Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Presenters:  Brent Leisure
Michael Strutt

Devils River State Natural Area, Big Satan Unit
Archeological Survey
November 8, 2012

I.       Executive Summary:  State Parks Director of Cultural Resources Michael Strutt will discuss an archeological survey of Devils River State Natural Area, Big Satan Unit which took place in June. TPWD partnered with the Texas Archeological Society to conduct a one week survey of the property. The presentation will include information on the amount of acreage covered, number of sites discovered and volunteer hours gained through the cooperative project.

II.      Discussion:  In June of 2012 the TPWD Cultural Resources Program partnered with the Texas Archeological Society to conduct a one week field school for the Society by surveying Devils River State Natural Area, Big Satan Unit.  Over 270 people participated in this large-scale survey covering more than 6000 acres and yielding over 7000 volunteer hours.  The presentation will discuss the number and kinds of archeological sites and historic ranching period features discovered.  This information has helped inform the public use planning to avoid resource conflicts and will continue to be valuable for planning and especially interpretation in the future.