Presenter: Tim Hogsett
Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Local Park Grant Rule Amendments - Mandated by Legislation (H. B. 12)
January 2008
I. Executive Summary: This item adopts rules, administrative policies and Project Priority Scoring Systems for the Texas Recreation and Parks Account, Large County and Municipality Recreation and Parks Account (Urban Parks Account), Boating Access and Recreation Trails grant programs. These changes are necessary because of legislation, and to ensure program needs are responsive to grant customers.
II. Discussion: The Seventy-third Legislature, Regular Session, created the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Program (TRPA). TRPA is funded through a dedication of a portion of the state sales tax on sporting goods, effective September 1, 1993. The Texas Recreation and Parks account is incorporated as Chapter 24 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code. The program provides local governments matching funds assistance for outdoor and indoor recreation.
Section 24.005 (b) of the Parks and Wildlife Code states that "in establishing the program of grants under this section, the department shall adopt rules and regulations for grant assistance." Programs administered as part of TRPA include:
- Outdoor Recreation Grants
- Indoor Recreation Grants
- Community Outdoor Outreach Program Grants
- Regional Park Grants
- Small Community Grants
The Eightieth Legislature, Regular Session, created the Large County and Municipality Recreation and Parks Account (Urban Parks Account) by amending Chapter 24 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, adding sections 24.051 through 24.062. Large counties and municipalities are defined as city and county governments having populations of 500,000 or more as of the last federal census. Eligible participants include:
- City of Austin
- City of Dallas
- City of El Paso
- City of Fort Worth
- City of Houston
- City of San Antonio
- Dallas County
- El Paso County
- Harris County
- Hidalgo County
- Tarrant County
- Travis County
Section 24.055 (b) of the Parks and Wildlife Code states that "in establishing the program of grants under this section, the department shall adopt rules and regulations for grant assistance." Programs administered as part of the Urban Parks Account include:
- Outdoor Recreation Grants
- Indoor Recreation Grants
- Community Outdoor Outreach Program Grants
- Regional Park Grants
Minor changes are also being proposed for administration of the Boating Access and Recreation Trails grant programs.
During the last several months, staff has been preparing draft rules and regulations for administration of the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Program and new Urban Parks Account program for consideration by the Commission. The last such general review of program guidelines was in January 2005. The following major activities have taken place in the process of preparing draft rules:
- August 28 - Staff retreat
- September - Survey mail out
- September 11-26 - Public Hearings: Austin, Arlington, Odessa, The Woodlands (Houston area) and Harlingen
- October 22-23 - Urban Park Summit
A total of 211 persons registered attendance at these hearings. A mass mailing invitation was sent to all potential sponsors for these grant programs. The 24 regional councils of governments were notified, and TPWD news releases were published. The hearings were designed to be both informative and to facilitate discussions about the grant programs. In a facilitated process, attendees were asked to comment on administrative issues as well as the priority ranking criteria used to evaluate the grant applications. A separate facilitated meeting was held to develop draft rules for the Urban Parks Account grant programs. All 13 eligible sponsors were represented. Proposed changes to the programs resulting from this public process including a summary of the changes in scoring criteria and administrative changes such as application submission deadlines and grant award ceilings are attached as Exhibit B.
The draft rules proposal was posted in the Texas Register as a "Proposed Rule" on December 21, 2007. Comments, if any, received from that posting will be summarized with responses and made available to the Commission.
Texas Local Park Grants Programs Manual is proposed for amendment (Exhibit A) and contains the proposed administrative rules and regulations for operation of the Grant Programs. An overview of recommended changes to the grant programs is included as Exhibit B. The Texas Recreation and Parks Account Grants Programs Project Priority Scoring Systems containing the proposed criteria to be used to evaluate and prioritize grant applications requesting grant assistance is included as Exhibit C. The Urban Park Grants Programs Project Priority Scoring Systems containing the proposed criteria to be used to evaluate and prioritize grant applications requesting grant assistance is included as Exhibit D.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) adopts amendments to 31 Tex. Admin Code §§61.133-61.136, new §§61.132, 61.138-61.140, and the repeal of §61.132, concerning Guidelines for Administration of the Texas Local Parks, Recreation and Open Space Fund Program, with changes as necessary to the proposed text as published in the December 21, 2007 issue of the Texas Register (32 TexReg 9551)."
Attachments - 4
- Exhibit A – Texas Local Park Grants Programs Manual is proposed for amendment and contains the proposed administrative rules and regulations for operation of the Grant Programs.
(0 B)
- Exhibit B – Overview of Recommended Changes to the Grant Programs
- Exhibit C – Texas Recreation and Parks Account Grants Programs Project Priority Scoring Systems containing the proposed criteria to be used to evaluate and prioritize grant applications requesting Grant assistance.
- Exhibit D – Urban Park Grants Programs Project Priority Scoring Systems containing the proposed criteria to be used to evaluate and prioritize grant applications requesting Grant assistance.
Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Exhibit B
Overview of Recommended Changes to the Grant Programs
Community Outdoor Outreach Program Grant
Proposed Administrative Changes (effective for the proposed May 1, 2008 application deadline that is contingent upon LBB ruling):
- Special call for proposals on May 1, 2008 (contingent upon LBB ruling)
- Increase award ceiling from $30,000 to $50,000 (contingent upon LBB ruling)
- Institute an October 1st deadline for submission of proposals in FY 09 (contingent upon LBB ruling)
Proposed Changes to Scoring Criteria:
- Add 1-3 points to scoring criteria for programs which include a service project in their application. Points will be based on environmental/conservation needs, whether youth will be directly involved in planning and problem solving and evaluation of impact on the community.
