Presenter: Vickie Fite
Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Public Hunting – 2004-2005
Establish Open Season and
Designate State Parks
May 2004
I. Executive Summary: This item presents the finalized list of public hunting activities to be provided on state parks for the 2004-2005 season and provides for the establishment of the open season on public hunting lands.
II. Discussion: Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 12, Subchapter A, provides that a tract of land purchased primarily for a purpose authorized by the code may be used for any authorized function of the Parks and Wildlife Department if the commission determines that multiple use is the best utilization of the land's resources. Additionally, Chapter 81, Subchapter E of the code provides the commission with the authority to establish open seasons, and authorizes the Executive Director to determine bag limits, means and methods, and conditions for the taking of wildlife resources on wildlife management and public hunting areas. Chapter 62, Subchapter D, provides authority to the Commission to prescribe seasons, number, size, kind, sex and the means and methods for the taking of any wildlife on state parks. Chapter 42, §42.0177, authorizes the Commission to modify or eliminate the tagging requirements of Chapter 42.
III. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motions:
1. “The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the hunting activities designated in Exhibit A to be conducted on the listed units of the state park system.”
2. “The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes an open hunting season on public hunting lands to run from September 1, 2004 to August 31, 2005.”
Attachments - 2
1. Exhibit
A – Public
Hunting Activities on State
Parks 2004-2005
2. Exhibit
B – Fiscal
Agenda Item No. 8
Exhibit A
Proposed State Park Hunts for 2004-2005
1 | Atlanta | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 39 | Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 7-9, 14-16 | Y |
2 | Big Bend Ranch | Deer and unlimited exotics | Special | 10 | Nov. 27- Dec. 1 | partial |
Big Bend Ranch | Javelina | Special | 30 | Nov. 14-16, Dec. 12-14, Jan. 15-17 | partial | |
Big Bend Ranch | Quail | APH/OSR | N/A | Nov. 4-6, Dec. 9-11, Jan. 19-21 | partial | |
3 | Brazos Bend | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 120 | Nov. 9-11, 16-18, Dec. 7-9 | Y |
4 | Bryan Beach | Mourning dove | APH | N/A | each day of South Zone season | N |
Bryan Beach | Waterfowl: Early Teal | APH | N/A | each day of the Early Teal season. | N | |
Bryan Beach | Waterfowl Youth | APH | N/A | each day of the special youth season | N | |
Bryan Beach | Waterfowl: duck | APH | N/A | each day of the South Zone season. | N | |
Bryan Beach | Waterfowl: goose | APH | N/A | concurrent with duck hunts then every day of the Eastern Zone season + any special conservation seasons. | N | |
Bryan Beach | Rails, Gallinules & Snipe | APH | N/A | Concurrent with waterfowl hunts during open season dates . | N | |
5 | Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Deer and feral hogs | APH | N/A | Oct. 2-29 | N |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 40 | Jan. 17-19, 21-23 | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Deer and feral hogs | APH | N/A | Nov. 6- Jan. 2 | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Deer and Feral hogs Youth | APH | N/A | Oct. 30-31, Jan. 15-16 | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Squirrel and feral hogs | APH | N/A | Oct. 1-Feb. 6 and May 1-31 | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Squirrel Youth/Adult | APH | N/A | Sept. 25-26 | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Quail | APH | N/A | Oct. 30-Feb. 27 | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Spring turkey | APH | N/A | Apr. 11-24 | ||
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Mourning Dove | APH | N/A | each day of the Central Zone season | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Waterfowl- Teal | APH | N/A | each day of the Early Teal season | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Waterfowl- ducks | APH | N/A | each day of the North Zone season | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Waterfowl- geese | APH | N/A | each day of the Eastern Zone + any special conservation season | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Waterfowl- ducks Youth | APH | N/A | North Zone Youth season dates | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Rails & Gallinules | APH | N/A | each day of the season | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Snipe | APH | N/A | each day of the season | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Woodcock | APH | N/A | each day of the season | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Furbearers | APH | N/A | Nov. 1- Mar. 31 | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | Frogs, rabbits, hares & predators | APH | N/A | no closed season | N | |
