Presenter: Corky Kuhlmann
Commission Agenda Item No. 21
Utility Easement Recommendation
– City of Galveston
November 2005
I. Executive Summary: The City of Galveston is requesting a Utility Easement from The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department at Galveston Island State Park. This request is summarized below for consideration and action by the Commission:
II. Discussion:Proposed Utility Easement sought by the City of Galveston (City) is located along a portion of the western boundary line of Galveston Island State Park (Park), the same being the boundary between the Park and the City of Jamaica Beach. This easement is needed for the City to make upgrades to their water distribution system.
In discussions about the requested easement, the City agreed to address some long-standing problems with Galveston Island State Park's drinking water supply system.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Executive Director is authorized to take all necessary steps to grant and sell a Utility Easement at Galveston Island State Park to the City of Galveston, with grant and sale of such easement to be contingent upon execution of a written agreement between TPWD and the City governing the tie-in of the Galveston Island State Park's water supply system to the City's 16-inch water main."
Attachments - 1
- Exhibit A - Area Map
Commission Agenda Item No. 21
Exhibit A
Aerial View of Proposed Utiility Easement