Presenter: Tim Hogsett
Commission Agenda Item No. 2
Local Boat Ramp Grant Funding
May 2004
I. Executive Summary: The Department has recently received one application for new boat ramp construction requesting $500,000 in matching fund assistance. Funding approval is recommended.
II. Discussion: The State Boat Ramp Program was authorized in 1975 by the Sixty-fourth Legislature. The program provides funds for the purchase, construction and maintenance of boat ramps, access roads and related improvements. Program funds may also be used for capital improvements to existing state boat ramp sites. The program receives funding from two sources: (1) The Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act, also known as the Wallop-Breaux Program, and (2) The State Game, Fish and Water Safety Fund.
Fifteen percent of the State’s annual apportionment from the federal Wallop-Breaux Program must be used to provide public access for motor boating facilities. Construction for new ramps is supported on a 75 percent (state) 25 percent (local) basis.
The City of Corpus Christi is requesting a 75 percent matching share grant in the amount of $500,000 for the construction of a new 2-lane boat ramp, 3 docks, utilities, roads and parking, and signage. The project is located on land leased from the Texas General Land Office as a component of the North Padre Island Damage Reduction and Environmental Restoration project in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The facility is located on the north side of the Packery Channel off Zahn Road and SH 361.
All facilities will be operated and maintained by the City of Corpus Christi.
III. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
“Funding for a new construction project in the amount of $500,000 is approved for boating access facilities to be developed in Corpus Christi, Texas.”
Attachment – 1
1. Exhibit
A – Fiscal