Caddo Lake SP/ WMA | fishing | none | N/A | no closed season | N | |
6 | Caprock Canyons | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 6 | Dec. 1-3 | Y |
Caprock Canyons | Exotics and feral hogs | Special | 20 | Jan. 5-7, 19-21 | Y | |
7 | Choke Canyon - Calliham Unit | Deer, Javelina and feral hogs | Special | 12 | Jan. 3-7, 10-14, 17-21 | partial |
8 | Choke Canyon - N. Shore Unit | Deer, feral hogs and coyotes | Special | 36 | Nov. 5-7, 12-14, 19-21 | N |
Choke Canyon - N. Shore Unit | Deer, feral hogs & coyotes Youth | Special | 6 | Nov. 26-28 | N | |
9 | Colorado Bend | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 60 | Dec. 1-3, 8-10, 15-17 | Y |
Colorado Bend | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 60 | Jan. 5-7, 12-14, 19-21 | Y | |
Colorado Bend | Deer, exotics & feral hogs Youth | Special | 10 | Dec. 28-30 | Y | |
10 | Cooper Lake- South Sulphur Unit | Deer and feral hogs | APH/OSR | N/A | Dec. 4-19 | partial |
11 | Davis Mountains | Javelina | Special | 20 | Jan. 10-12, 12-14, 17-19, 19-21 | partial |
12 | Devil's River | Exotics | Special | 40 | Jan. 10-12, 12-14 | Y |
13 | Devil's Sinkhole | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 20 | Oct. 18-22 | Y |
Devil's Sinkhole | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 12 | Nov. 1-3 | Y | |
Devil's Sinkhole | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 12 | Nov. 8-10 | Y | |
14 | Martin Dies Jr. | Squirrel Youth | Reg/APH-OSR | Dec. 4, 5, 11 | partial | |
15 | Enchanted Rock | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 45 | Jan. 5-7, 10-12, 12-14 | Y |
Enchanted Rock | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 15 | Jan. 3-5 | Y | |
16 | Fairfield Lake | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 80 | Dec. 6-8, 8-10, Jan. 3-5, 5-7 | Y |
17 | Fort Boggy | Deer, feral hogs and coyotes | Special | 30 | Oct. 11-13, 13-15 | Y |
Fort Boggy | Deer, feral hogs and coyotes | Special | 30 | Dec. 13-15, 15-17 | Y | |
18 | Garner | Deer, exotics & feral hogs Youth | Special | 10 | Dec. 4-5 | Y |
Garner | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 45 | Dec. 6-8, 8-10, 13-15, 15-17 | Y | |
19 | Guadalupe River | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 50 | Dec. 13-17, Jan. 3-7 | Y |
Guadalupe River | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 50 | Dec. 6-10, Jan. 10-14 | Y | |
20 | Guadalupe River North | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 10 | Oct. 4-8, 11-15 | Partial |
Guadalupe River North | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 5 | Nov. 8-12 | Partial | |
Guadalupe River North | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 5 | Nov. 15-19 | Partial | |
Guadalupe River North | Exotic | Special | 5 | Jan. 31- Feb 4 | Partial | |
Guadalupe River North | Spring Turkey Youth | Special | 5 | Apr. 2-3 | Partial | |
21 | Hill Country | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 30 | Jan. 10-13 | Y |
Hill Country | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 30 | Jan. 24-27 | Y | |
Hill Country | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 60 | Dec. 6-9, 13-16 | Y | |
22 | Honey Creek | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 20 | Dec. 13-17, Jan. 3-7 | Y |
Honey Creek | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 20 | Dec. 6-10, Jan. 10-14 | Y | |
Honey Creek | Deer, exotics & feral hogs Youth | Special | 20 | Dec. 4-5, Jan. 8-9, 15-16 | Y | |
Honey Creek | Exotics and feral hogs | Special | 5 | Jan. 31-Feb. 4 | Y | |
23 | Huntsville | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 45 | Jan. 3-5, 5-7, 12-14 | Y |
Huntsville | Deer and feral hogs Youth | Special | 15 | Dec. 28-30 | Y | |
Huntsville | Squirrel | Reg/APH-OSR | Dec. 7, 8 | Y | ||
24/25 | Inks Lake/Longhorn Caverns | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 10 | Dec. 8-10 | partial |
Inks Lake/Longhorn Caverns | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 40 | Dec. 15-17, Jan. 5-7, 12-14, 19-21 | partial | |
Inks Lake/Longhorn Caverns | Deer and feral hogs Youth | Special | 10 | Dec. 29-31 | partial | |
26 | Kickapoo Caverns | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 20 | Dec. 6-8 | Y |
Kickapoo Caverns | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 25 | Dec. 13-15 | Y | |
Kickapoo Caverns | Deer and feral hogs Youth | Special | 15 | Dec. 11-12 | Y | |
27 | Lake Brownwood | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 5 | Jan. 4-6 | Y |
Lake Brownwood | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 15 | Jan. 11-13, 18-20, 25-27 | Y | |
28 | Lake Houston | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 15 | Jan. 3-5 | partial |
Lake Houston | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 15 | Jan. 10-12 | partial | |
