Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Contract Number | Vendor Name | Type of Contract | Reason for Change | Original Term Date | Revised Term Date (if applicable) | Original Contract Amount | Revised Contract Amount (if applicable) | Division |
13355 | Bobcat of Houston Division of Berry Co., Inc. | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, Bobcat, property # 203909 located at Sea Center Texas. Unknown issue causing engine shutdown. Additionally, track roller bearings were not working. After diagnostics, vendor found that the tracks, rollers, fuel, air and oil filter and hydraulic oil on unit required replacement. | 10/14/21 | 11/2/21 | $290.00 | $9,893.67 | CF |
13578 | Smith Pump | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, (no property #), Lift Station near Volleyball Field, Fairfield Lake State Park. Unknown issue - pump not functioning properly, possible electrical issue. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that repairs to the grinder pump and duplex panel were required. | 11/11/21 | 2/8/22 | $100.00 | $20,759.00 | SP |
13686 | Nathan Shannon | Purchase Order | Internal repair, water well at Matador WMA Headquarters. Actual costs exceeded initial estimate. After well was disassembled and evaluated it was determined that the well required a new pressure tank to be installed to restore well to working order. | 10/22/21 | N/A | $500.00 | $1,133.86 | WL |
13828 | Southwest Ford Inc | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, (truck, Prop#184271), Lk Mineral Wells State Park. Unknown issue - steering or front-end issues. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that the front lower control arms, struts, sway bar end links, and rear shocks all required replacement. | 11/30/21 | 12/16/21 | $149.95 | $3,331.74 | SP |
14231 | CB Electric | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, (VC Pump Station #2, No Prop #), Visitor Center Lift Station 2, Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Canyon, TX. Unknown issue - possible electrical issue; not functioning properly; park staff unable to determine cause. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that some of the electrical components needed repair (box, back plate, grounding terminal). Vendor completed necessary repairs. About a week later, we experienced additional unknown issues, as the station was not functioning properly again. Vendor returned to diagnose and determined that the electrical issues had affected some of the floats. Vendor repaired floats. Price for repairs included original diagnosis ($250.00), materials, trips and labor ($3,726.57). Total invoiced amount was $3,976.57. Vendor completed repairs, and the system is functioning properly. | 12/2/21 | 2/24/22 | $250.00 | $3,976.57 | SP |
14391 | TEXSTAR FORD LINCOLN | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, 2014 Ford (Property # 203090), located at Dinosaur Valley State Park. Unknown issue with vehicle front end. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that the brake lining and rotor assembly required replacement. | 11/16/21 | 12/2/21 | $175.70 | $490.18 | SP |
14587 | Cecil Atkission Ford Lincoln LLC | Purchase Order | Internal repair, 2010 Ford F150, property # 188151 located at Wildlife District 4. Vehicle would not start. After equipment was disassembled and evaluated it was determined that the instrument cluster required replacement. | 11/23/21 | 1/31/22 | $164.33 | $998.05 | WL |
14624 | Lake Country Ford, Inc. | Purchaser Order | Internal repair, vehicle, property #205927 at Martin Dies Jr. State Park. Diagnostic service required for fuel system warning light. After diagnosis it was determined that the fuel filter required replacement. | 12/31/21 | N/A | $150.00 | $530.36 | SP |
14672 | Siddon Martin Emergency Group | Purchase Order | Internal repair for Wildland Fire E-401 Fire Apparatus Property #189170. Emergency package control panel and communication radio intermittently shut off and unknown air system leak under cab. After diagnosis, actual repairs exceeded initial estimate. Repairs included securing electric panel, removing damaged wire and replacing with new wire and re-pinning. Repairs also included removing leaking fitting, auto drain bleeder, and cab leveling valve under cab and replaced and secured all lines and aired up. | 12/29/21 | 12/7/21 | $1,000.00 | $1,990.39 | SP |