Outdoor Recreation Grant Program
Proposed Administrative Changes:
- Special call for proposals on April 1, 2008 in addition to the scheduled July 31, 2008 deadline
- Beginning in 2009, institute January 31st and July 31st proposal submission deadlines
- Increase award ceiling from $400,000 to $500,000
- Eligible Sponsors may submit one application per grant cycle per program
Proposed changes to the Scoring Criteria
- Simplify the master plan criteria and award 5 points to communities that have a locally adopted, TPWD approved, parks, recreation and open space master plan. And award 10 points if the project for which they are asking TPWD to fund addresses 3 of the top 3 priorities outlined in the community’s master plan, 6 points if the project addresses 2 of the top 3 priorities and 3 points if it addresses 1 of the top 3 priorities. No net change to this category.
- Restructure the diversity criteria so points will be awarded by recreation category, not by opportunity and only if the recreation opportunities proposed for funding are identified by a master plan or through a documented public input process (i.e. citizen surveys or public hearings) if the Sponsor does not have a master plan. No net change to this category.
- New and different recreation opportunities must be supported in the Sponsor’s locally adopted master plan or a documented public input process (i.e. citizen surveys or public hearings) if the Sponsor does not have a current master plan. No net change to this category.
- Decrease possible points for direct recreational facility costs/total construction costs from 25 to 20. Net reduction of 5 points in this category.
- Delete youth-at-risk programming criteria and increase allowable points for serving low income, minority or the elderly from 4 points in each sub-category to 5 points. Net reduction of 1 point in this category.
- Activities specifically identified to serve the elderly must be supported in a locally adopted master plan or through a documented public input process. No net change in this category.
- Expand the range of allowable points for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of a vulnerable natural resource from 25-30 to 5-30.
- Expand the range of allowable points for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of a significant wetland from 20-25 to 5-25.
- Expand the range of allowable points for the acquisition and preservation of natural open space from 15-20 to 5-20.
- Increase the allowable points for renovation or adaptive reuse from 20 to 25 points. Net increase of 5 points in this category.
- Increase the allowable points for environmentally responsible activities from 5 to 10 and award points based the diversity, innovative nature and/or cost, as opposed to the number of activities. Net increase of 5 points in this category.
- Reduce the number of allowable points for cultural resources interpretation. Net reduction of 2 points in this category.
- Add scoring criteria that can award up to 5 points based on how well the project supports the TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan.
- Add scoring criteria that can deduct negative five (-5) points to projects that are submitted by Sponsors that are not in compliance with previously funded projects.
- Add scoring criteria that can award 5 points to applications that are complete and submitted on or before the application deadline.
Indoor Recreation Grant Program
Proposed Administrative Changes:
- Increase award ceiling from $417,593 to $750,000
- Eligible Sponsors may submit one application per grant cycle per program
Proposed changes to the Scoring Criteria
- Simplify the master plan criteria and award 5 points to communities that have a locally adopted, TPWD approved, parks, recreation and open space master plan. And award 10 points if the project for which they are asking TPWD to fund addresses 3 of the top 3 priorities outlined in the community’s master plan, 6 points if the project addresses 2 of the top 3 priorities and 3 points if it addresses 1 of the top 3 priorities. No net change to this category.
- Award points for recreation diversity only if the recreation opportunities proposed for TPWD funding are identified by a locally adopted master plan or through a documented public input process (i.e. citizen surveys or public hearings) if the Sponsor does not have a master plan. No net change in this category.
- New and different recreation opportunities must be supported in the Sponsor’s master plan or a documented public input process (i.e. public hearings or citizen surveys). No net change in this category.
- Increase the allowable points for renovation or adaptive reuse from 20 to 25 points. A net increase of 5 points in this category.
- Delete youth-at-risk programming criteria and increase allowable points for serving low income, minority or the elderly from 4 points in each sub-category to 5 points. A net reduction of 1 point in this category.
- Activities specifically identified to serve the elderly must be supported in a locally adopted master plan or through a documented public input process. No net change in this category.
- Increase the allowable points for environmentally responsible activities from 5 to 10 and award points based on how well the project incorporates environmentally responsible design or construction elements into the proposed project, as opposed to the number of activities. A net increase of 5 points in this category.
- Add scoring criteria that can award up to 5 points based on how well the project supports the TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan.
- Add scoring criteria that can deduct five (-5) points to projects that are submitted by Sponsors that are not in compliance with previously funded projects.
- Add scoring criteria that can award 5 points to applications that are complete and submitted on or before the application deadline.
Small Community Grant Program
Proposed Administrative Changes:
- Increase award ceiling from $50,000 to $75,000
- Eligible Sponsors may submit one application per grant cycle per program
Proposed changes to the Scoring Criteria:
- Award 3 points to sponsors with a population of 2,500 or less (up from 2,000).
- Delete diversity recreation scoring criteria.
- New and different recreation opportunities must be supported in the Sponsor’s master plan or an adopted, alternative public input process (i.e. citizen surveys or public hearings).
- Delete youth-at-risk programming criteria and increase allowable points for serving low income, minority or the elderly from 4 points in each sub-category to 5 points.
- Activities specifically identified to serve the elderly must be supported in a locally adopted master plan or through an alternate public input process (i.e. citizen surveys or public hearings).
- Award points for environmentally responsible activities based on the diversity, innovative nature and/or cost of the project elements, as opposed to the number of activities.
- Add scoring criteria that can award up to 2 points to projects that support the TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan.
- Add scoring criteria that can deduct (-5) points to projects that are submitted by Sponsors that are not in compliance with previously funded projects.
- Add scoring criteria that can award 5 points to applications that are complete and submitted on or before the application deadline.
General Administrative Changes
- Eligible match (funds dedicated to the same project for which the Sponsor is seeking TPWD support) may consist of State and Federal funds provided the TPWD grants are funded with LWCF and State funds, respectively.
