chance that the, you 18 know, clerk might accidentally mistakenly enter 19 the wrong address, et cetera. 20 Hunter education requirements are 21 printed on the license. And it does address the 22 license system related audit issues. 23 And Terry and I will be happy to 24 answer any questions. 25 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Do we have any . 11 1 questions, Madam Chairman? 2 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Yes, Mr. Chairman. 3 I would like to -- the number of devices that went 4 out yesterday was what? 5 MS. BURGDORF: Representing a total 6 of three days, the cumulative total of three days 7 is 714. 8 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: And when do you 9 expect we'll be getting some feedback on how 10 that's going? 11 MS. BURGDORF: I actually expect 12 that we'll getting feedback pretty quickly. Our 13 sense is that the installation call is not going 14 to be the most confusing aspect. You know, they 15 will walk them through, "Here is how you put the 16 paper in, here is how you put the ribbon in." 17 And we think that will go pretty 18 well, although we should start hearing very soon. 19 We've got some of our licensed deputy advisory 20 committee members on tap to give us feedback. 21 What we will probably hear more about is when we 22 go to actually activate these people and they're 23 really selling licenses. And it just may be the 24 change. 25 You know, they might not be used to . 12 1 how to work the new system, although they have got 2 the opportunity to view the training video and to 3 attend a training class. So we're hoping that 4 that will help overcome any newness that they feel 5 with the system. 6 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: By next week, you 7 expect information will be dribbling in or pouring 8 in or -- 9 MS. BURGDORF: Oh, yeah. Well, we 10 are actually talking to them today about a 11 specific activation strategy that might involve 12 one of our corporate partners, like Academy, 13 because then we're dealing with one headquarters 14 who has the capability to transmit to a number of 15 stores and receive feedback very quickly from them 16 if they encounter any problems. So that's what 17 we're working on and we'll phase it in next week 18 and we will keep it informed. 19 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Any other 20 questions? If not, Jayna, we thank you very much. 21 And you have a -- your conference call with 22 WorldCom is regarding what? 23 MS. BURGDORF: It's actually we have 24 daily conference calls. 25 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: It's a daily . 13 1 thing. And you're just continuing. Okay. Very 2 good. 3 MS. BURGDORF: Thanks. 4 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: All right. And 5 then we'll take up item number 5, Frances? This 6 is the approval of the artwork design. 7 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: BRIEFING - ARTWORK APPROVAL. 8 MS. STILES: Good morning. My name 9 is Frances Stiles and I'm with the administrative 10 resources division. I have with me Mr. Bubba Wood 11 from Collector's Cubby to present the artwork. 12 MR. WOOD: The duck stamp art this 13 year is the work Joe Hawkman. He is the third of 14 the Hawkman brothers, all of whom won the -- have 15 won the federal duck stamp contest. The other two 16 have done the duck stamp for us before. Jim 17 Hawkman has won three times. His brother, Bob, 18 has won twice. And Joe is, of course, the black 19 sheep who has only won once. But we're the only 20 state -- and I don't know what this is worth -- 21 probably not much -- that have used all three 22 artist -- at least that I'm aware of, that have 23 used all three of the Hawkman boys. 24 The second print is the turkey stamp 25 print, of course, by John Deerman, who had done a . 14 1 turkey stamp for us before. I think it was the 2 1991 one. The first state turkey stamp print was 3 done by John Deerman. And the saltwater stamp is 4 also done by John Deerman this year. And it's a 5 flounder. And, yes, it's ugly. But we have 6 probably had more requests by people, you know, 7 just -- in numbers, I would say 25 over the years, 8 have said, "God, you really ought to do a flounder 9 because more people fish for flounder on the coast 10 than almost anything. Well, here he is. 11 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: He nailed him. 12 That's him. 13 MR. WOOD: And, of course, and our 14 fourth is our non-game stamp. Now, most of 15 you-all would think that that's a gamble's quail. 16 But that's really an Avocet that hadn't quite made 17 it yet. I had Sherry Russell Malean paint a 18 gamble's quail for us, knowing that, of course, 19 you can't hunt gamble's quail in Texas and we've 20 already used the Vernon's quail as a non-game, you 21 know, back when the non-consumptive user gave us 22 new meaning to non-comsumptive user, meaning they 23 don't buy the stamp prints. We decided we'd try 24 to use game birds like Mearns quail. And always 25 in the back of my mind -- and, of course, we did . 15 1 the gamble's quail because it's even prettier. 2 And finally, we did it. And thank goodness 3 Frances called me the day I called to tell her 4 that we had this beautiful gamble's quail for the 5 non-game stamp to tell me that the gamble's quail 6 was a game bird. Of course, being a girl, I 7 didn't believe her. And I told her to, you 8 know -- 9 Anyway, as it turned out, she was 10 right. I mean, real right. In fact, my biologist 11 in Alpine told me that in 1990, the first -- I 12 think the first year of the type II public land 13 hunting, that he and a friend three days in a row 14 killed limits of gamble's quail in Texas, killed, 15 in effect, their possession of 45. So so much for 16 me as a bird authority or a game bird authority. 17 So we're in the process of, if you can imagine, 18 lengthening that quail's leg by about five inches 19 and lengthening his bill about five inches and 20 painting him apricot instead of this silly color 21 they have him painted now, he'll be an Avocet. 22 And hopefully by the first of December we'll, 23 Avocet. And this will go on to fame as a quail 24 stamp print. Always one to make chicken salad out 25 of chicken feathers, we're going to use it as a . 16 1 quail stamp print, which we do for Quail 2 Unlimited. 3 But I stand before chagrined and 4 thankful to Frances because believe me, this is 5 going to be a non-game stamp. 6 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Bubba, we always 7 appreciate your unorthodox and entertaining 8 presentations. 9 MR. WOOD: I don't want y'all to 10 really focus on the reality that every year our 11 royalty payments go down a little. You know, 12 that's the way we clowns are. You know, we try to 13 divert the attention. Keep the bull's attention 14 on something else. 15 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: It's a worthwhile 16 effort. 17 MR. WOOD: Thank you. Anyway, I can 18 assure you -- by the way, Sherry Russell did our 19 hooded merganser a couple of years ago in the duck 20 stamp. And she's an exquisite duck stamp 21 designer. And, you know, really has nation -- 22 probably has done as many duck stamps as almost 23 any artists on a nationwide basis, although she's 24 hasn't won the federal duck stamp. 25 Anyway, I'm sorry that we don't have . 17 1 the art here, but -- in fact, Hal, how would you 2 suggest it? Do we need to present it back to the 3 Commission or can we -- can I send you a picture 4 of it, Madam Chairman? 5 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: I think I want you 6 to come back. 7 MR. WOOD: Right. 8 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: You don't need to 9 come back. If you could send a picture or -- 10 MR. WOOD: If I send it to you, can 11 you just e-mail it to all of them? 12 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Sure would. 13 MR. WOOD: Great. 14 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: I know we talk 15 about this every time. But is -- there's 16 obviously -- you haven't had any additional 17 thoughts of how we could promote the sale, 18 particularly, of the nongame stamp any more than 19 what's been done? Is that right or not? 20 MR. WOOD: You know, the duck stamp 21 phenomenon and the print phenomenon as a 22 collectable is -- every year is one of attrition 23 and we just truly try to do the best we can to, 24 you know, stop the bleeding as much as we can. 25 And all the Texas programs are still . 