Commission Agenda Item No. 2
Presenter: Carter Smith

Houston Museum of Natural Science
August 21, 2014

I.      Summary:  Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Executive Director Carter Smith will introduce Joel A. Bartsch, President of the Houston Museum of Natural Science (the Museum).  Mr. Bartsch will brief the Commission on the Houston Museum of Natural Science, a museum focused on the general knowledge of natural science.

II.    Discussion:  The Museum was originally founded in 1909 with a stated purpose to “enhance in individuals the knowledge and delight in natural science and related subjects.”  This purpose continues to be a part of the Museum’s mission which is “to preserve and advance the general knowledge of natural science; to enhance in individuals the knowledge of and delight in natural science and related subjects; and to maintain and promote a museum of the first class.” The Museum continues to be a major science learning center and is one of the most heavily attended museums in the country.  Over a half million school children visit the Museum annually.