- Comprehensive park and recreation master plan updates will be effective for 5 years (up from 2).
- Regional comprehensive park and recreation master plans may be substituted for local parks, recreation and open space master plans if the Sponsor elects to adopt the plan via resolution and if the Sponsor agrees to provide any necessary supplemental information requested by TPWD.
Regional Grant Program
(no revisions at this time)
Recreational Trails Grant Program
Proposed Administrative Changes:
- Change the annual deadline to receive project proposals from June 1st to May 1st.
- Increase award ceiling for non-motorized trail grants from $100,000 to $200,000.
Boating Access Program
Proposed Administrative Changes:
- Set October 31st as the annual deadline to receive project grant proposals
Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Exhibit C
Project Priority Scoring System
Texas Recreation & Parks Account
Small Community Grant Program
(Effective for the January 31, 2009 Application Deadline)
All TRPA Indoor Recreation Grant Program applications submitted to TPWD are evaluated for program eligibility and prioritized with the criteria, rating factors, and points shown in the following “Project Priority Scoring System.” Each site of a multiple site project will be scored individually using the “Project Priority Scoring System”, and individual site scores will be weighted on a pro-rata share of the total project score.
A project’s priority ranking will depend on its score in relation to the scores of other projects under consideration. Scored applications are presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for approval. Funding of projects will depend on the availability of TRPA funds.
Projects which have been considered twice by the Parks & Wildlife Commission without significant alterations to raise the project score shall be withdrawn from further consideration.
Sponsor is in full compliance with the “Grant Administration and Eligibility Guidelines for all Grant Programs Administered by the Texas Parks and Recreation Grants Branch.”
YES. If yes, the application will be scored and presented for award consideration.
NO. If no, the application will not be scored or considered further.
NA. No previous grant funding received.
Total Range: 1-15 points
Project Sponsor has locally adopted TPWD approved, parks, recreation and open space master plan that addresses indoor recreation needs. (5 points)
Project meets 3 of the top 3 priorities identified in the TPWD approved master plan
(10 points)
Project meets 2 of the top 3 priorities identified in the TPWD approved master plan
(6 points)
Project meets 1 of the top 3 priorities identified in the TPWD approved master plan
(3 points)
Total Range: 1-10 points
Project will provide a diversity of public indoor recreation facilities or opportunities within the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended project service area.
1 point will be awarded for each type of recreation facility or opportunity, up to 10 points, if and only if, the recreation elements are identified as a need or desire in a locally adopted parks, recreation and open space master plan or by a documented public input process if the Sponsor does not have an adopted plan. Points may be deducted for projects which propose support facilities which do not provide recreational activities.
Number of facilities or opportunities: _____
Total Range: 5-20 points
Project will improve geographic distribution or innovative use of public indoor recreation facilities in the project’s intended service area or within the sponsor’s jurisdiction.
A. Project provides the first public indoor recreation facility in the sponsor’s jurisdiction area (20 points); or
B. Project provides significant new and different indoor recreation facilities, other than school facilities, within the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended service area (based on 5 points per opportunity, up to 15 points). In order to qualify for points under 4B, the need or community desire for significant “new and different” recreation elements must be supported in the Sponsor-adopted parks, recreation and open space master plan or through a documented public input process if the Sponsor does not have an adopted plan.
Number of new and different opportunities X 5 = _____
Total Range: 1-20 points
Project involves matching funds from sources other than the sponsor and/or additional outside cooperation not involving match.
A. Project involves the contribution of resources from other public or private entities, including publicly owned non-parkland, which serves as all or part of the sponsor’s matching share of funds. Points are awarded on a percentage basis, dependent on the amount of matching funds provided by outside sources. (1 — 15 points)
Matching funds provided by others X 15 = _____
Total matching funds
B. Project involves cooperation between the project sponsor and other public or private entities where resources are contributed to the overall project for non-grant assisted facilities (Example: The county constructs roads/parking facilities for the city, but no grant funds are requested for roads/parking; 1 point per documented activity). (1-5 points)
Number of documented activities: _____
Total range: 1-25 points
Project provides for the renovation or adaptive reuse of an existing obsolete park and recreation area or facilities.
Renovation cost X 25 = _____
Total construction cost
Total Range: 15 points
Project improves park and recreation opportunities for low income, minority, and/or elderly citizens.
A. Project improves opportunities for low income citizens (defined by the “USDA National School Lunch Program Income Eligibility Guidelines” federal poverty definition midpoint. (1 — 5 points)
Low income % x 5 = _____
B. Project improves opportunities for minority citizens (based on most recent U.S. Census figures for the service areas. (1 — 5 points)
Minority % X 5 = _____
C. Project improves opportunities for elderly citizens (1 point for each related facility or activity that is identified in a locally adopted master plan or by a documented public input process as a needed recreation opportunity for this special population). (1 — 5 points)
Number of appropriate elderly activities: _____
Total Range: 1-10 points
Project promotes environmentally responsible activities and development.
Points for this category will be awarded based on the diversity, innovative nature and/or cost of the project elements. Examples of eligible activities include: the use of xeriscape/native plant materials for landscaping, drip or treated effluent irrigation systems, energy efficient lighting systems,recycled materials for facility construction, environmental education and interpretation, significant native tree plantings where no trees exist, alternative energy sources, water catchment systems, etc. (1 — 10 points)
ADDITIONAL SCORING CRITERIA: - TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan
Total Range: 1-5 points
The project supports TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan. Sponsor must specifically address how the project meets the goals of the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan in the proposal narrative.
- Compliance:
Sponsor is not in compliance with previously funded projects (-5 points)
- Application materials:
A complete application was received by the application deadline (5 points)
Project Priority Scoring System
Texas Recreation & Parks Account
Community Outdoor Outreach Program
(Effective for the May 1, 2008 Application Deadline)
- Sponsor has closed out all previous CO-OP grant projects.