14770 | Hackney Auto Truck & Fleet | Purchase Order | Internal repair for Curatorial Services 2009 Ford Escape, Property #182438. Vehicle would not start. After diagnosis, actual repair exceeded initial estimate. Repairs needed to key security chip for vehicle. A new vehicle key was made and programmed. | 1/14/22 | 12/23/21 | $250.00 | $467.82 | SP |
14831 | Goodrum Plumbing LLC | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, (residence, Prop #996173), Residence, Copper Breaks State Park. Unknown issue - plumbing/drainage issues; sewer backing up into house. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that the sewer line had a break and needed to be repaired. Vendor cut and removed concrete, excavated line at break, repaired the line, and completed necessary concrete work. Price for repairs included diagnosis ($100.00), materials and labor ($4890.00). Total invoiced amount was $4,990.00. Vendor completed repairs, and residence plumbing is functioning properly. | 12/17/21 | 2/28/22 | $100.00 | $4,990.00 | SP |
14890 | A-1 Refrigeration, Inc. | Purchase Order | Internal repair, HVAC unit at Martin Dies, Jr. State Park Education Center. Facility does not have a property number. After equipment was disassembled and evaluated it was determined that the unit could not be repaired. Vendor installed a new 2.5 Ton Heat Pump System to include 10 KW back-up heat and new thermostat. Warranty 1-year Labor and 5 years Parts. | 1/6/22 | 1/21/22 | $85.00 | $5,485.00 | SP |
14934 | RK Automotive | Purchase Order | Internal repair, Ford F150, property # 205864located at Stephen F. Austin State Park. Truck would not start. After equipment was disassembled and evaluated it was determined that a flush and replacement of spark plugs was required. | 12/31/201 | N/A | $146.95 | $713.69 | SP |
15016 | NB"s Boat Repair | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, Outboard Motor, Property #163751, located at Lk Brownwood State Park. Unknown issue with motor that would not turn on. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that fuel line and bulb assembly required replacement, carburetor required cleaning and repair, lake test, install new impeller and bilge pump. | 12/13/22 | 12/29/22 | $117.88 | $2,173.00 | SP |
15019 | Layland's Plumbing Inc | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, Maintenance Building (P895864), located at Cleburne State Park. Unknown issue with plumbing. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that a cable and jetter needed to be run from the maintenance shed to the main septic line. | 12/13/21 | 1/4/22 | $250.00 | $1,050.00 | SP |
15150 | Layland's Plumbing Inc | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, Dining Hall (Property # 996782), located at Cleburne State Park. Unknown issue with plumbing. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that a cable and jetter needed to be run from the grease trap to the main septic line. | 12/13/21 | 12/22/21 | $250.00 | $500.00 | SP |
15244 | James D Waldo dba Jim's Auto Service | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, (truck, Prop #205920), Ford Transit Van, Copper Breaks State Park. Unknown issue - pump not functioning properly, possible electrical issue. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that the Diesel Particular e-Filter (DPF)/Catalyst needed to be repaired/replaced. | 1/31/22 | 2/9/22 | $100.00 | $2,498.00 | SP |
15431 | Steve B Winkler | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, Holland Tractor, (P#171677), located at Mother Neff State Par. Unknown issue with the tractor. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that the cylinder needed to be rebuilt. Cost of diagnosis was originally $65.00. Total invoiced amount was $485.00. | 12/27/21 | 1/26/22 | $65.00 | $485.00 | SP |
15467 | Nathan Shannon | Purchase Order | Internal repair, Suitcase Solar Well at Matador WMA. Actual Costs exceeded initial estimate. After well was evaluated it was determined the well needed to be bailed and new solar racks installed to restore well to working order. | 12/28/21 | N/A | $500.00 | $1,440.00 | WL |
15919 | Bradfords LLC | Purchase Order | Internal repair to disassembled, evaluate, and diagnose the hydraulic issues on the Tractor New Holland with Loader, property 188549, assigned to Luke Baker at White Oak Creek WMA. After disassembled, vendor repaired leak under tractor, replaced LH and RH tire rods, replaced mid-mount valve, and conducted a service maintenance to equipment. | 1/18/22 | 2/3/22 | $1,000.00 | $3,773.29 | WL |
