Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Stan David
Acquisition of Land - Cochran County
Approximately 12 Acres at the Yoakum Dunes Wildlife Management Area
January 26, 2017
I. Executive Summary: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) staff has been working with an adjacent property owner to acquire 12 acres of land for addition to the Yoakum Dunes Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Cochran County.
II. Discussion: Yoakum Dunes WMA in Cochran County near Lubbock consists of approximately 14,037 acres. It was acquired in 2014 to provide a refuge for the threatened lesser prairie chicken and other native grassland birds and wildlife. The current access to a significant portion of the WMA is close to an adjacent property owner’s homestead. This property owner is willing to sell TPWD 12 acres of land so the access can be relocated and maintained by TPWD for staff and public use.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to acquire approximately 12 acres in Cochran County for the Yoakum Dunes Wildlife Management Area.”
Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Exhibit A
Location Map for Yoakum Dunes WMA
Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Exhibit B
Vicinity Map for Yoakum Dunes WMA 40 miles West of Lubbock
Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Exhibit C
Site Map Showing Location of Subject 12-Acre Tract