Yes If yes, the application will be scored and presented for award consideration.
No If no, the application will not be scored or considered further.
- Proposed project’s primary purpose is to serve the following participants (2-12 points)
A. Inner City (in cities of 100,000 or greater) (2 points)
(Based on population figures of sponsor location –may be inner-city or rural or neither)
B. Rural (cities or counties 20,000 or less) (2 points)
(Based on population figures of sponsor location –may be inner-city or rural or neither)
C. Minority (ethnic minorities within served population greater than or equal to 50% of total served population) (2 points)
D. Female (females within served population greater than or equal to 50% of total served population) (2 points)
E. Low Income (As defined by the USDA Food & Nutrition Service’s Income Eligibility Guidelines for the Free & Reduced School Lunch Program) low income within served population greater than or equal to 50% of total served population (2 points)
F. Physically/Mentally Challenged (includes ADD, ADHD, special education) must state this in a number or percentage of total population served (2 points)
G. Youth (age 17 and under) must state this in a number or percentage of total population served (2 points)
- Proposed project encourages partnerships with organized groups (1-4 points)
Application must include partnerships letters from the partnering organization. Letters of endorsement will not receive credit. One point shall be awarded for each partnership agreement that commits to cash contributions, volunteer labor, program materials, physical facilities use, transportation, food, etc. Letters must be current, dated, signed and state what the partners are providing to the program as well as the value of the contribution if applicable.
- The number of program participants the proposed project will serve (1-10 points)
One point awarded for each 25 persons, up to a maximum of 10 points.
- The extent to which the proposed project prioritizes direct service costs (1-10 points)
Points shall be awarded on a percentage basis, determined by dividing the direct service delivery costs by the total project cost and multiplying the result by 10.
Direct service delivery cost X 10 = _____
Total project cost
- Extent to which sponsor funds and resources are committed to the project (1-4 points)
Points shall be awarded on a percentage basis, determined by dividing the local/sponsor funds by the total project cost and multiplying the result by 4. Sponsor must provide auditable proof of their contribution.
Sponsor resources X 4 = _____
Total project cost
- Proposed project has a direct relationship with Texas Parks & Wildlife’s programs and/or facilities (1-5 points)
One point shall be awarded per:
(A) TPWD facility used (must name each TPWD facility);
(B) Instance of TPWD personnel involved (must provide letter of coordination from TPWD Staff);
(C) Instance of TPWD program provided (must list each program).
- Project specifically serves youth at risk (1-3 points)
A definition of at-risk youth for your target audience must be included, as well as a description of each activity designed to serve at-risk youth. One point shall be awarded for each activity serving at-risk youth as defined in the project. (Ex: tutoring, mentoring, self-esteem building, career development, leadership development…)
- Project proposes activities related to Texas Parks & Wildlife initiatives (1–5 points)
One point shall be awarded for each proposed activity related to a TPWD initiative (e.g., fishing, camping, hunting, environmental education, etc.).
- Project promotes outdoor educational activities (1-4 points)
Each educational element must be demonstrated by a discussion of the educational goals and objectives to be employed as it pertains to outdoor/environmental education. Points will be awarded according to the curriculum's potential to increase participants’:
(A) Awareness;
(B) Knowledge, skills, and abilities;
(C) Critical thinking; and
(D) Behavioral change.
- Proposed project includes an Outdoor Service Project (1-3 points)
Eligible service projects must be related to the TPWD mission. Projects must be described in detail and must include a partnership letter from the site management. Examples of eligible service projects include but are not limited to: trail or habitat restoration, students mentoring students, planting native vegetation, wildlife monitoring, building and distributing bird houses. Points will be awarded on the following criteria:
(A) What environmental / conservation need is your service project addressing? How will your service project address this need?
(B) How will youth be directly involved in the planning and problem solving process?
(C) How will you evaluate the impact your service project has on the youth and the community?
- Has applicant fulfilled all previous CO-OP grant reimbursement requirements?
If no, apply the following formula and deduct points from application score.
Remaining balance X .0015 — (subtract) — _______
Texas Recreation & Parks Account
Project Priority Scoring System
Indoor Recreation Grant Program
All TRPA Indoor Recreation Grant Program applications submitted to TPWD are evaluated for program eligibility and prioritized with the criteria, rating factors, and points shown in the following “Project Priority Scoring System.” Each site of a multiple site project will be scored individually using the “Project Priority Scoring System”, and individual site scores will be weighted on a pro-rata share of the total project score.
A project’s priority ranking will depend on its score in relation to the scores of other projects under consideration. Scored applications are presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for approval. Funding of projects will depend on the availability of TRPA funds.
Projects which have been considered twice by the Parks & Wildlife Commission without significant alterations to raise the project score shall be withdrawn from further consideration.
Sponsor is in full compliance with the “Grant Administration and Eligibility Guidelines for all Grant Programs Administered by the Texas Parks and Recreation Grants Branch.”
YES. If yes, the application will be scored and presented for award consideration.
NO. If no, the application will not be scored or considered further.
NA. No previous grant funding received.
Total Range: 1-15 points
Project Sponsor has locally adopted TPWD approved, parks, recreation and open space master plan that addresses indoor recreation needs. (5 points)
Project meets 3 of the top 3 priorities identified in the TPWD approved master plan
(10 points)
Project meets 2 of the top 3 priorities identified in the TPWD approved master plan
(6 points)
Project meets 1 of the top 3 priorities identified in the TPWD approved master plan
(3 points)
Total Range: 1-10 points
Project will provide a diversity of public indoor recreation facilities or opportunities within the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended project service area.