18 1 the biggest. But, I mean, we would be tickled to 2 death to spend the money -- I mean, one thing that 3 would help would be, you know, more exposure in 4 the department in the magazines and stuff. 5 You've got these great images that 6 the department owns the copyright of, you know, 7 clearly the best collection of stamp art times ten 8 of any other state, and mainly because the 9 Commission a long time ago had the wisdom to say, 10 "Hey, let's pick the best artist and get the best 11 art," not -- you know, not perhaps use only local 12 artists or something. 13 And it's just a shame that you-all 14 don't use those images more to promote, you know, 15 license plates or anything, you know. I mean, I 16 think the license plate deal is a terrific idea. 17 But it sure would be neat to see a duck stamp on 18 it. Or see an image, not the duck stamp. See a 19 duck on it, you know, sometime in the future. 20 You know, the catalog now has 21 posters. And the people that did those did a 22 terrific job. I hear they're selling fairly well. 23 But, Commissioner Angelo, you know, I -- I don't 24 think I wake up every day during bird season 25 thinking about non-game bird sales. . 19 1 At the time we did the non-game, the 2 Audibon Society and the non-consumptive users 3 really, you know, gave their absolute best effort 4 to try and get this off the ground, but it just 5 was a bad idea whose time had come, you know. 6 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Frances, do you 7 have any other ideas on that, or the 8 non-consumptive or especially the non-game? 9 MS. STILES: One of the things that 10 I have here is what we've done this last year, is 11 to create a historical poster of the waterfowl 12 stamps. And that's an idea that could go into any 13 of the other stamps, as well. I just wanted to 14 give you an example of that. And that's a poster 15 that Mr. Wood worked the catalog very closely to 16 improve upon. And that has -- it's only been in 17 the last three drops of the catalog, and that has 18 picked up the sales. Out of all the waterfowl 19 stamp artwork or the waterfowl merchandise, it's 20 been one of the better performers on that. And we 21 certainly have all the artwork on the non-game 22 that can be used in any manner. 23 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Any other 24 questions or comments? Let's see, what do we need 25 we need to do -- do we need to take? Action on . 20 1 some -- yes. If there's no further questions or 2 discussion, without objection, this item will be 3 placed on the Thursday commission agenda for 4 public comment and action? That being done, we 5 thank you all. 6 MR. WOOD: Thank you. 7 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Thank you, Bubba. 8 At this point, the finance committee will recess 9 for the lunch break and we will come back and 10 reconvene thereafter. And Madam Chairman? 11 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: I think I'm doing 12 this right. I have to convene the conservation -- 13 no, no. I have to announce that pursuant to the 14 requirements of Chapter 551, Government Code, 15 referred to as the Open Meetings Law, an executive 16 session will be held at this time for the purpose 17 of consideration of Section 551.071 of the Texas 18 Open Meetings Act regarding pending litigation and 19 legal advice in Section 551.072 of the Texas Open 20 Meetings Act regarding real estate matters. Is 21 that it? 22 MR. SANSOM: That's it. 23 (RECESS.) 24 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: The Finance 25 Committee will reconvene after recessing, and pick . 21 1 up Item Number 2 going back to the regular order 2 of the agenda. And ask Suzy Whittenton to give us 3 a financial review and an update. 4 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: FINANCIAL REVIEW AND 5 UPDATE. 6 MS. WHITTENTON: Thank you, 7 Mr. Chairman, Commissioners. For the record, my 8 name is Suzy Whittenton. The focus of the 9 presentation today will just review current fiscal 10 year revenue, including Big-Time Texas hunts and 11 cover operating budget status. And then I'd like 12 to finish up with a report on how we're addressing 13 any audit issues in the State Auditor's report. 14 The state park revenue for September 15 was down about 13 percent from the previous year. 16 We think that there are two factors that 17 contributed at least partly to that. One was that 18 Labor Day weekend actually began on Friday, August 19 the 31st. So for those people who paid for the 20 entire weekend on Friday, that revenue got 21 recorded in August instead of September. 22 And then we also experienced some 23 cancellations immediately after the September 11th 24 tragedy. I've got some preliminary information in 25 on the October revenue for State Parks. And it . 22 1 looks like business picked up considerably in 2 October in parks. The revenue should be -- they 3 haven't verified all the numbers yet, but they're 4 somewhere between 15 and 20 percent higher than 5 last year. So we're not concerned about September 6 being down at this point. In account 9 -- 7 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Are you 8 saying we're going to make that up in October? 9 MS. WHITTENTON: Uh-huh. 10 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Okay. 11 MS. WHITTENTON: We think so. The 12 numbers -- it's early yet on those numbers, but I 13 got a draft report right before I came down here. 14 And it looked like -- not all the parks were in 15 yet, information in yet on the report, but it 16 looked like it was a good month for most parks. 17 In account 9, we keep boat revenue 18 and license revenue. Revenue from boat 19 registrations was down in September by about 16 20 percent. And it appears to be down in October, as 21 well. We suspect that this is due to the cooling 22 economy, what with boats being more or less luxury 23 items for people. 24 Last year we had revenues of $13.9 25 million from the source. And the current revenue . 23 1 estimate for the current fiscal year was 13.5 2 million. So we started out projecting that it 3 would be lower. But at this current -- if the 4 trend continues the way it has, we may not reach 5 that estimate, if things don't turn around with 6 registrations. 7 Not that many boats are registered 8 this time of year. The majority of them happen in 9 the March, April, May time period. So it's really 10 too early to know what's going to happen on boat 11 revenue. 12 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: What would you, if 13 you had to estimate today, estimate the shortfall 14 to be in that -- 15 MS. WHITTENTON: I think it could be 16 $2-$3 million if this trend continued. It looks 17 like October's numbers are down about 25 percent. 18 So -- 19 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Excuse me 20 for not knowing. But what is the period of 21 registration? Is it annual? 22 MS. WHITTENTON: It's a two-year 23 registration. And so that's why you see some 24 fluctuations from year to year. But if you're not 25 going to use your boat, you might not register it . 24 1 until you're ready to put it back on the water. 2 You know, the game warden will notice it when they 3 pull up to your boat. But other than that, I 4 don't think -- you could register it late. 5 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: I wonder 6 if it's an enforcement question or if it really is 7 a sales of new boats question. 8 MS. WHITTENTON: And a lot of them 9 are renewals. And then I suppose there are people 10 who may not renew, wondering whether they're going 11 to keep their boat or not. I really don't know. 12 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: But the 13 registration period is different for each person? 14 I mean, it's not something -- 15 MS. WHITTENTON: It's just like 16 vehicle registrations. 17 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: It's not a set 18 rate. 19 MS. WHITTENTON: Yeah. 20 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: It's not 21 like August where everything rolls over. It's -- 22 between sales and registration. The bulk of them 23 have got to be current boats. Sales -- it seems 24 you can't move it that much, have that big a gap. 25 And if it's potentially a $2-$3 million dollar . 