Commission Agenda Item No. 17
Presenter:  Don Pitts

Update on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
August 26, 2010

I.       Executive Summary:  The staff will brief the Commission on the status of response and natural resource damage assessment activities associated with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.  Oil spill response activities undertaken and information regarding the transport and release of rehabilitated oiled birds in Texas coastal wetland habitats, including State Park properties will be presented.  An update of the status of baseline sediment, water and biota sampling along the Texas Coast will be provided.  Discussions will highlight the multi-divisional departmental participation in the Gulf-wide multiple state and federal Natural Resource Co-Trustee assessment of injuries.  Impacts to habitat and biota as well as potential impacts on the human use of those resources such as recreational fishing and beach visitation are included as part of the assessment.