1 point will be awarded for each type of recreation facility or opportunity, up to 10 points, if and only if, the recreation elements are identified as a need or desire in a locally adopted parks, recreation and open space master plan or by a documented public input process if the Sponsor does not have an adopted plan. Points may be deducted for projects which propose support facilities which do not provide recreational activities.
Number of facilities or opportunities: _____
Total Range: 5-20 points
Project will improve geographic distribution or innovative use of public indoor recreation facilities in the project’s intended service area or within the sponsor’s jurisdiction.
A. Project provides the first public indoor recreation facility in the sponsor’s jurisdiction area (20 points); or
B. Project provides significant new and different indoor recreation facilities, other than school facilities, within the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended service area (based on 5 points per opportunity, up to 15 points). In order to qualify for points under 4B, the need or community desire for significant “new and different” recreation elements must be supported in the Sponsor-adopted parks, recreation and open space master plan or through a documented public input process if the Sponsor does not have an adopted plan.
Number of new and different opportunities X 5 = _____
Total Range: 1-20 points
Project involves matching funds from sources other than the sponsor and/or additional outside cooperation not involving match.
A. Project involves the contribution of resources from other public or private entities, including publicly owned non-parkland, which serves as all or part of the sponsor’s matching share of funds. Points are awarded on a percentage basis, dependent on the amount of matching funds provided by outside sources. (1 — 15 points)
Matching funds provided by others X 15 = _____
Total matching funds
B. Project involves cooperation between the project sponsor and other public or private entities where resources are contributed to the overall project for non-grant assisted facilities (Example: The county constructs roads/parking facilities for the city, but no grant funds are requested for roads/parking; 1 point per documented activity). (1-5 points)
Number of documented activities: _____
Total range: 1-25 points
Project provides for the renovation or adaptive reuse of an existing obsolete park and recreation area or facilities.
Renovation cost X 25 = _____
Total construction cost
Total Range: 15 points
Project improves park and recreation opportunities for low income, minority, and/or elderly citizens.
A. Project improves opportunities for low income citizens (defined by the “USDA National School Lunch Program Income Eligibility Guidelines” federal poverty definition midpoint. (1 — 5 points)
Low income % x 5 = _____
B. Project improves opportunities for minority citizens (based on most recent U.S. Census figures for the service areas. (1 — 5 points)
Minority % X 5 = _____
C. Project improves opportunities for elderly citizens (1 point for each related facility or activity that is identified in a locally adopted master plan or by a documented public input process as a needed recreation opportunity for this special population). (1 — 5 points)
Number of appropriate elderly activities: _____
Total Range: 1-10 points
Project promotes environmentally responsible activities and development.
Points for this category will be awarded based on the diversity, innovative nature and/or cost of the project elements. Examples of eligible activities include: the use of xeriscape/native plant materials for landscaping, drip or treated effluent irrigation systems, energy efficient lighting systems,recycled materials for facility construction, environmental education and interpretation, significant native tree plantings where no trees exist, alternative energy sources, water catchment systems, etc. (1 — 10 points)
ADDITIONAL SCORING CRITERIA: - TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan
Total Range: 1-5 points
The project supports TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan. Sponsor must specifically address how the project meets the goals of the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan in the proposal narrative.
- Compliance:
Sponsor is not in compliance with previously funded projects (-5 points)
- Application materials:
A complete application was received by the application deadline (5 points)
Texas Recreation & Parks Account
Project Priority Scroing System
Outdoor Recreation Grant Program
All TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grant Program applications submitted to TPWD are evaluated for program eligibility and prioritized with the criteria, rating factors, and points shown in the following “Project Priority Scoring System.” Each site of a multiple site project will be scored individually using the “Project Priority Scoring System”, and individual site scores will be weighted on a pro-rata share of the total project score.
A project’s priority ranking will depend on its score in relation to the scores of other projects under consideration. Scored applications are presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for approval. Funding of projects will depend on the availability of TRPA funds.
Projects which have been considered twice by the Parks & Wildlife Commission without significant alterations to raise the project score shall be withdrawn from further consideration.
Sponsor is in full compliance with the “Grant Administration and Eligibility Guidelines for all Grant Programs Administered by the Texas Parks and Recreation Grants Branch.”
YES. If yes, the application will be scored and presented for award consideration.
NO. If no, the application will not be scored or considered further.
NA. No previous grant funding received.
Total Range: 1-15 points
Project Sponsor has locally adopted TPWD approved, parks, recreation and open space master plan that addresses outdoor recreation needs. (5 points)
Project meets 3 of the top 3 priorities identified in the TPWD approved master plan
(10 points)
Project meets 2 of the top 3 priorities identified in the TPWD approved master plan
(6 points)
Project meets 1 of the top 3 priorities identified in the TPWD approved master plan
(3 points)
Total Range: 1-10 points
Project will provide a diversity of park and recreation opportunities and facilities within the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended project service area.
1 point will be awarded for each type of significant recreation category addressed in the proposal, up to 10 points, if and only if, the recreation elements are identified as a need in a locally adopted parks, recreation and open space master plan or by a documented public input process if the Sponsor does not have an adopted plan.
Sports and playfields
Picnic areas
Golf courses
Swimming facilities
Passive recreation
Fishing/hunting facilities
Natural area
Number of categories addressed: _____
Total Range: 6 points
Project will provide improved water-based park and recreation opportunities.
Project provides for the development of direct and appropriate park and recreation opportunities which do not degrade the resource along existing quality natural water bodies according to the following ranking (only the highest ranking water body will receive points) (1 — 6 points):
Gulf Coast or Lake(6 points)
Bay or Estuary (5 points)
River (4 points)*
Stream — continuous flow (3 points)
Pond (2 points)**
Wetland (1- 3 points, based on size/quality)
*Only water bodies so named as “rivers” may receive points under this category. All others, e.g., creeks, brooks, bayous, branches, etc., are considered “streams.”