25 1 problem, we ought to figure out exactly what is 2 the problem and where is it coming from. And if 3 it is an enforcement problem, we ought to pay 4 attention to it. 5 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: You're suggesting 6 that maybe they're not registering them and still 7 using them. 8 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: I'm 9 wondering. I'm just thinking we ought to study 10 this a little bit. If it's on that order of 11 magnitude, somebody ought to -- we ought to put 12 some people on it to figure it out. 13 COMMISSIONER AVILA: That's 14 probably -- 15 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: It makes sense 16 that there are that many fewer boats. 17 MS. WHITTENTON: Well, and it may be 18 that they're just waiting to register until later 19 in the year. 20 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: It's like 21 an economic indicator. 22 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. 23 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: People are 24 starting to hold back. Just like going on 25 vacation, you -- people say -- . 26 1 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: But 2 entertainment and recreation close to home does 3 better in bad times, not worse because it's 4 cheaper and closer. 5 COMMISSIONER RAMOS: Well, I don't 6 know if boating is as popular in the winter months 7 as it is in the summer months. 8 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: We're talking 9 about a 20 percent drop. Is that -- 10 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: You're 11 talking about year-to-year comparisons, though. 12 MS. WHITTENTON: Year-to-year 13 comparisons. When you look at September of this 14 year -- 15 COMMISSIONER RAMOS: Goes into it. 16 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: I think we 17 ought to study that, try and figure out what it 18 is. 19 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. Well, we 20 can certainly try talking to some of the people 21 and look at -- and maybe look into whether there 22 are -- if -- look at the difference between new 23 boat registrations and renewal registrations, and 24 see if there's some -- 25 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: How much of it is . 27 1 one or the other. 2 MS. WHITTENTON: We'll do that. 3 On the flip side, license sales have 4 been good this license year. Super combo sales 5 continue to grow with a -- we've got about a 6.3 6 percent increase this year over the same period 7 last year. We sold about a million and a half 8 licenses, stamps, and permits, at least we had as 9 of October 23rd. 10 Hunting licenses, hunting license 11 sales are up also as of the 23rd of October. 12 Total hunting licenses sold, including combos, 13 were up 2.3 percent over the same period last 14 year. And we've sold almost 700,000 hunting 15 licenses. 16 Fishing licenses are also up. 17 They're up just over 3 percent, even with 18 saltwater stamp sales being down. Of course, this 19 takes into account the combo sales. And we've 20 sold at least over 800,000 fishing licenses. 21 And as expected, the revenue from 22 license sales is up by 2.3 percent for about 23 816,000. We collected a total of about $37 24 million as of October 23rd, which is more than 25 half of what we'll collect all year. . 28 1 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: I see the 2 resident is up 2 percent. Is nonresident about 3 the same? I really can't tell. 4 MS. WHITTENTON: Yeah. I just 5 didn't put it on the slide. Nonresident was up -- 6 I'm sorry. Nonresident was actually -- on fishing 7 licenses was actually down a little bit. 8 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: And 9 hunting -- and how about nonresident hunting? 10 MS. WHITTENTON: Nonresident hunting 11 was -- 12 COMMISSIONER RAMOS: Up 2.9, it 13 says. 14 MS. WHITTENTON: Was up 2.9 percent. 15 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: Oh, I got 16 it. 17 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: What 18 happened to saltwater stamp? Why are they down so 19 much? 20 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Some of it is 21 absorbed in the super combo. 22 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Most of it 23 is switching over. 24 MS. WHITTENTON: And when you look 25 at these charts, it actually show total numbers of . 29 1 licenses sold. It's just sort of misleading 2 because if you used to buy a hunting license and 3 two stamps, that counts as three purchases. And 4 then this next year, you buy a super combo. 5 You're only buying one, so they aren't -- it 6 doesn't mean as much as what happens in revenue. 7 But revenue is up overall because -- because 8 partly because of that shift -- continued shift to 9 the super combo. 10 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: While we're 11 looking at stamp allocations, I assume we're 12 phasing in or looking at the salt -- the effect on 13 the saltwater stamp, too, since we raised that for 14 specific purposes. Is that correct? 15 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. Now, the 16 saltwater stamp is -- it's not statutorily 17 dedicated, so it's, you know, in a different 18 category, but I'm sure that -- 19 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: We raised the 20 amount for a specific reason there. 21 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. 22 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: And if people are 23 shifting into combo to avoid buying the stamp 24 individually, then it's definitely going to have 25 an adverse effect on the amount of money going . 30 1 into that fund. 2 MS. WHITTENTON: That's true. 3 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: To the extent we 4 could identify that. 5 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. Just the $3 6 increase to the saltwater stamp. And we do keep 7 that in a separate place and keep it set aside for 8 the use of the buy-backs. But, yeah, we can look 9 at that and study that allocation. 10 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: We need to keep an 11 eye on that. 12 MS. WHITTENTON: A quick look at 13 super combo sales since inception shows that sales 14 continue to grow. You can see that in the first 15 four years, super combo sales more than doubled 16 between 1997 and 2001. And we expect to sell 17 around 350,000 super combos this year, 2002. 18 And, again, when you look at a 19 comparison from this year to last year over that 20 same period of time as of October 23rd, sales are 21 up 6.3 percent or nearly 18,000 actual sales. 22 In Big-Time Texas Hunts this year, 23 we added two new hunts, the Texas premium buck 24 hunt and the Texas heritage hunt. We also 25 enhanced some of the existing hunts by adding . 31 1 companion hunting privileges for the 20 whitetail 2 Bonanza hunts. 3 We also continued the successful 4 direct mail strategy that we used in prior years, 5 which was that we mailed personal letters, 6 postage-paid return envelopes in August. And then 7 we sent out reminder letters in October to those 8 who had not yet responded. 9 The results -- applications had to 10 be postmarked by November the 3rd, so we were 11 still getting them in even yesterday. And quickly 12 trying to enter them in our license sales system. 13 As of the end of October, we had 14 about 76,000 entries. And as of this morning, I 15 heard that we were estimating that we would have 16 about 86,000 total entries once we get them all 17 entered in the system. So we would be continuing 18 on about the same growth rate that we had last 19 year, which would be somewhere between, say, 9 and 20 11 percent growth rate. 21 And when you look at which hunts are 22 most popular, the grand slam, the white-tailed 23 Bonanza continued to sell well. And then the new 24 premium buck hunt was popular, as well. 25 In operating budget, at the end of . 32 1 September we had spent all but about 2.4 percent 2 or about $4 million of our operating budget funds 3 for 2001, which means that we will have spent 4 almost 98 percent of everything we budgeted. 5 If you'll remember, in the summer we 6 did something of a hiring slow down, and we 7 delayed purchases on items that we could, that we 8 didn't absolutely -- that weren't critical. And 9 that generated some of the additional unspent 10 operating budget. 11 I believe Mr. Sansom has recommended 12 that we consider using this on a game warden 13 academy starting in March that was not budgeted in 14 the original 2002 budget. Some of this $4 15 million, we did plan on in the -- when we prepared 16 our 2002 budget. But there is additional money 17 there that we weren't sure we would have. 18 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Different 19 numbers are shown on the screen. 