Finance Committee
Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.
August 25, 2010
International Center
203 S. St. Mary’s Street
LaOrillo Ballroom, Suite 303 (3rd Floor)
San Antonio, Texas
Commissioner Antonio Falcon, M.D., Committee Chair
Gene McCarty, Committee Liaison
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
- Internal Affairs Report
- The Natural Agenda Update
- Fundraising for the Game Warden Training Center
Staff: Carter Smith
- FY 2010 Financial Update
- Update on the Legislative Appropriation Request (LAR)
- FY 2011 Operating and Capital Budget and Approval of the Capital and Conservation Account Funding Projects (Action Item No. 2)
- Budget and Investment Policy Resolutions (Action Item No. 2)
Staff: Mike Jensen
- Concluded and Ongoing Internal Audit Activities and Reports
- Approval of FY 2011 Audit Plan (Action Item No. 4)
Staff: Carlos Contreras
4. Results of the 2010 Survey of Employee Engagement
Staff: Al Bingham, Jim Lopp
Committee Agenda Item No. 1
Presenter: Carter Smith
Finance Committee
Update on TPWD Progress in Implementing the
TPWD Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan
August 25, 2010
I. Executive Summary: Executive Director Carter Smith will briefly update the Commission on the status of the agency’s efforts to implement the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (the “Plan”).
II. Discussion: In 2001, the 77th Texas Legislature directed that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) develop a Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (Tex. Park & Wild. Code §11.104). In 2002, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) adopted the first Plan. A revised Plan was adopted by the Commission in January 2005. In November 2009, the Commission approved a new Plan effective January 1, 2010. The 2010 Plan is available on the TPWD web site. Executive Director Carter Smith will update the Finance Committee on TPWD’s recent progress in achieving the Plan’s goals, objectives and deliverables as they relate to the Finance Committee.
The Plan consists of the following four goals:
- Practice, Encourage and Enable Science-based Stewardship of Natural and Cultural Resources
- Increase Access To and Participation In the Outdoors
- Educate, Inform and Engage Texas Citizens in Support of Conservation and Recreation
- Employ Efficient, Sustainable and Sound Business Practices
Committee Agenda Item No. 2
Presenter: Mike Jensen
Finance Committee
Financial Overview
August 25, 2010
I. Executive Summary: Staff will present a financial overview of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD).
II. Discussion:
- Staff will update the Commission on revenue collected by TPWD for FY 2010, including State Parks receipts, boat titling and registration revenue and license sales revenue including the number of licenses sold
- Staff will review the revenue collected by fund (Game Fish and Water Safety Fund, State Park Fund, Local Park Fund and Other)
- Staff will compare the FY 2010 budget to FY 2010 expenditures and summarize recent budget adjustments
- Staff will review the FY 2012-2013 Legislative Appropriations Request (LAR)
- Staff will propose the FY 2011 operating and capital budget
- Staff will discuss the agency’s budget and investment policy resolutions
Committee Agenda Item No. 3
Presenter: Carlos Contreras
Finance Committee
Briefing on Recently Concluded and Ongoing
Internal Audit Activities/Reports and
Discussion on the FY 2011 Annual Audit Plan
August 25, 2010
I. Executive Summary: Internal Audit will discuss the status of the recently concluded and ongoing assignments to include:
- Completed assurance projects
- Current assurance projects
Introduction of the FY 2011 Annual Audit Plan for further consideration of approval.
Committee Agenda Item No. 4
Presenters: Al Bingham
Jim Lopp
Finance Committee
Results of the 2010 Survey of Employee Engagement
August 25, 2010
I. Executive Summary: Human Resources Division Director, Al Bingham and Deputy Director Jim Lopp will brief the Commission on the results of the biennial Survey of Employee Engagement (formerly Survey of Organizational Excellence), which was administered to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) employees during the period from January 19 to February 3, 2010. The Survey assesses employee attitudes regarding the quality of work life at TPWD and provides a profile of the agency’s strengths and weaknesses from employees’ perspectives. The TPWD synthesis score was 3.75 which indicated that employees have mostly positive perceptions about work at TPWD. (For comparison purposes the synthesis score usually ranges from 3.25 to 3.75.) HR staff members will facilitate focus group meetings to identify recommendations for areas of concern.
II. Discussion: The Survey of Employee Engagement (formerly Survey of Organizational Excellence), is administered by the UT School of Social Work and was begun in 1979 to assess how the average state employee felt about working for the state. The survey has since evolved into a strategic planning tool and is used as a means to assess organizational strengths and opportunities for improvement from the perspectives of agency employees. The survey responses and follow-up meetings can assist executive management in efforts to target appropriate interventions for problem issues.
For the 2010 survey, 84% (2430 out of 2878) of the TPWD employees invited to take the survey responded. The 84% response rate is considered high and indicates a high level of employee engagement and investment in the organization. The survey synthesis score was 3.75 (scores range 3.25 to 3.75); this score indicates that employees have mostly positive feelings about the organization.
The construct areas that are viewed as relative strengths for the organization include: (1) External Communication — the flow of information into and out of the organization; (2) Employee Development — an assessment of the priority given to employees’ personal and job growth needs; and (3) Strategic — how the organization responds to external influences that define the mission, vision, services and products.
The construct areas that are viewed as relative concerns for the organization include: (1) Pay — the overall compensation package offered by the agency; (2) Information Systems – the extent to which computer and information systems enhance employees’ ability to get the job done by providing accessible, accurate and clear information; and (3) Internal Communication – the communication flow from top-down, bottom-up and across divisions/departments, and the extent to which exchanges are open and candid.
Human Resources staff members, in coordination with the respective divisions, will conduct focus meetings across the organization to develop new approaches to dealing with identified issues. The outcomes of the focus meetings will be shared with executive management and division leadership so appropriate interventions can be identified and implemented to alleviate areas of concern.