**“Ponds” are generally man-made and no larger than five surface acres. Points will not be awarded for constructing ponds under this category.
Total Range: 1-10 points
Project will improve the geographic distribution or innovative use of park and recreation lands and facilities in the project’s intended service area or within the sponsor’s jurisdiction.
A. Project provides the first public park in the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended service area (10 points); or
B. Project provides significantly new and different recreation opportunities (other than school facilities) in the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended service area (1-10 points). Points awarded based on significance to the community and originality, and calculated based on:
New & different costs X 10 = _____
Total construction costs
In order to qualify for points under 5B, the need for “new and different” recreation elements must be supported in the Sponsor-adopted parks, recreation and open space master plan or through a documented public input process if the Sponsor does not have an adopted plan.
Total Range: 1-20 points
Project maximizes the use of development funds for basic park and recreation opportunities.
Direct recreational facilities costs X 20 = _____
Total construction costs
“Direct Recreational Facilities Costs” include only facilities related directly to recreation as opposed to support facilities, except that trees and dripirrigation may be included as recreational items. “Total Construction Costs” include park and/or recreation as well as support/infrastructure facilities, contingency, and all required program sign costs in excess of $1,000.
Total Range: 15 points
Project improves park and recreation opportunities for low income, minority, and/or elderly citizens.
A. Project improves opportunities for low income citizens (defined by the “USDA National School Lunch Program Income Eligibility Guidelines” federal poverty definition midpoint). (1 — 5 points)
Low income % X 5= _____
B. Project improves opportunities for minority citizens (based on most recent U.S. Census figures for the service area). (1 — 5 points)
Minority % X 5= _____
C. Project improves opportunities for elderly citizens (1 point for each related facility or activity that is identified as a needed or desired recreation opportunity for this special population in a locally adopted master plan or by a documented public input process if the Sponsor does not have an adopted plan). (1 — 5 points)
Number of appropriate elderly activities: _____
Total Range: 1-20 points
Project involves matching funds from sources other than the sponsor and/or additional outside cooperation not involving match.
A. Project involves the contribution of resources from other public or private entities, including publicly owned non-parkland, which serves as all or part of the sponsor’s matching share of funds. Points are awarded on a percentage basis, dependent on the amount of matching funds provided by outside sources. (1 — 15 points)
Matching funds provided by others X 15 = _____
Total matching funds
B. Project involves cooperation between the project sponsor and other public or private entities where resources are contributed to the overall project for non-grant assisted facilities (Example: The county constructs roads/parking facilities for the city, but no grant funds are requested for roads/parking; 1 point per documented activity). (1-5 points)
Number of documented activities: _____
Total Range: 1-30 points
Project provides for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of park and recreation lands, including publicly owned non-parkland, which consist of regionally representative natural resources or provide desirable wetlands, open space, water access, or needed parkland. Only the highest rank-order category below for which the criteria are met for the project will be allowed for scoring credit.
A. Project provides for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of a federal, state, or local government identified area which is recognized in an acceptable, published planning document for having valuable or vulnerable natural resources, ecological processes, or rare, threatened, or endangered species of vegetation or wildlife (5-30 points, based on quality and/or acreage); or
B. Project provides for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of a significant wetland area (5-25points, based on quality and/or acreage); or
C. Project provides for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of natural open space land or water for human use and enjoyment that is relatively free of man-made structures (including creek corridors, floodways, natural drainage basins, and areas which may be enhanced for native habitat), 2acres or larger in size, which is identified in an acceptable, published and adopted local jurisdiction-wide open space plan (5-20 points, based on quality and/or acreage); or
D. Project proposes the acquisition of land which would provide needed public access to park and recreational waters, according to the following ranking (only the highest ranking water body will receive points). (See definitions under criteria 4.) (1 — 5 points)
Gulf Coast or Lake (5 points)
Bay or Estuary (4 points)
River (3 points)
Stream — continuous flow (2 points)
Pond (1 point)
E. Project provides for the acquisition of needed recreational land proposed for future development. (1 — 10 points)
Total range: 1-25 points
Project provides for the renovation or adaptive reuse of an existing obsolete park and recreation area or facilities.
Renovation cost X 25 = _____
Total construction cost
Total Range: 1-10 points
Project promotes environmentally responsible activities and development.
Points for this category will be awarded based on the diversity, innovative nature and/or cost of the project elements. Examples of eligible activities include: the use of xeriscape/native plant materials for landscaping, drip or treated effluent irrigation systems, energy efficient lighting systems,recycled materials for facility construction, environmental education and interpretation, significant native tree plantings where no trees exist, alternative energy sources, water catchment systems, etc. (1 — 10 points)
Number of environmentally responsible activities/development: _____
Total range: 1-3 points
Project provides a significant linkage to other parks and recreation areas, neighborhoods, or public facilities (through means other than streets and sidewalks), based on the number and significance of the linkage(s). Trails and green corridors are allowable linkages, for example.
Number of significant linkages: _____
Total range: 1-3 points
Project provides park and recreation opportunities which enhance and encourage an appreciation and preservation of site-based cultural (historical and archaeological) resources through interpretation facilities or preservation strategies.
Points are awarded based on the number and significance of the site-based resource(s).
Number of site-based resources: _____
ADDITIONAL SCORING CRITERIA: - TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan
Total Range: 1-5 points
The project supports TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan. Sponsor must specifically address how the project meets the goals of the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan in the proposal narrative.