Lake Houston | Deer and feral hogs Youth | Special | 15 | Dec. 29-31 | partial | |
Lake Houston | Squirrel & rabbit | APH-OSR/ Reg | N/A | Dec. 6-10 (a.m. only hunts) | Y | |
29 | Lake Mineral Wells | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 20 | Dec. 14-16, 27-29 | partial |
30 | Lake Bob Sandlin | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 6 | Dec. 7-9 | Y |
31 | Lake Somerville | Deer, feral hogs and coyotes | Special | 30 | Nov. 9-11 | partial |
Lake Somerville | Deer, feral hogs & coyotes Youth | Special | 30 | Dec. 18-19 | partial | |
Lake Somerville | Waterfowl | APH | N/A | Early Teal and regular North Zone duck seasons | partial | |
32 | Lake Whitney | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | special | 10 | Jan. 12-14 | Y |
Lake Whitney | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | special | 10 | Jan. 10-12 | Y | |
33 | Lost Maples | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 24 | Jan. 5-7, 12-14, 19-21 | Y |
Lost Maples | Deer, feral hogs & coyotes Youth | Special | 6 | Dec. 21-22 | Y | |
34 | Matagorda Island | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 25 | Nov. 19-21 | partial |
Matagorda Island | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 75 | Dec. 3-5, 17-19, 31- Jan. 2 | partial | |
Matagorda Island | Feral hog | Special | 50 | Jan. 14-16, 28-31 | partial | |
Matagorda Island | Dove | Reg/APH | N/A | Sept. 24-26, Oct. 1-3 | partial | |
Matagorda Island | Waterfowl | Reg/APH | N/A | only on Sat. and Sun., a.m. only, during South Zone season for duck | partial | |
35 | Mother Neff (prairie area ) | Dove | APH | N/A | Sept. 1-3, 7-10, 13-17, 20-24, 27- Oct. 1 | partial |
36 | Pedernales Falls | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 15 | Jan. 11-13 | Y |
Pedernales Falls | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 15 | Jan. 25-27 | Y | |
37 | Pedernales Falls Annex | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 6 | Oct. 7-11, 21-25 | N |
Pedernales Falls Annex | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 6 | Nov. 4-8, 18-22 | N | |
38 | Possum Kingdom | Deer, exotics & feral hogs Youth | Special | 12 | Dec. 20-21, 28-29 | partial |
39 | Resaca de la Palma | Feral hog | Special | 18 | Mar. 4-6, 11-13, 18-20 | N |
Resaca de la Palma | White-winged dove | APH-OSR/ Reg | N/A | each day of the special ww dove season | N | |
Resaca de la Palma | Mourning dove | APH | N/A | each day of the South Zone season. | N | |
Resaca de la Palma | Quail | APH | N/A | Oct. 30- Feb. 27 | N | |
Resaca de la Palma | Rabbits and hares | APH | N/A | concurrent with dove and quail | N | |
40 | San Angelo | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 60 | Dec. 1-3 | N |
San Angelo | Deer and feral hogs | Special | 60 | Nov. 16-18 | N | |
San Angelo | Deer and feral hogs Youth | Special | 60 | Nov. 13-14 | N | |
San Angelo | Turkey | Special | 40 | Apr. 8-10, 15-17 | N | |
San Angelo | Archery Deer/Turkey | APH/OSR | Oct. 2-31 | N | ||
San Angelo | Dove, rabbit, squirrel, & waterfowl | APH/OSR | N/A | Sept 1-30, on season dates open for each species on these dates. | N | |
San Angelo | Dove, quail, rabbit, squirrel, & waterfowl | APH/OSR | N/A | Dec. 11- Feb. 27, on season dates open for each species on these dates. | N | |
41 | Sea Rim | Alligator Youth | Special | 6 | Sept. 11-12 Sat. - Sun. | N |
Sea Rim | Waterfow- Teal | APH | N/A | each day of the Early Teal season, ends at noon | N | |
Sea Rim | Waterfowl | APH | N/A | Open on Sun, Wed, and Fri of the general South Zone season | N | |
Sea Rim | Rail,Gallinule and snipe | APH | N/A | concurrent with Teal and waterfowl dates | N | |
Sea Rim | Waterfowl Youth | APH | N/A | each day of the special youth season, ends at noon | N | |
Sea Rim | Feral Hog Archery | APH | N/A | date following close of Reg. Wf season through Mar. 1 in marsh N. of Hwy 87 | N | |
42 | Seminole Canyon | Deer and feral hogs | special | 16 | Dec. 6-8, 8-10, 13-15, 15-17 | Y |
43 | South Llano | Deer, exotics and feral hogs | Special | 32 | Jan. 3-5, 5-7, 10-12, 12-14 | Y |
44 | Tony Houseman | Feral hog | APH | N/A | Oct. 1- Mar. 31 | N |
Tony Houseman | Furbearers/Predators | APH | N/A | Oct. 1- Mar. 31 | N | |
Tony Houseman | Squirrel | APH | N/A | Oct. 1-Feb. 6, May 1-31 | N | |
Tony Houseman | Youth squirrel | APH | N/A | Sept. 25-26 | N | |
Tony Houseman | Waterfow- Teal | APH | early | each day of the Early Teal season | N | |
Tony Houseman | Waterfowl: duck & goose | APH | N/A | Open each day of the North Zone season. | N | |
Tony Houseman | Rabbits and hares | APH | N/A | no closed season | N | |
Tony Houseman | Fish, frogs, crayfish | APH | N/A | no closed season | N | |
Tony Houseman | Youth waterfowl | APH | N/A | South Zone Youth season dates | N | |
Tony Houseman | Dove | APH | N/A | each day of the Central Zone season. | N |
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