Presenter: Jack Bauer
Commission Agenda Item No. 16
Land Acquisition – Presidio County
Big Bend Ranch State Park
(Purchase of 40-Acre Inholding)
May 2006
I. Executive Summary: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has been offered for sale 40-acres within Big Bend Ranch State Park (BBRSP). The tract is an important access point for the public along Repodo Canyon in the southeastern portion of the park.
II. Discussion: A private 40-acre inholding tract within BBRSP identified as a part of Survey No. 3, Block G-8, located by virtue of certificate No. 130, issued to the M.K. – T.E. Railroad Company has been offered for sale to TPWD. The tract is within a section of other privately owned property along the Repodo Canyon that has been a historic trail from the Rio Grande River into the park.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Executive Director is authorized to take all steps necessary to acquire approximately 40 acres identified in Exhibit A as an addition to Big Bend Ranch State Park."
Attachments - 1
- Exhibit A – Property Map
- Exhibit B – Fiscal Note (available upon request; contact Carole Hemby at 512-389-4804)
Commission Agenda Item No. 16
Exhibit A
Property Map
Field Notes to a 40 acre tract of land located in Presidio County, Texas, and being a part of Survey No. 3, Block No. G-8, located by virtue of Certificate No. 130, issued to the M.K. & T.E. Railroad Company, being the same tract of land described in deed dated January 16, 1919, Mark Logan and W.W. Lynch to H.J. Apfelroth as recorded in Vol. 58, page 272 of the deed records of Presidio County, Texas and being more particularity described as following:
- Beginning 1309 varas, N. 40 E. from the S.W. Corner of said Survey No. 3,
- Thence N. 40° E. 475 varas to a point;
- Thence N. 50° W. 475 varas to a point;
- Thence S. 40° W. 474 varas to a point;
- Thence S. 50° E. 475 varas to the place of beginning and containing 40 acres of land more or less.

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Jack Bauer.