20 MS. WHITTENTON: I'm sorry. The 21 slides were printed. I made a change in that last 22 night. It was an overstatement in the old slide. 23 This is the correct number. 24 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Okay. 25 What is a lapse in the budget? . 33 1 MS. WHITTENTON: That's just 2 unspent. And that doesn't mean that -- I mean, it 3 rolls over, can be carried forward to other years. 4 But that's just an accounting term we use in 5 government. We lapse unspent money. 6 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Unspent 7 money from last year? 8 MS. WHITTENTON: Yes. 9 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: And we 10 have the authority to carry it forward? 11 MS. WHITTENTON: Yes. 12 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Did we 13 take it into the budget we passed in August? 14 MS. WHITTENTON: We took some of it 15 into account. About a million and a half of it we 16 were counting on in the 2002 budget. So there is 17 some additional money there that could be 18 reallocated. 19 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Okay. How 20 does that -- 21 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: And what are you 22 estimating that amount to be? 23 MS. WHITTENTON: It will probably be 24 between two and a half and three million. We 25 don't know for sure how much of that is left . 34 1 because what happens is, you get bills in after 2 the end of August that apply to -- 3 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Previous. 4 MS. WHITTENTON: Yeah. And we have 5 some bills that really drag in. And so -- and 6 each division doesn't unbudget those amounts right 7 away. So we won't know -- I suspect by the end of 8 November, we'll have a really good idea of what's 9 not going to get spent. We do have some -- 10 MR. SANSOM: This resulted, 11 Commissioner Montgomery, if you recall, back in 12 the early part of the summer when we began to see 13 what was coming. 14 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Yeah. 15 MR. SANSOM: We just shut down 16 everything. 17 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Right. 18 MR. SANSOM: We shut down hiring. 19 We shut down purchasing. And it created what we 20 termed "lapse." 21 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: So right 22 now which funds -- which funds and which accounts 23 it's in, it has to come back before the Commission 24 before it's allocated? 25 MS. WHITTENTON: We would have to . 35 1 have -- 2 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Does it go 3 back to the budget process? What's our process 4 here? 5 MS. WHITTENTON: If we were going to 6 rebudget any of it, like for the game warden 7 academy, we would have to have the signatures from 8 the Chairman of the Commission and the Chairman of 9 the Finance Committee in order to budget anything 10 over $250,000. 11 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Okay. 12 MS. WHITTENTON: And then anything 13 over, I believe, 150,000 we would have to at least 14 notify you on. Most of that is in fund 9 of the 15 $4 million. Let's see. And some of it -- of 16 course, some of it's also in dedicated amounts. 17 So some of it would not be allowed to be allocated 18 to other things. 19 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Right. 20 MS. WHITTENTON: But there's 21 probably going to be about a million or so in 9. 22 And if we were going to fund a game warden 23 academy, we would have to fund it out of fund 9. 24 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: That's an 25 approximate of how much? . 36 1 MS. WHITTENTON: Well, just to cover 2 the salaries for the cadets for a six-month period 3 of time and some minor operating expenses, some 4 travel for those cadets, we'd need probably about 5 $700,000. 6 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: But that would not 7 include equipment and whatnot that they would 8 need? 9 MS. WHITTENTON: That is correct. 10 It would not include money for vehicles or boats 11 or -- I think that included some equipment for 12 vests, the bulletproof vests, and some of the more 13 minor equipment. And they -- the game wardens are 14 expecting that there's a good possibility that 15 there may be some -- a large number of retirements 16 in August. If they're right about that, then 17 there will be equipment available to pass on to 18 the cadets once they graduate. 19 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: When we 20 passed the budget, we did not prioritize optional 21 projects. We just stopped all the capital. And 22 what we said then was that we'd watch it during 23 the year and circle back around late in the 24 year -- 25 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. . 37 1 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: -- review 2 and reprioritize. So I guess -- I want to think 3 out loud about what we were doing here because I 4 think there's -- it's real easy for the 5 presumption to occur that we are going to do this 6 or that with it. But I think we described a 7 pretty clear methodology. 8 Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just 9 trying to remember back. I want to stick to that 10 because with the sliding revenues, you know, that 11 could evaporate just to operate. So I don't want 12 to get everybody's hopes up on certain things here 13 and there. 14 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Well, some of 15 these other things we've talked about that are 16 down could definitely offset that. 17 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: So we're 18 in sort of unchartered economical water these 19 days. 20 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: Your point 21 being until it settles out, then we -- 22 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Well, I 23 think we set out a process. We've held all the 24 capital off. Let's wait to see where we get 25 through the year and see how it goes, and then . 38 1 make capital decisions. But let's don't jump the 2 gun because we're only part way into the year 3 right now. 4 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: That's a 5 good point. 6 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: That decision, if 7 the game warden academy was considered -- you 8 know, a recommended action, when would that have 9 to be decided in order to make the game wardens' 10 academy possible? 11 MS. WHITTENTON: Maybe somebody from 12 law enforcement can speak to that better. 13 MR. SANSOM: You'd have to do it 14 before March. 15 MS. WHITTENTON: The hiring process 16 is actually fairly long, fairly lengthy for the 17 cadets. Of course, I guess, they wouldn't 18 necessarily -- they could go ahead and start that 19 process just in case we end up with the money. 20 But they go through a very thorough process of 21 evaluating lots of applications and making 22 selections. 23 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Commissioner 24 Montgomery's point is that today we don't know 25 what we need to know to make that decision. . 39 1 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: I'm not 2 for or against anything because I haven't studied 3 any of them, other than the ones that were on the 4 table in the summer. We really didn't get to 5 study those because we couldn't afford them. So I 6 just want the opportunity to study from a policy 7 standpoint our choices, and only make those 8 decisions when we're forced to by timing. But 9 also when we get a better feel for where we are -- 10 COMMISSIONER RAMOS: Do we have 11 historical data as to what it costs to train a 12 cadet? 13 MS. WHITTENTON: I'm sure we do. 14 COMMISSIONER RAMOS: That's all 15 right. I don't need that. Okay. So that could 16 be quantified? 17 MS. WHITTENTON: Uh-huh. 18 COMMISSIONER RAMOS: Okay. 19 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Go ahead, Suzy. 20 MS. WHITTENTON: Okay. This is 21 actually my last slide here. I just wanted to 22 wrap up by discussing the progress and plans that 23 we have for discussing the audit issues. We're 24 aggressively addressing every issue, and we are 25 taking the state auditor's recommendations very . 40 1 seriously. 