Presenter: Darcy Bontempo

Commission Agenda Item No. 4
Approval of Projects Regarding Marketing Funded from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Conservation and Capital Account (Account 5004)
May 2008

I. Executive Summary: Section 11.043 of the Parks and Wildlife Code provides that money in the Texas Parks and Wildlife Conservation and Capital Account (Account 5004) may only be spent on certain projects that have been individually approved by the Commission. This item seeks Commission approval of proposed FY2008 additional projects funded from this source.

II. Discussion: Staff is seeking approval for additional projects to be funded by revenue being held in the Parks and Wildlife Conservation and Capital Account (Account 5004). In compliance with statutory requirements, staff requests Commission approval of the specific projects to be funded from Account 5004 as listed in Exhibit A.

III. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

"The Commission approves expenditure of Texas Parks and Wildlife Conservation and Capital Account funds included in the FY2008 budget for the additional individual projects shown in Exhibit A."

Attachments - 1

  1. Exhibit A - FY 2008 Additional Project Listing

Commission Agenda Item No. 4
Exhibit A

FY2008 Texas Parks and Wildlife Conservation and Capital Account
Project Listing

Division Strategy Project Name Project Description Fund Amount
Communications A.1.1 Wildlife Conservation Horned Lizard License Plate Marketing Funding to pay for various marketing efforts for the Horned Lizard license plate, with sales revenue going to support non-game wildlife. Includes print and online advertising and point of sale materials. 5043- Horned Toad Plates $ 27,288
Communications B.1.1 State Park Operations Bluebonnet License Plate Marketing Funding to pay for various marketing efforts for the Bluebonnet license plate, with sales revenue going to support state park operations. Includes print and online advertising and point of sale materials. 5044- Bluebonnet Plates $12,025
Communications A.1.1. Wildlife Conservation White-tailed Deer License Plate Marketing Funding to pay for various marketing efforts for the White-tailed Deer license plate, with sales revenue going to support big game and hunting. Includes print and online advertising and point of sale materials. 5045-White Tailed Deer Plates $9,209.70
Communications A.2.1. Inland Fisheries Management Largemouth Bass License Plate Marketing Funding to pay for various marketing efforts for the Largemouth Bass license plate, with sales revenue going to support big bass fishing. Includes print and online advertising, and point of sale materials. 5047-Largemouth Bass Plates $ 6,300