- Compliance:
Sponsor is not in compliance with previously funded projects (-5 points)
- Application materials:
A complete application was received by the application deadline (5 points)
Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Exhibit D
Urban Park Program
Outdoor Program
Project Priority Scoring System
All Urban Park Program Outdoor Recreation Grant Program applications submitted to TPWD are evaluated for program eligibility and prioritized with the criteria, rating factors, and points shown in the following “Project Priority Scoring System”. Multiple site projects are allowed and will be scored as one project using the “Project Priority Scoring System” and individual site scores will be weighted on a pro-rata share of the total project score.
A project’s priority ranking will depend on its score in relation to the scores of other projects under consideration. Scored applications are presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for approval. Funding of projects will depend on the availability of funds.
Projects which have been considered twice by the Parks & Wildlife Commission without significant alterations to raise the project score shall be withdrawn from further consideration.
___ Sponsor is in compliance with the Grant Administration and Eligibility Guidelines
The project proposes to acquire land for one or more of the following purposes as evidenced in the application:
(Points will be awarded based on how well the project elements meet the scoring criteria).
___ significant natural areas (points based on the acreage and quality)
* (see definition below) (1-4 points)
___ green corridors/provides connectivity to existing protected areas (1-4 points)
___ as density increases in our urban centers, it is important to acquire land that will serve as “pocket” parks and/or acquiring in-holdings to complete existing parks (1-2 points)
___ for intensive use recreation facilities (i.e. athletic complexes) (1-2 points)
___ for future conservation and recreation purposes (land banking for future need) that initially provide limited public access (1-4 points)
___ for expansion of existing parks and conservation areas (1-2 points)
___ demonstrates adaptive reuse for recreation or conservation of lands which have limited use in their existing state (1 point)
___ proximity to areas of high population (urbanized) density (1 point)
Project proposes development of one or more of the following:
(Points will be awarded based on how well the project elements meet the scoring criteria).
___ neighborhood parks (1-3 points)
___ nature centers (natural resource based sites that are developed for outdoor recreation and education purposes) NOTE: Indoor facilities are not eligible under this program. (1-2 points)
___ parks and conservation areas of regional significance as the project is a component of a comprehensive or park and recreation master plan for 1 or more political jurisdictions. (1-2 points)
___ green construction/sustainability (1 point)
___ multi-purpose recreation facilities (1 point)
___ outdoor aquatic recreation (1 point)
Project provides for the renovation of existing recreation and conservation infrastructure which is no longer usable for its intended purpose (renewal or revival of existing facilities):
(Points will be awarded based on how well the project elements meet the scoring criteria).
NOTE: Chapter 24 of the Parks and Wildlife Code does not allow funds to be used for basic facility maintenance
___ restoration of existing infrastructure based on percentage of the budget dedicated to restoration (1-10 points)
___ wildlife habitat (removal of invasive species/significant planting of native species resulting in the restoration of wildlife habitat) based on percentage of the budget (1-10 points)
___ adaptive reuse of existing structures and facilities to provide new or different recreation opportunities e.g. the use of an existing slab from a demolished building as a recreation court, the reuse of a bridge for recreation purposes, remediated brownfield, etc. Based on a percentage of the total budget. (1-5 points)
Project proposes the development of one or more of the following:
(Points will be awarded based on how well the project elements meet the scoring criteria).
___ major linear (1 mile or longer) (1-6 points)
___ connects or extends existing trail system or wildlife corridors (1-5 points)
___ major loop of 1 mile or more (1-4 points)
___ neighborhood/loop trails (typically 1 mile or less) (1-4 points)
___ unmotorized off-road (1-2 points)
___ paddling (1-2 points)
___ interpretive nature (1-2 points)
Sports Facilities
Project proposes the development of one or more of the following:
___ large, intensive-use sports facilities i.e. tournament type (7 points)
___ competitive or practice facilities in close proximity to users (3 points)
Underserved Populations
Project provides for one or more of the following:
___ a more equitable distribution of facilities based on geographic distribution. Please provide a map showing the current distribution of parks in your entire service area to support a need in a particular location. (4 points)
___ improves park or recreation opportunities for low income citizens based on population of the service area as evidenced by economic demographic information of the service area. (2 points)
____ improves park or recreation opportunities for minority citizens based on population of the service area. Must be supported by demographic information of the service area. (2 points)
___ improves park or recreation opportunities for elderly citizens. Activities intended to serve this population must be supported by the locally adopted master plan or other public input process. (2 points)
Joint efforts/partnerships
___ Project involves public-public or public-private cooperation based on the percentage of the budget contributed by partners (1-5 points).
____ Number of partners involved in the project (not necessarily monetary in nature). The role of the partners must be explained. Please note that no programming-only related partnership points will be awarded.
Three partners (1 point)
Four partners (2 points)
Five or more partners (3 points)
Master plan
___ Project Sponsor has a locally adopted and TPWD approved, parks, recreation and open space master plan that addresses outdoor recreation needs. (5 points)
___ Project meets one or more of the top five priorities as outlined by a locally adopted and TPWD approved, parks, recreation and open space master plan. (5 points) Please note that this is NOT a range, 5 points will be awarded if the project elements is listed as one of the top five priorities identified in your master plan.
To what extent will this project reduce a threat to the public availability of a conservation or recreation opportunity?
___ No evidence presented. (0 points)
___ Minimal threat; opportunity appears to be in no immediate danger of loss in the next 36 months. (1 point)
___ Actions under consideration could result in the opportunity becoming unavailable for public use. (2 points)
___ Actions will be taken that will result in the opportunity becoming unavailable for future public use or a threat situation has occurred or is imminent that has led a land trust to acquire rights in the land at the request of the applicant. (3 points)
Examples of threat to be discussed in the narrative:
Project acquires important conservation or recreation property that is threatened by imminent loss and/or development.
Project is taking advantage of a time sensitive economic opportunity (i.e. loss of potential funding partner if they do not act quickly)
Project is addressing a significant safety hazard or needed restoration or threatened by loss of facility.
