Commission Agenda Item No. 9
Linda Campbell
Update on Public Hunting Program
January 23, 2014
I. Executive Summary: Staff will provide an overview of the public hunting program, including current public hunting opportunities, strategies to provide more hunting access, and the importance of the program in managing wildlife resources and building public support for the mission of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD).
TPWD makes public hunting opportunities available through a variety of means on both public and private lands. This item will illustrate the various components of the public hunting system, how wildlife and staff resources are allocated, how the program has changed over time, and future strategies to meet public demand and advance the mission of TPWD.
II. Discussion: Hunting opportunities are made available through a drawing system or through the purchase of the Annual Public Hunting Permit. Access to private lands is provided through leases from landowners to provide hunting for small game and to supplement the drawn hunt opportunities available for a variety of big game species. The briefing will discuss how hunting opportunities have grown and/or changed over time to meet public demand, plans to expand hunter opportunity, and how the public hunting program contributes to the mission of TPWD and the economic support of rural communities throughout the state.