2 So I just wanted to report to you on 3 where we were on each major point. On the license 4 sales system, the issues and concerns that were 5 raised were regarding the transactive system. And 6 we've addressed all of those issues in the 7 WorldCom system. There are a couple that we're 8 still working on, but they're all on the list to 9 be handled in the new system. 10 Regarding the stamp allocation, we 11 discussed that a little bit earlier. And you'll 12 remember we've talked about it in the last couple 13 of commission meetings, that we are currently 14 collecting data to try to support any possible 15 changes that may be needed to the method of 16 allocation of those super combo revenues to 17 dedicated stamp funds. The wildlife division is 18 handling that. 19 On the mail room processes that were 20 identified, they were corrected back in May, and 21 so we are in full compliance with the state 22 auditor's recommendation on mail room processes. 23 Auditors also identified some 24 processes that they labeled as nonvalue added in 25 the revenue department. We have been reviewing . 41 1 those recommendations, and we'll make necessary 2 changes; some of which can't be made until after 3 some automated interfaces are developed. Some of 4 their recommendations were regarding some dual 5 entry that we're having to do because some of our 6 systems don't interface. 7 On the reconciliation issue, the 8 state auditor identified amounts that were 9 unreconciled between two accounting systems. The 10 revenue has been reconciled down to less than 1 11 percent difference and we recently brought in some 12 additional temporary resources to help us wrap up 13 the backlog of reconciliation -- unreconciled 14 items that date back to 1998 when the system was 15 first brought up. And they just got behind on 16 reconciliation, so -- 17 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: The temporary 18 resources being people. Right? 19 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. We've got 20 four people who are in a room, and they are doing 21 nothing but working on this reconciliation. And 22 so we hope to have -- they were estimating that 23 they could finish the bulk of it by the end of the 24 calendar year. 25 And then on revenue forecasting, we . 42 1 are currently documenting our methodology and we 2 continue to work with the Comptroller's revenue 3 estimating staff on our revenue estimates to make 4 sure that we're very close on those numbers. And 5 then probably the issue that's going to take the 6 most amount of time is developing the automated 7 interfaces so that all our systems talk to each 8 other and that will cut down considerably on any 9 unreconciled items, that the systems immediately 10 transfer information to each other. They won't be 11 unreconciled. And that was all I had, unless 12 there are any additional questions. 13 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Any questions or 14 comments on this item? If not, Suzy, thank you. 15 And we'll move on to Item Number 4, which again is 16 a presentation by Suzy and Walt Dabney. Walt, do 17 you want to come up at the same time or -- 18 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Can we get 19 a report in January on that license decline -- 20 license -- boat registration licensing decline? 21 MS. WHITTENTON: Sure, sure. 22 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Okay. 23 Thanks. 24 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: BRIEFING - BOAT 25 FEES/PARK FEES. . 43 1 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Suzy and Walt are 2 going to present separate reviews of information 3 regarding the potential of various fee increases; 4 in Suzy's case, with the boat registration, and 5 with Walt with park fees. So we'll -- Suzy, why 6 don't you take it first. 7 MS. WHITTENTON: Okay. As we've 8 discussed in the past couple of meetings, we 9 were -- the staff is reviewing our fees in all 10 categories. And so today, I'll just go through a 11 summary of what we've looked at on the boat fees. 12 Current registration fees are as 13 follows. They are charged every other year by 14 size of the boat. And they range anywhere from 15 $25 for a two-year registration to $70 for a 16 two-year registration. 17 The livery vessels category is used 18 to charge boat owners who rent out their boats 19 to -- actually we only use this for the small, the 20 Class A boats. So if you rent out a jet ski or 21 small boat, you would be charged the livery vessel 22 fee rather than the Class A fee. 23 And the dealer/manufacturer license 24 is not a required fee, but it allows a dealer or 25 manufacturer to use one registration for all of . 44 1 their boats. And if they wanted to demo them on 2 the lake, they would use that same registration 3 number. 4 We also charge $5 transfer fees when 5 boats are sold or otherwise transfer ownership; 6 $15 title fee; $25 for a quick title; duplicate 7 fees and other small fees cover administrative 8 expenses. 9 The last fee increase we did was in 10 1996, which resulted in an increase in fees 11 anywhere between $6 to $25 registration fee, which 12 was a range of 30 percent to 60 percent, depending 13 on the type. Since 1972, we've reviewed and 14 changed fees an average of every eight years. It 15 will now be about six years since the last change. 16 We looked at comparisons to all 17 other states. The top five states in terms of 18 number of boats registered are Michigan, 19 California, Florida, Minnesota, and Texas. 20 Comparison to other states are difficult because 21 most other states don't charge -- they use 22 different methods to charge registration fees. 23 They either use different classifications or 24 additional fees are tacked on. 25 In Florida, they charge higher fees . 45 1 in all categories. They range anywhere from, when 2 you put it on an annual basis, $14 a year to $126 3 a year. They're particularly -- they're much 4 higher than the large boat category. California 5 charges just a $5 registration fee, but then they 6 also charge a personal property tax on top of 7 that, and then a one-time trailer fee. 8 Michigan fees range from $5 a year 9 to $121 a year. But then their smaller boats 10 are -- cost less to register, but their large 11 boats are much higher. In Minnesota, they are 12 lower in all categories. 13 And then we looked at neighboring 14 states. Oklahoma was one that we looked at. They 15 base their's on the purchase price of the boat. 16 And so if you bought a boat for $15,000, your 17 registration fee would be $150 for the year. And 18 then they reduce it 10 percent each year. It's 19 sort of a depreciation. So it's considerably more 20 in Oklahoma than in Texas. 21 I also wanted to consider the 22 registration fees we pay in Texas on our vehicles. 23 These are annual fees as opposed to our two-year 24 fees. But most people in Texas actually pay more 25 to register their boat trailers than they do their . 46 1 boats. And these vehicle registrations are based 2 on weight, I believe. 3 The vast majority of our boat 4 revenue comes from registrations, and only about 5 20 percent from titling, and then very little from 6 the other categories. This graph shows 7 boat-related revenue over an eight-year period. 8 Since the last fee increase in '96, boat fees 9 bring in an average of $13.8 million per year. 10 And that last fee increase resulted in about an 11 extra $4 million. 12 We provide a number of services to 13 the boating public, primarily by the game wardens 14 working on the lakes. But we also do boating 15 safety and other administrative functions. And 16 over the last few years and in the coming years, 17 we've had some increased cost related to boating. 18 These were just a few that I came up with fairly 19 quickly. 20 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Suzy, as I 21 understand it, the budget we passed -- and, Jim, 22 correct me if I'm wrong -- but we don't have 23 anything to allow for the economic depreciation of 24 our -- the boats that our wardens are using. 25 Right? . 47 1 MS. WHITTENTON: That's right. 2 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: There's 3 no -- nothing in the budget for that. So we've 4 got an aging fleet. 5 MS. WHITTENTON: That's right. 6 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: 7 Economically depreciating boats, and we're not 8 allowing for it right now, we're not recovering 9 that cost or we're not seeking for any budget 10 right now for new fleet purchases? 11 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. Not for 12 boats. 