Historical Sites
Police for litter in and around park
- Classify litter and keep records of the amounts and types of litter collected as an ongoing project
Take photographs for developing a display
Compile lists of:
- Birds
- Wildflowers
- Butterflies
- Plantings (trees, bushes, shrubs)
Conduct demonstrations during park tours
Hike/Bike/Equestrian Trail maintenance and improvements
Plant wildflower seeds
Mesquite tree eradication
Compile a list of birds found in the park
Grounds upkeep
- Prune & fertilize roses in Spring
- Clear undesirable plants & vines from perimeter of park
- Construct bluebird & bat boxes
- Butterfly & hummingbird garden
- 19th century cutting garden (flowers)
- 19th century kitchen garden
Assist park with
- A taste of Christmas Past
- County Fair Exhibit
- Wildlife Expo Exhibit
- Freedom Fiesta Float (July 4th parade)
Research history and develop display for interpretive center at park
Assist with historical lighting display that demonstrates how lighting has been used and how it has changed over history
Assistance maintaining our Living Laboratory display
Monarch Watch
- Opportunity for students to tag butterflies for the Monarch Watch program using our park Monarch Roost
Assist with our Living History Camp
- 19th century medicines
- herbal remedies
- folk medicine
- home remedies
Planting tree break
- park is developing a portion of the park into an 1850's time period
- Park needs a tree break to separate the 1850's section from the rest of the park. Students could research the best type trees for this purpose and submit ideas to park
- Students could participate in the planting of trees
- Construction of rail fence
Book drives
- Students could collect old books and create a library for the park
- Research and make historic toys and games used in your area of Texas
- Newspaper research on leisure time and daily living activities in your area of Texas
- Marketing research-interviews, oral histories, and analysis on Historic House museums in the community
- Recent floods took out 80% of our park's trees. Conduct experiments and data gathering on the effects of the flood (i.e. how native trees are adapted to floods where exotic's are not. Physics of flooding, erosion, and re-channelization.)
Development and implementation of historic herb garden
- Research and select appropriate historic herbs for herb garden
- Develop planting schematic
- Assist in locating plants and seeds
- Plant and maintain garden
- Write a brochure describing historic herbs
- Provide on-site interpretation to site visitors
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accessibility
- Video tape or slide show of historical house for ADA and outreach use
- Construction of benches and ramps
- Productions of Audio Tape Tour
Exhibition development
- Regional building types
- Architecture and construction
- How and why did people live the way they lived
- 19th century environment of area
Develop time period gardens
- implement garden construction
- research plants and gardens used at the historic site
- conduct ongoing maintenance of gardens
Nature Studies
- Species of birds present in the area year-round or seasonally. Students could use information to develop methods of attracting more birds to the park
- Trash pick-up and ecological studies of the impact of trash upon native flora and fauna
- Make watercolor pictures of native flora and fauna found in park