Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth
Commission Agenda Item No. 13
Land Sale - Palo Pinto County
Sale of Two Lots at Lake Mineral Wells Trailway
January 2008
I. Executive Summary: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) staff recommends the sale of two small miscellaneous parcels of land near the Lake Mineral Wells Trailway to an adjacent landowner.
II. Discussion: The corridor of land that now comprises the Lake Mineral Wells Trailway was acquired from the Union Pacific Railway Company in 1996. Included in the acquisition were miscellaneous parcels of land that do not contribute to the mission of the trailway, nor does staff believe these tracts will serve any useful purpose to TPWD in the future.
O'Neal Distributing Company owns land adjacent to two of these tracts inside the City of Mineral Wells and has requested that TPWD sell these tracts to them. One of the tracts has a boundary in common with the trailway, and the other is disconnected from TPWD property with no boundary in common. The company has been mowing these tracts for security and aesthetic reasons, with permission from TPWD. Staff feels that ownership of these tracts by this adjacent landowner will reduce liability for both the landowner and TPWD and is in the best interest of TPWD. Per procedure employed for the disposal of other small tracts with nominal monetary value, TPWD has established a sale price by requesting market analyses from local realtors, has solicited public input, and has conducted a local public meeting regarding the proposed sale.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission finds ownership of two lots at Lake Mineral Wells Trailway to no longer be in the interest of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, that there is no feasible alternative to the sale of these two lots, and that the sale of these two lots will minimize harm to the Lake Mineral Wells Trailway, and authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to sell approximately 0.44 acres at fair market value."
Attachments - 2
Commission Agenda Item No. 13
Exhibit A
Location of Lake Mineral Wells Trailway - City of Mineral Wells

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.
Commission Agenda Item No. 13
Exhibit B
Site Map showing Lots Proposed for Sale

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.