13 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: One of the key 14 things I think we need to recognize here is that 15 we are providing significant services to the 16 boating public, which is part of what you're 17 getting at. And that's the justification for the 18 fees at whatever level they are set, is to attempt 19 to recover some of the cost of providing the 20 services to the public that uses -- 21 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Right now, 22 there's a hidden large capital cost on the boats 23 that our wardens are using that are going to wear 24 out. 25 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: We're not -- we're . 48 1 probably not covering a lot of the costs, but that 2 being probably one of the most. 3 MS. WHITTENTON: Out of the -- only 4 about a hundred of the 470 game wardens actually 5 get advanced boater accident investigation 6 training. They all get some basic training when 7 they're in the cadet class, but we're not able to 8 provide the advanced training to very many of them 9 because it's given out of state. 10 Another big cost that's coming up is 11 that we're going to redesign our boat computer 12 system. It's now on a mainframe system, and we're 13 trying to move everything off our old mainframe 14 onto more client server based systems. We're 15 scheduled to start that in the spring, and get 16 that finished by the following year. That will 17 take a lot of programming time. 18 And also we've had, in the last 19 couple of years, some fuel increases for the boats 20 that the game wardens are using, although that may 21 level off now. 22 The game wardens are spending more 23 time on BWIs and they've had increased need for 24 equipment; these -- those PBTs is portable 25 breathalyzer tests, that they're buying. . 49 1 They're also spending extra -- 2 wardens are spending extra time on the -- on boat 3 dealer fraud investigations and on boat theft. 4 There's just been more of that activity. 5 And then boating equipment costs. 6 The average cost of a boat has increased quite a 7 bit. Over the last ten years, it's averaged -- 8 it's increased about $3500 for an average boat. 9 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: So what's 10 the dealer fraud? I didn't -- 11 MS. WHITTENTON: Boat dealer fraud? 12 Maybe Dennis Johnson could -- 13 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: I didn't 14 want to get you off the subject -- 15 MR. SANSOM: There's all kinds of -- 16 go ahead, Dennis. 17 MR. JOHNSON: Dennis Johnson, chief 18 of marine enforcement. Dealer fraud and boat 19 theft has been increasing over the last few years 20 in a tremendous amount. We get a lot more 21 complaints than we used to get. And with more 22 boats out there and more people in the business, 23 we have a lot of people that will go into the 24 business and sell boats without going through the 25 registration process, to be able to transfer that . 50 1 money without putting it in their name. So they 2 end up cheating the state out of the tax money 3 that's due and then the registration fees. 4 And then a lot of dealer activity 5 has been that they don't pay the penalties, they 6 don't register them within the due date. We get a 7 lot of complaints from the public. And those are 8 spending a lot more time than we used to do and 9 costs develop from that. 10 MS. WHITTENTON: Thanks, Dennis. 11 Kind of on a related subject, in 12 this review, we looked at the statutory authority 13 regarding boats. And in the last legislative 14 session, the Commission was granted the authority 15 to adopt rules if it -- it may adopt rules for 16 creation of a program or the continuing 17 identification and classification of participants 18 in this industry, and then set fees accordingly. 19 And that would help deal with the boater -- dealer 20 fraud. 21 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Suzy, would you 22 elaborate on what support you've gotten for that 23 from -- 24 MS. WHITTENTON: I'm sorry? 25 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: The support you . 51 1 have -- that the Commission or the department has 2 for doing that from the constituents. 3 MS. WHITTENTON: We have met a 4 couple of times with some of the folks from the 5 boating trades groups. And what they would like 6 us to do is create a program that would require a 7 mandatory dealer registration so that all dealers 8 would have to register and they would be required 9 to certify that they are complying with the state 10 law. 11 And then our job, we would have to 12 identify all of these manufacturers, distributors, 13 and dealers and have that listing available to the 14 public if anybody wanted the list. And our game 15 wardens feel like that's something we probably 16 need to do anyway. 17 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: This would address 18 somewhat the fraud question that was just brought 19 up. Correct? 20 MS. WHITTENTON: Right, it would. 21 Yes, it would. 22 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: You know, my first 23 thought on it when I first -- my first reaction to 24 that was that this was maybe an attempt by the big 25 boys in the business to restrict the activity of . 52 1 smaller dealers. But I think, after looking at 2 it, there's a lot of legitimacy to the suggestion 3 and that we do this, particularly because the 4 restrictions and the cost of it would not be 5 prohibitive to someone who was legitimately 6 wanting to be in the business, even in a small 7 way. But it would also provide the protection and 8 make the law enforcement a whole lot easier. 9 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Monitor 10 the fraud issues? 11 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: It looks to me 12 like it would. 13 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: I was 14 asking a question on the entity. Do we receive 15 any percentage motor fuel tax for motor fuels sold 16 on lakes? And if so, how much? How does that 17 figure? 18 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: Like for 19 marina? 20 MR. SANSOM: We get, by statute, 21 three quarters of the unclaimed motor boat fuels 22 tax. When you go to a gas pump, the pump doesn't 23 know whether you're putting it into a car or boat. 24 So under the law, you are eligible, if you are 25 filling a boat up with gas, to apply for a refund, . 53 1 but no one does that. So three quarters of it 2 goes to us and a quarter of it goes to the 3 permanent university fund. 4 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: What's the amount? 5 MS. WHITTENTON: It's pretty big. 6 MR. SANSOM: It's around $13 7 million. 8 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. It's not an 9 insignificant source of funds. 10 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Significantly. 11 COMMISSIONER RAMOS: A lot of people 12 don't know about that. 13 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Do they 14 estimate it? 15 MS. WHITTENTON: Yes, they estimate 16 it. It's a line item appropriation comes in a 17 sum-certain amount. 18 MR. SANSOM: And interestingly, 19 since we're on the subject, it is an issue in 20 appropriations each session because we have to 21 struggle to get the increment; that is, to argue 22 for the growth. 23 MS. WHITTENTON: Dealer fees that we 24 talked about were as follows. A Class A marine 25 dealer would pay $500 every other year. That . 54 1 would be someone -- a dealer who deals in new and 2 used boats. Class B marine dealer would be 3 someone who deals only in used boats or motors. 4 It would be only $250 dollars every other year. 5 And then distributors and manufactures would be 6 charged $500 every other year per the program. 7 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: What are 8 the current fees? Can you compare those to the 9 current? 10 MS. WHITTENTON: Currently, the only 11 fee that we have is one for dealers and 12 manufacturers of $130 every other year. But it's 13 not a required registration. 14 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: It's just 15 what they -- 16 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: This would be part 17 of the implementation on the previous item that 18 was discussed. 19 MS. WHITTENTON: This would be part 20 of the -- if the Commission decided to take on 21 this new program, it would be the fees associated 22 with that. 23 Other possible boat fee changes that 24 we looked at, these range from a $5 increment to a 25 $20 -- from a $5 increase to a $20 increase over a . 