Finance Committee

Wednesday, 9:00 am, November 5, 2008

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Commission Hearing Room
4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744

Commissioner J. Robert Brown, Committee Chair
Gene McCarty, Committee Liaison

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

  1. Update on TPWD Progress in Implementing the TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan
    • September 11th Legislative Appropriations Joint Budget Hearing
    • Joint Legislative Task Force on the Use of Sporting Goods Sales Tax Meeting
    • Revenue Impacts from Hurricane Ike
    Staff: Carter Smith
  2. Proposed Stamp and Print Artwork Program for Migratory Game Bird, Upland Game Bird, Nongame, Saltwater Fish and Freshwater Fish Stamps (Action Item No. 2)
    Staff: Frances Stiles (Marvin Wood, Collectors Covey)
  3. Approval of Projects Funded from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Conservation and Capital Account (Account 5004) (Action Item No. 3)
    Staff: Mary Fields
  4. Briefing on Recently Concluded and Ongoing Internal Audit Activities and Reports - Approval of FY 2009 Internal Audit Plan (Action Item No. 5)
    Staff: Carlos Contreras
  5. Hunting and Fishing License System Review and Fee Structure Briefing
    Staff: Gene McCarty
  6. Briefing on Parks Excellence Report Required by the 2007 General Appropriations Act, TPWD Rider 31 Briefing
    Staff: Scott Boruff (Brian Trusty, PROS Consulting)

Committee Agenda Item No. 1
Presenter: Carter Smith

Finance Committee
Update on TPWD Progress in Implementing the TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan
November 5, 2008

I. Executive Summary: Executive Director Carter Smith will briefly update the Commission on the status of the agency's efforts to implement the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (the Plan).

II. Discussion: In 2001, the 77th Texas Legislature directed that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) develop a Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (Tex. Park & Wild. Code §11.104). In November 2002, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) adopted the first Plan. A revised Plan was adopted by the Commission in January 2005. The Plan is available on the TPWD web site. Executive Director Carter Smith will update the Finance Committee on TPWD's recent progress in achieving the Plan's Goals and Objectives as they relate to the Finance Committee.

The Plan consists of 8 Goals and a total of 56 Objectives. The Goals stated in the Plan are as follows:

Committee Agenda Item No. 5
Presenters: Gene McCarty

Finance Committee
Hunting and Fishing License System Review and Fee Structure Briefing
November 5, 2008

I. Executive Summary: Staff will update the Commission on the hunting and fishing license study conducted as required by HB12 (80th Texas Legislature, 2007). Through this study, staff reviewed the current license structure and reported a number of recent improvements and recommended changes that would help improve customer service, agent performance and data collection. Staff will also update the Commission on the current fee structure.

Committee Agenda Item No. 6
Presenters: Scott Boruff
Brian Trusty

Finance Committee
Briefing on Parks Excellence Report Required by the 2007 General Appropriations Act, TPWD Rider 31 Briefing
November 5, 2008

I. Executive Summary: The 80th Texas Legislature, in House Bill 1, TPWD Rider 31, directed the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) to conduct a Park System Study to identify strategies and tactics necessary to return Texas State Parks to a "high quality park system". This report was to include conditions of existing infrastructure; frequency of maintenance schedules; amenities available in each park; facilities with a high demand/utilization; facilities with a high return on investment; facilities where a higher fee may be charged without impacting utilization; and, any other criteria that the TPWD determines is appropriate. The report was to identify parks that already meet these criteria, those that could meet the criteria with upgrades and the cost of those upgrades and additional revenue generated as a result of the upgrades; and which parks that should be transferred to a non-state entity or closed. Fisher-Heck Architects and PROS Consulting were hired to plan, develop, and write the report. TPWD submitted the final report titled, Park System Study Texas State Park System Development Plan, to the Governor and LBB on October 1, 2008. The report is a result of extensive research and analysis into evolving public needs, public expectations of Texas State Parks, the existing conditions of state park facilities and infrastructure, and industry best practices from around the nation.