16169 | Cunningham Equipment CO INC | Purchase Order | Internal repair Compact Track Loader New Holland, property 210256, located at Cooper Lake WMA. Unknown issue causing low pressure warning and electrical issues. After disassembling, the vendor repaired the wiring damage caused by rodents, replaced the drive control handles with harnesses, replaced the battery, and changed the engine oil and filter. | 1/25/22 | 1/31/22 | $1,000.00 | $2,706.99 | WL |
16210 | JERRY DURANT CBG LLC | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, 2007 Chevy Silverado (P177417), located at Dinosaur Valley State Park. Unknown issue with vehicle front end. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that the lifter roller and camshaft required replacement. Park declined repairs. Cost of diagnosis was originally $150.00. Total invoiced amount was $600. | 1/25/22 | 1/26/22 | $150.00 | $600.00 | SP |
16239 | Black Plumbing Co Inc | Purchase Order | Internal Repair, (Restroom #4, Prop #996549), Restroom 4, Possum Kingdom State Park, Caddo, TX. Unknown issue - loss of pressure; park staff unable to determine cause. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation/diagnosis, it was determined that a camera view through line was necessary. Once issue was found, excavation on both sides of road would be necessary, then bore under road approx. 35ft, and run a 2" poly bore, tie onto existing PVC with appropriate fittings, and backfill excavated area. Once they started boring, equipment because lodged, so there was an additional price for them to bore down through road to equipment, to complete repairs. Price for repairs included original diagnosis and trip charge ($1,085.00), materials, trips and additional labor ($14,985). Total invoiced amount was $16,070.00. Vendor completed repairs, leak and pipes have been repaired, and the loss of pressure is no longer an issue. | 2/4/22 | 3/4/22 | $1,085.00 | $16,070.00 | SP |
16576 | Arrowhead Well Service & Construction LLC | Purchase Order | Internal repair, Pressure Pump, located at Elephant Mountain WMA. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After equipment was disassembled and evaluated it was determined that the current Pressure Pump could not be repaired and needed to be replaced. | 2/8/22 | 2/14/22 | $500.00 | $1,962.00 | WL |
Internal Repair Purchases
An internal repair is a repair to state-owned equipment that cannot be reasonably defined prior to the actual repair and the extent of the repair needed cannot be determined until the equipment is disassembled. Internal repairs are usually the result of an unexpected, basic service outage. For example, the unexpected failure of a building’s air conditioner may result in unanticipated repair to electrical circuitry, which would constitute an internal repair. Internal repairs must include labor and may include parts.
Competitive award is not required for an internal repair. However, internal repairs are reported on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), LBB, and other transparency reports as required by state purchasing policies and procedures.
Internal Repair Procedures:
To limit agency liability, the following statement is added to the Purchase Order as a note to the supplier:
“Not to exceed {insert reasonable dollar limit} for repair services unless prior authorization is provided by the agency.”
After the equipment is taken apart and the issue identified, the vendor provides a quote to TPWD for review and approval. If approved, the purchaser issues a contract amendment to formally approve the additional services and cost.
Emergency Purchases
Emergencies occur as the result of unforeseeable circumstances and may require an immediate response to avert an actual or potential public threat. If a situation arises in which compliance with normal procurement practices is impractical or contrary to the public interest, an emergency purchase may be warranted to prevent a hazard to life, health, safety, welfare, property or to avoid undue additional cost to the state.
Emergency Contract Awards are reported on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), LBB, and other transparency reports as required by state purchasing policies and procedures.
In official recognition of the adoption of this resolution in a lawfully called public meeting of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, we hereby affix our signatures this 24th day of March, 2022.
Arch “Beaver” Aplin, III, Chairman
Dick Scott, Vice-Chairman
James E. Abell, Member
Oliver J. Bell, Member
Paul L. Foster, Member
Anna B. Galo, Member
Jeffery D. Hildebrand, Member
Robert L. “Bobby” Patton, Jr., Member
Travis B. “Blake” Rowling, Member