55 1 two-year period. Translated on an annual basis, 2 this would be a range of, you know, a $2.50 3 increase to a $10 increase. A $10 increase would 4 be for the large boats. The Class 3 boats are 5 those over 40 feet. 6 Also would recommend charging the 7 same fee for a livery vessel as for any other 8 boat, so that -- that wouldn't be a separate 9 category -- that wouldn't be a different fee. And 10 then changing -- we would recommend changing 11 titles and quick titles by about $10, and then 12 transfers and duplicates an additional $5 fee. 13 What would this do for Fund 9? We 14 estimate that if these fees were in place for an 15 entire year, an entire fiscal year, that the 16 revenue impact could be as much as four to four 17 and a half million. And, of course, if the 18 economy dips that, you know, may not hold true. 19 But if changes -- and if changes were made 20 midyear, it would be a prorated share of that 21 amount. 22 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: So potentially, 23 though, we're talking about increasing fees in an 24 area right now we're seeing a declining income 25 already from the fees we have? . 56 1 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. 2 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: So it's a little 3 more difficult. 4 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: It makes 5 that study particularly important to understand 6 what's going on. 7 MS. WHITTENTON: And we did -- we 8 started reviewing these fees before we saw the -- 9 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Saw the decline. 10 MS. WHITTENTON: -- decline. 11 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: But, 12 again, let's understand the source -- the cause of 13 the decline. 14 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. We will 15 look into that further and see what we can find 16 out. What we could do is go ahead and publish in 17 the Texas Register to collect some public comments 18 and get some input. And in the meantime, continue 19 to meet with constituent groups and the public. 20 And then bring you back something in January for 21 your consideration. 22 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: I guess I'd 23 like to see that study well before this -- well, 24 we would see it at the same time. 25 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Mr. Chairman, Suzy, . 57 1 if I understand it correctly, publishing in the 2 register does not commit us to -- 3 MS. WHITTENTON: That's right. 4 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Any action in terms 5 of fee increases. It just establishes that we 6 can. 7 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: It establishes 8 some amounts over -- above which we could not go. 9 We could go below those or do nothing. 10 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. 11 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Right. 12 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Your boat 13 database will tell you who hasn't reregistered? 14 MS. WHITTENTON: Yes. 15 COMMISSIONER AVILA: And you could 16 just do a survey of those people, they check the 17 box and find out whether it's -- 18 MS. WHITTENTON: Find out why 19 they're down. We could probably gather some 20 information pretty quickly on that. 21 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: You could 22 see who is suspended and then comes back, I 23 presume? 24 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Well, it was 25 25 percent down. You know the 25 percent that did . 58 1 not reregister. And then you're going to find out 2 if they sold their boat or it got old enough where 3 they are not voting anymore or now it's the 4 economy and -- 5 MS. WHITTENTON: Or just waited 6 until November to pay. 7 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: It may be that a 8 significant part of it is nonpurchase of new 9 boats, in which case that's a different problem. 10 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: Well, do 11 you know the percentage of new boats sales out of 12 that? 13 MS. WHITTENTON: No, we don't. 14 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: You 15 wouldn't know that? 16 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: But that's one of 17 the things you're going to look into. Right? 18 MS. WHITTENTON: Yes. That would be 19 something I could try to get. 20 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: What about 21 registration database, you can't tell if it's a 22 new boat? Can you tell if it's a new boat? 23 MS. WHITTENTON: I don't know. 24 COMMISSIONER AVILA: That's the 25 other piece. . 59 1 MS. WHITTENTON: I would think you 2 could. I would think you could because it would 3 be a new number. 4 COMMISSIONER RAMOS: It would be a 5 new model. 6 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: Model, 7 year. 8 MS. WHITTENTON: Yeah. We could 9 probably sort it by make and model -- by year -- 10 model year. I believe there's somebody here from 11 the boating trades association if you wanted to 12 try to ask any questions about trends in sales. 13 They may have that. 14 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Well, if this 15 revenue trend isn't reversed sharply, I think it's 16 going to be extremely important that that study 17 that Commissioner Montgomery suggested be done 18 thoroughly because we can't make this decision 19 regarding the fee increases without knowing that 20 sort of thing, among others. 21 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Well, and if 22 fishing licenses are up, you know, it isn't 23 necessarily the fishermen. It may be the 24 recreational boats -- 25 MR. SANSOM: Jet skis. . 60 1 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: And it's 2 with the economy. 3 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. 4 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: I guess it's 5 obvious that if you've got revenues down 25 6 percent over last year that -- talking about fee 7 increases, right now is -- could be better timing. 8 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: As Phil 9 says, you've got to identify the source of the -- 10 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Something 11 just doesn't make sense to me. 12 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: Identify 13 the source of the drop-off, which will be a 14 combination of things. 15 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Assuming that a lot 16 of it is due to an economic downturn, that I think 17 is reflected throughout the economy -- 18 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: Yeah, but 19 how much of it is new boat sales, how much of it 20 is failure to reregister? We just don't know. 21 MS. WHITTENTON: Yeah. And maybe 22 the September 11th situation may had something to 23 do with people waiting to send their registration 24 in. We can try to look at that. 25 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: When did you say . 61 1 you could get that to us? 2 MS. WHITTENTON: I would think 3 fairly quickly in the next couple of weeks. 4 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: The total 5 number of boats shouldn't have changed that much. 6 Sales may be down, but we're doing it -- 7 MS. WHITTENTON: Then again, we're 8 looking -- we're comparing September of this year 9 to September of last year, and October of this 10 year to October of last year. These are not big 11 months with heavy activity in boating anyway. So 12 these aren't -- you know, we're already starting 13 with small numbers. 14 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: But as he 15 points out, though, your trend was year to year. 16 MS. WHITTENTON: Right. 17 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: We need the 18 answer. Are there any further questions on this 19 at this point? Would the -- I guess the 20 publishing would refer to the park and the voting 21 fees, so we do those at one time. Is that 22 correct? Or do we do them separately? 23 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: I think they're 24 separate. 25 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: They're really . 62 1 separate items. 2 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: They're definitely 3 separate. 