Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Contract Number | Vendor Name | Type of Contract | Reason for Change | Original Term Date | Revised Term Date (if applicable) | Original Contract Amount | Revised Contract Amount (if applicable) | Percentage Change | Purchaser | Date Entered |
490260 | Skinner's Well Service | Purchase Order | Actual repair costs exceeded initial Purchase Order amount. | 12/30/2016 | N/A | $750.00 | $$1,680.50 | 124.07% | Gwen Sullivan | 12/21/2016 |
488536 | T&T Marine Salvage, Inc. | Purchase Order | Pumps were to be installed within the Battleship Texas. Upon the Contractor entering the chambers, additional flooding was discovered and must be stopped prior to the installation of the pumps. | 11/14/16 | 11/21/2016 | $14,825.00 | $113,205.00 | 663.61% | Dominik Mendoza | 12/28/2016 |
489257 | A John Portable Toilet Rental | Purchase Order | Portable toilet rental needed due to septic system failure. Septic system repairs will require more time than anticipated due to difficulty digging through rock to lay new lines. Rental period is extended in order to allow contractor to complete repairs. | 11/22/2016 | 12/15/2016 | $360.00 | $700.00 | 94.44% | Judy Ahrens | 12/28/2016 |
In official recognition of the adoption of this resolution in a lawfully called public meeting of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, we hereby affix our signatures this 3rd day of November, 2016.
T. Dan Friedkin, Chairman
Ralph H. Duggins, Vice-Chairman
Anna B. Galo, Member
Bill Jones, Member
Jeanne W. Latimer, Member
James H. Lee, Member
S. Reed Morian, Member
Dick Scott, Member
Kelcy L. Warren, Member