Supports TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (up to 10 points)
Project meets the goals of the TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan.
Sponsor must specifically address how their project meets the goals of the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan in the proposal narrative.
Sponsor is not in compliance with previously funded projects (-5 points)
Application materials:
A complete application was received by the application deadline (5 points)
Urban Biologist Consultation:
Applicants have consulted with a TPWD Urban Biologist regarding the proposed site plan 30 days prior to the application deadline and comments are included in the application materials. (5 points)
Historical/Cultural Resource:
Project provides park and recreation opportunities which enhance and encourage an appreciation and preservation of site-based (cultural, natural, historical and archaeological) resources through interpretation, facilities or preservation strategies. (2 points)
Natural Areas: Areas that are significant for their relatively undisturbed ecosystem which exhibit regionally representative geological, floral, faunal, or hydrological features. Further, these areas have the potential to serve regional or statewide recreation needs. Natural areas can serve as: greenbelts/open spaces; locations for passive activities; preservation areas for unique natural features; and interpretive sites which highlight or explain ecosystem processes.
Urban Park Program
Indoor Program
Project Priority Scoring System
All Urban Park Indoor Recreation Grant Program applications submitted to TPWD are evaluated for program eligibility and prioritized with the criteria, rating factors, and points shown in the following “Project Priority Scoring System.” Multiple site projects are allowed and will be scored as one project using the “Project Priority Scoring System” and individual site scores will be weighted on a pro-rata share of the total project score.
A project’s priority ranking will depend on its score in relation to the scores of other projects under consideration. Scored applications are presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for approval. Funding of projects will depend on the availability of funds.
Projects which have been considered twice by the Parks & Wildlife Commission without significant alterations to raise the project score shall be withdrawn from further consideration.
___ YES Sponsor is in compliance with the Grant Administration and Eligibility Guidelines.
___ NO Sponsor is not in compliance with the Grant Administration and Eligibility Guidelines.
___ N/A No previous grant funding received.
Project proposes development of one or more of the following:
___ nature center that provides natural resource conservation or environmental education visitor experiences (5 points)
___ green construction/sustainability (1 point)
___ multi-purpose recreation facilities (1 point)
___ diverse recreation facilities within the Sponsor’s jurisdiction (one point will be awarded for each type of significant recreation opportunity, up to 3 points)
Project provides for the renovation of existing recreation and conservation infrastructure which is no longer usable for its intended purpose . (renewal or revival of existing facilities)
NOTE: Chapter 24 of the Parks and Wildlife Code does not allow funds to be used for basic facility maintenance.
___ restoration of an existing structure based on percentage of the budget dedicated to restoration (1-15 points)
___ adaptive reuse of existing structures and facilities to provide new or different recreation opportunities, e.g. the use of an existing structure for a new and/or different recreation opportunity based on a percentage of the budget dedicated to the adaptive reuse.
(1-10 points)
Underserved Populations
Project provides for one or more of the following:
___ a more equitable distribution of facilities based on geographic distribution. Please provide a map showing the current distribution of parks in your entire service area to support a need in a particular location. (4 points)
___ improves park or recreation opportunities for low income citizens based on population of the service area as evidenced by economic demographic information of the service area. (2 points)
____ improves park or recreation opportunities for minority citizens based on population of the service area. Must be supported by demographic information of the service area. (2 points)
___ improves park or recreation opportunities for elderly citizens. Activities intended to serve this population must be supported by your master plan or other public input process. (2 points)
Joint efforts/partnerships
___ Project involves public-public or public-private cooperation based on the percentage of the budget contributed by partners. (0-5 points)
____ Number of partners involved in the project (not necessarily monetary in nature). The role of the partners must be explained. Please note that no programming-only related partnership points will be awarded.
Three partners (1 point)
Four partners (2 points)
Five partners (3 points)
Master plan
___ Project Sponsor has a locally adopted and TPWD approved, parks, recreation and open space master plan that addresses indoor recreation needs. (5 points)
___ Project meets one or more of the top five priorities as outlined by a locally adopted and TPWD approved, parks, recreation and open space master plan. (5 points) Please note this is NOT a range. A project will be scored 5 points if it is listed as one of the top five priorities defined in their master plan.
To what extent will this project reduce a threat to the public availability of a recreation opportunity?
(Points will be awarded based on how well the project elements meet the scoring criteria).
___ Minimal threat; opportunity appears to be in no immediate danger of loss in the next 36 months. (1 point)
___ Actions under consideration could result in the opportunity becoming unavailable for public use. (1-2 points)
___ Actions will be taken that will result in the opportunity becoming unavailable for future public use or a threat situation has occurred or is imminent that has led a land trust to acquire rights in the land at the request of the applicant. (1-3 points)
___ No evidence presented (0 points)
Examples of threat to be discussed in the narrative:
Project acquires important conservation or recreation property that is threatened by imminent loss and/or development.
Project is taking advantage of a time sensitive economic opportunity (i.e. loss of potential funding partner if they do not act quickly)
Project is addressing a significant safety hazard or needed restoration or threatened by loss of facility.
Supports TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (up to 10 points)
Project meets the goals of the TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan.
Sponsor must specifically address how their project meets the goals of the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan in the proposal narrative.
Sponsor is not in compliance with previously funded projects (-5 points)
Application materials:
A complete application was received by the application deadline (5 points)
Urban Biologist Consultation:
Applicants have consulted with a TPWD Urban Biologist regarding the proposed site plan 30 days prior to the application deadline and comments are included in the application materials. (5 points)
Historical/Cultural Resource:
Project provides park and recreation opportunities which enhance and encourage an appreciation and preservation of site-based (cultural, natural, historical and archaeological) resources through interpretation, facilities or preservation strategies. (2 points)