4 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Well, with no 5 further questions or discussion, without 6 objections, we'll authorize the staff to publish 7 this item in the Texas Register for the required 8 public comment period. And that's referring to 9 the item that Suzy has just presented. Thank you. 10 Walt? 11 MR. DABNEY: Good afternoon, 12 Commissioners. I'm Walt Dabney, state park 13 director. I'd like to introduce Mike Crevier 14 sitting behind me here. Mike is our revenue 15 manager for state parks and wears a bunch of hats, 16 including overseeing our whole fee program and 17 putting it together on an annual basis, putting 18 together the state park stores. 19 Those of you that have been to the 20 state parks, a lot of those beautiful stores, Mike 21 has actually helped set up or directed to set up 22 and then provides the oversight and guidance for 23 that. And he also runs our concession program, 24 and then a whole lot of other things as we need 25 them done. Mike is a hard-working fellow. . 63 1 And I asked him to sit here with me 2 in case you had some other technical questions 3 that we could answer for you. 4 I want to do an overview on the 5 state park fees and talk about the different kinds 6 of fees that we have. Certainly, entrance fee is 7 the most commonly known. And that's paying to get 8 into the park usually for a 24-hour period. 9 We have facility use fees, and 10 that's generally a fee paid for the use of one of 11 our facilities, like one of the CCC pavilions. 12 And while it's generally for an overnight use, it 13 might be for a wedding event or something like 14 that. And we have a fee schedule for those. 15 And then an activity or use fee, and 16 that's a fee paid for special programming that you 17 wouldn't normally think you paid for when you came 18 through the entrance station. 19 We have a good process in place, and 20 we have a fee range that you approve. It has gone 21 through the public process. You approve a range 22 of fees for everything that we do, the three 23 things that I just listed. They're park specific. 24 In fact, if you're interested, on 25 the Internet, there is a sheet for every single . 64 1 state park. And we have lots of fees. You can 2 pull that up on the Internet or look at this book. 3 But each park has one. And what we do within that 4 range of fees that you authorize is, we go to each 5 park and do an annual comparability study. 6 So if we're talking about camp sites 7 with sewer and water, we go to the local area, 8 Casa Blanca, what do they charge, what does KOA 9 charge and some of the others in the local area. 10 And we tailor our fees to be consistent with the 11 local environment. That's done on an annual 12 basis. It's a lot of work. 13 Our park managers direct that on a 14 local basis. And it reflects a -- it's a good 15 process, and it keeps us in tune with what the 16 market does on a local basis. 17 The fee ranges, again, in entrance 18 fees, it's a dollar to five dollars a person. 19 Actually, it's 50 cents for children on 20 educational tours. Facility use, we have 21 21 different types and 50 individual fees for such 22 things as camp sites, shelters, cabins, hotels, 23 like Indian Lodge or Balmorhea, group facilities 24 and so forth. 25 Activity fees, about 20 different . 65 1 types, 56 individual fees and those are everything 2 from a tour to swimming, golf, training 3 excursions. And you-all know we run a railroad in 4 this state park system. Commercial use and 5 filming. We film a lot of movies and commercials 6 in the state park system, And we have a fee 7 schedule based on what you want to do. Obviously, 8 special uses like weddings and so forth are all 9 part of this fee range. 10 The last time the fees were changed 11 in total in the range was in 1991. The actual 12 fees, the reason we need to change this is we're 13 up against the ceiling on a number of them right 14 now. We raised about $25 million a year in our 15 fee program from all sources. And our costs now 16 to operate these parks have gone up, especially 17 those costs related to such things as utilities 18 and fuel. 19 Obviously, a 4 percent pay raise 20 right now, which we are lapsing about 80, nearly 21 80 positions this year to try to cover in here is 22 another reason to try to get our fee revenues up. 23 Future growth. The new range established gives us 24 the ability to go with escalating costs over time 25 without coming back every year and asking you for . 66 1 a new fee range again. This one was done in '91. 2 We actually put the per price -- per person price 3 for entrance fees in place in 1996. Since then, 4 we haven't really had a change -- any change on 5 here. 6 The next step for us would be to 7 publish the proposed fee ranges in the Texas 8 Register, the same that we just talked about with 9 the boating fees, solicit public comment during 10 that period. 11 We will be conducting constituency 12 group meetings. In fact, Chairman, the first 13 meeting of the State Parks Advisory Board will 14 occur during this period, and we will be 15 presenting them a fee briefing and getting their 16 feedback from that group of folks that you just 17 appointed to that. 18 And then we will come back in the 19 January commission meeting and submit for your 20 approval the new fee ranges. I can't tell you 21 what those would actually generate, now, because 22 we don't -- we haven't gone back out and looked at 23 each location and come back in with a proposal of 24 what that would be within that fee range for a 25 Casa Blanca or a ^ Garner or whatever it is. . 67 1 But the next step after we get the 2 fee ranges would be to go back out after you've 3 approved that fee range, and come up with our 4 annual adjustment within that fee range for each 5 individual park and each individual fee. 6 And that concludes my presentation. 7 If you have any questions, I'd be glad to try to 8 answer that. 9 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Are there any 10 questions, comments? No further questions or 11 discussion. Without objection, we would authorize 12 the staff to publish this item in the Texas 13 Register for the required public comment period. 14 No objection? So done. 15 Item number 6, there will be -- 16 MS. WHITTENTON: I'm sorry. 17 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Excuse me, Suzy. 18 Go ahead. 19 MS. WHITTENTON: We had one -- a 20 couple more slides just to tell you where we are 21 on other fees, just kind of as a wrap-up. On a 22 staff level, we pulled together a cross-divisional 23 committee to study fees. And so we're at the 24 process now of just collecting and analyzing data 25 and reviewing all types -- all different types of . 68 1 licenses and permits that we have. 2 And we're looking at the possibility 3 of developing some new products, as well as 4 looking at streamlining or simplifying the current 5 fees that we have. That process is underway right 6 now. We plan to gather input from advisory 7 committees and the general public and put together 8 a proposal and get some commission input in 9 January or April and go from there. 10 CHAIRMAN ANGELO: Very good. Thank 11 you. Item Number 6, it's been suggested that we 12 pull that from the agenda today. If there's no 13 objections, we'll do so, and that can be handled 14 procedurally at a later time. 15 If no other business, that concludes 16 the work of the Finance Committee for today. And 17 the meeting is -- or the Finance Committee meeting 18 is adjourned. Madame chairman? 19 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: We will now convene 20 the infrastructure committee meeting. Will you 21 pass that to John Avila. 22 *-*-*-*-* 23 (MEETING ADJOURNED.) 24 *-*-*-*-* 25 . 69 1 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 2 STATE OF TEXAS ) 3 COUNTY OF TRAVIS ) 4 I, MELODY RENEE DeYOUNG, a Certified 5 Court Reporter in and for the State of Texas, do 6 hereby certify that the above and foregoing 50 7 pages constitute a full, true and correct 8 transcript of the minutes of the Texas Parks & 9 Wildlife Commission on NOVEMBER 7, 2001, in the 10 commission hearing room of the Texas Parks & 11 Wildlife Headquarters Complex, Austin, Travis 12 County, Texas. 13 I FURTHER CERTIFY that a stenographic 14 record was made by me at the time of the public 15 meeting and said stenographic notes were 16 thereafter reduced to computerized transcription 17 under my supervision and control. 18 WITNESS MY HAND this the 9th day of 19 January, 2002. 20 21 MELODY RENEE DeYOUNG, RPR, CSR NO. 3226 22 Expiration Date: 12-31-02 3101 Bee Caves Road 23 Centre II, Suite 220 Austin, Texas 78746 24 (512) 328-5557 25