Presenter: Phil Durocher

Commission Agenda Item No. 9
Designation of Representative
Foreign Travel Resolution
November 2005

I. Executive Summary: The Legislature requires the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to approve use of state funds for foreign travel. Dr. Gary Saul, Deputy Director of Inland Fisheries, has been asked to deliver the keynote address at the International Institute of Fisheries Management meeting in Manchester, England in his role as President of the Fisheries Administrators Section of the American Fisheries Society.

II. Discussion: Article IX, Section 5.08(i) of the FY 2006-2007 General Appropriations Act, prohibits the expenditure of appropriated funds for foreign travel (except to Canada or Mexico) unless "the board or commission of each state agency has approved the travel before departure. We request approval for funding airfare and ground transportation only. The Institute of Fisheries Management will pay registration fees, lodging and meals while Dr. Saul is at the meeting.

III. Recommended The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the resolution as shown in Exhibit A.

Attachments - 1

  1. Exhibit A - Resolution

Commission Agenda Item No. 3
Exhibit A

Designation of Representatives
Foreign Travel Resolution

WHEREAS, the American Fisheries Society is the Professional Association for Fisheries workers in North America; and

WHEREAS, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department recognizes the importance of the Society in providing exchange of fishery science information and supports the Society as an Official Member; and

WHEREAS, the American Fisheries Society has entered into a cooperative agreement with the United Kingdom that provides for the exchange of technical and management expertise in the area of Fisheries Management; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Gary Saul with Inland Fisheries, who currently serves as President of the Fisheries Administrators Section of the American Fisheries Society and in that role has been invited to deliver the keynote address at the International Institute of Fisheries Management meeting in Manchester, England in November of 2005;

AND WHEREAS, the American Fisheries Society Institute of Fisheries Management has agreed to pay the expenses for registration, lodging and meals;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission that Dr. Gary Saul is authorized to travel to the United Kingdom to deliver the keynote address for this prestigious International meeting, and TPWD is authorized to reimburse Dr. Saul for airfare and ground transportation expenses as outlined in the General Appropriations Act.

In official recognition hereof, we hereby affix our signatures this 3rd day of November 2005.

Joseph B. C. Fitzsimons, Chairman

Mark E. Bivins, Member

J. Robert Brown, Member

T. Dan Friedkin, Member

Ned S. Holmes, Member

Peter M. Holt, Member

Philip Montgomery, III, Member

John D. Parker, Member

Donato D. Ramos, Member